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Presented to: Professor Kinza Amjad

Presented by: Neha Sajid
Aleeza Akbar
Sidra Batool

 Overview of the British computer

Society conduct of code IEEE code of

 Overview of the British computer system

 Computer Misuse and the criminal law
 Principles of code of ethics
 What is IEEE?
 IEEE codes of Ethics
Overview of British computer society
The British computer society is a professional body and a learned society that
represents those working in information technology and computer science both in
the united kingdom and internationally
Members : 82,000 in 151 countries
Founder : Maurice Wilkes
Founded : 1957
Computer Misuse and the Criminal Law
 The BCS code of conduct states that IT professionals should carry out their
professional responsibilities with due care and diligence in accordance with the
Relevant Authority’s requirements whilist exercising your judgement to at all
 observes by every BCS member it defines the characteristics we share as
practitioners serious about building are responsible computing profession .
 By signing up to the code you join BCS you show your commitment to working in
the public interest –you accept your professional duty .Its the every foundation of
our profession build upon everyday by the competence, integrity and diversity of
our members .
Computer Misuse and Criminal Law
The code comprises four key principle
1. You make IT for everyone :
working together to address issues in your profession and in wider society ,you want
everyone to have access to IT . You share what you know,uphold standards and conduct
yourself professionally and fairly at all times.
2. Show what you know ,learn what you don’t
You have integrity and show competence ,but you know you don’t know everything,
that’s why you continuously learn and grow and never take on task that you don’t have
the skills and resources to complete.
3. Respect the organization or individual you work for
You work with due care and diligence, acting in your client for company’s best
interests at all times. You take personal and collective responsibility for your
actions while maintaining discretion and ethical standards .
4. Keep IT real. Keep IT professional. Pass IT on
As a BCS member you’re an ambassador for the IT industry and use your voice
to help promote it positively to the world .You support your IT colleagues and
other members in their growth both personally and professionally.
What is IEEE?
 The institute of electrical and electronic engineers
 An international non-profit,professional organization
 Advancement of technology related to electricity and to electronic applications
 Formed in 1963 as a merger of AIEE ( American Institute of Electrical
Engineers ) and IRA ( Institute of radio Engineers)
 Worlds largest professional / Technical organization for advancement of
 IEEE membership requires follow IEEE code of ethics


Colleagues Public

Profession Reject bribery

Management Technology

Client and

 Code of Ethics
Software Engineers shall act consistently with the public interest.
Reject Bribery
Software engineers shall reject bribery in all its forms.
Software engineers need to improve the understanding of technology.
Client and Employer
Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interest of their client and
employer , consistent with the public interest .

Software engineers shall ensure that things related to software development are following
the respective standards.
Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their
professional judgement.
Software engineering managers and leaders should use ethical approach to the
management of software development and maintenance.
Software engineers shall maintain the reputation of the profession consistence
with the public interest.

Software engineers shall be fair and supportive of their colleagues 1 .Encourage
colleagues to follow code.

Software engineers shall participate in life long learning regarding the practice of
their profession.

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