AR-Pantaleon-Fernando-2023 (10thDRC)

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Acceptability Level of

Senior High School

Localized Work
Immersion Workbook

John Kelvin SL. Pantaleon

Neil SM. Fernando

For inquiries, contact us thru:

BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Context and Rationale
One of the goals of the present educational
produce a localized or
system is to
contextualized curriculum to best
fit with the learners as according to Republic
Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013 Section 5, “the Department of
Education shall adhere to the following standards and
principles in developing the enhanced basic education
curriculum: (d) the curriculum shall be contextualized
and global; and (h) the curriculum shall be flexible
enough to enable and allow schools to localize,
indigenize and enhance the same based on their
respective educational and social contexts.
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Context and Rationale
One alarming issue is that there are
employers who are still unsure on hiring K-12
graduates wherein the implementation of the K-12
program has not significantly raised the hiring
chances of them. A jobs portal reported on
Jobstreet’s which tracked job postings and results of
a survey of employers, found 35 percent of the
respondents saying they were not ready to employ
graduates of the extended basic education program.
Forty-one percent of the respondents said they were
undecided about hiring K-12 graduates and just 24
percent replied “yes”. Employers, however, “can only
claim to have some knowledge” of the program based
on a self-assessment, Job street (2018).
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Context and Rationale
The researchers were motivated to focus on this
type of study because the validated instructional
material such as localized workbook will be a
great help in making the teaching and learning
process more interesting. This will serve as a
main material in the enhancement of
the students’ skill in working. The earlier
cited observation and constraints in the teaching-
learning environment make this study truly imperative.
The researchers also believe that the use of
workbook in Work Immersion will
contribute to the increase on the level
of performance of the students in the
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Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
said learning area. Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Action Research Questions
This study aimed to validate the acceptability level of Localized Work
Immersion Workbook. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of the developed

Localized Work Immersion Workbook with respect to:
1.1. objectives;
1.2. content;
1.3. learning activities;
1.4. presentation and organization; and
1.5. usefulness?
2. What enhancements may be integrated for the
improvement of the Localized Work Immersion Workbook?

For inquiries, contact us thru:

BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy
The study would like to determine and
evaluate the acceptability level of Localized
Work Immersion Workbook for utilization in
the teaching and learning process under Work
Immersion learning area for Grade 12 at Baras-
Pinugay Integrated High School. The validation of the
instructional material was done during the last phase
of 4th Quarter of the school year 2022-2023.
Production of the portfolio was based on
the observation of the researchers, that
students hard to understand some concepts and
theories of the subject, difficulty on arranging and
transferring ideas into reality, and local issues about
employment after graduating from K-12 level.

For inquiries, contact us thru:

BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy
One functioning cause of
localized workbook is that, it is meant
to make education learner-oriented
and authentic. Therefore, if education
can be made easier through taking
independent and responsible with his
own learning, those portfolios will
teach us goals, rules, adaptation,
problem solving and interaction, all
as represented by a story. These
steps must be analyzed and be given an
opportunity to succeed.
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Action Research Methods
A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

focus on the acceptability level

The study will
of the instructional material created by the teachers.
participant of this study are those
teachers handling Work Immersion subject and
considered as the teacher-respondents and/or
major source of data in the study will
be the scores from the adapted questionnaire-
checklist of the experts on how they perceived the
acceptability level of the material with respect to the variables
such as objectives, content; learning activities; presentation and
organization; and usefulness.
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Action Research Methods
B. Data Gathering Methods

The respondent of the study is

composed of 10 experts. The researchers
used descriptive design, this design allows
the researchers to analyze the data and to create
appropriate conclusion.
For the validation of Localized Work
Immersion Workbook, experts teaching the same
learning area were asked to validate the material
by answering the adapted questionnaire-
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Action Research Methods
C. Data Analysis Plan
The data will be analysts using the
following tool and/or technique:

To determine the level of

acceptability of the developed
workbook in Work Immersion as
perceived by the experts, mean was
used; and to determine and discuss the
enhancement that can be integrated for
the improvement of the material,
qualitative discussion was used.
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Discussion of Results and Recommendations
Composite Table on the Acceptability level of
Localized Work Immersion Workbook as
Perceived by the Expert
Aspect RespondentsMean VI
Objectives 4.76 VMA
Content 4.69 VHS
Learning Activities 4.71 VMS
Presentation and Organization 4.93 VMO
Usefulness 4.75 VMU
Grand Mean 4.77 VMAc

VMA – Very Much Attainable, VHS – Very Highly Sufficient, VMS – Very Much Suited, VMO –
Very Much Organized, VMU – Very Much Useful, VMAc – Very Much Acceptable
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Discussion of Results and Recommendations
Enhancement to be Integrated for the
Improvement of the Localized Work Immersion
Experts who validated the work immersion
portfolio convened that the instructional material
is student-centered that focused the needs of
the students and reachable by their own
capacity, it covers the required competencies in the
DepEd Curriculum Guide for Work Immersion that
makes the material highly recommended in
using in teaching-learning process.
However, some of the respondents advised to
utilize illustrations that will best fit to the topic this
may lead for better understanding of what is being
discussed in the paper, introduce more space for the
note-taking and reflection of the learners, and include
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL cleared instructions for every tasks and/or activities,
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
and last, used arial font style and 11 or 12 as size.
Based on the findings of the
study, it is concluded that (1) the
Localized Work Immersion
Workbook has the significant
features of an acceptable
instructional material and (2) the
localized portfolio needs
enhancement particularly on
the form, images and style of
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
presentation. For inquiries, contact us thru:
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Recommendations 1. The validated work immersion workbook may
be used by teachers who handle the same subject.
2. The validated workbook may be published,
disseminated and used by teachers in work immersion
to enhance students’ academic performance and to
elicit feedback for the improvement of the
instructional materials.
3. The developed workbook can still be revised in
the future to fit the skills and needs of the
4. Another study on the effectiveness on the
utilization of the validated workbook in work
immersion may be conducted for the improvement of
the workbook.
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Action Research Work Plan and Timeliness
ACTIVITIES Month Month Month Month
April May June July
1. Creating of localized workbook
2. Validation of instructional material
3. Data Gathering and Interpretation of
4. Finalizing of the paper
5. Enhancement of the instructional material

For inquiries, contact us thru:

BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
Plans for Dissemination and Utilization
DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES Month September Month October to Month Month June
December January to 2024
June 2024
1. School Learning Action Cell on the Utilization of Localized Work
Immersion Workbook (for teachers handling the same concern learning
2. Other schools’ benchmarking on the instructional material (Sharing
of best practices)
1. San Guillermo Integrated High School
2. Pantay Integrated National High School
3. Cardona Senior High School
4. Morong Senior High School
5. and others
3. Utilization of the instructional material
4. Research conference
5. Publication (research paper and instructional material)

For inquiries, contact us thru:

BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal
• 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV, Section 1. Retrieved March 5, 2018, from
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• Bonganciso, N. (2021). Overing Students’ Preference for Classroom Activities and Teachers’ Frequency of
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• Cayabyab, E. (2019) “Development and Validation of Module in Science VI Using Exploratory Approach”
Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Rizal System Morong
• Jobs in Philippines – SHS graduate employment - news | JobStreet. (2018). JobStreet.
• Manapat, L. (2017). Modules on The Elements of Résumé Style. Career Planning and Adult Development
Journal, 33(3), 47.
• Perez, E. (2020). Are students (and businesses) really learning on the job? On module?. The Manila Times.
• Republic Act No. 10533 | GOVPH. (2013, May 15). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
• San Andres, T.S. (2011). The Impact of Using Filipino Workbook 11. Published Research. ISSN-0730-3084
• Soriano, H. L. (2021). Improving the skills of college students using based instructional materials. Journal
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• Work Immersion Curriculum Guide. Retrieved from March 13, 2023, from
For inquiries, contact us thru:
BARAS PINUGAY INTEGRATED HIGH SCHOOL Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Baras Pinugay Integrated High School Official
Sitio Habitat, Pinugay, Baras, Rizal

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