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Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool

1. Imbecility
2. Senility

3. Dotage

4. Superannuation

2. That which cannot be corrected

1. Unintelligible
2. Indelible

3. Illegible
4. Incorrigible

3. The study of ancient societies

1. Anthropology
2. Archaeology

3. History
4. Ethnology
4. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning
4. Expert

5. Intellectual
6. Snob

7. Literate

5. A person who insists on something

4. Disciplinarian

5. Stickler
6. Instantaneous

7. Boaster

6. State in which the few govern the many

4. Monarchy

5. Oligarchy
6. Plutocracy

7. Autocracy

7. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge

4. Pedantic
5. Verbose
C. Pompous
D. Ornate

8. List of the business or subjects to be considered at a

8. Schedule
9. Timetable

10. Agenda
11. Plan

9. Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous

8. Evade

9. Evacuate

10. Avoid
11. Exterminate

10. A prima facie case is such

8. As it seems at first sight

9. As it is made to seem at first sight

10. As it turns out to be at the end

11. As it seems to the court after a number of hearings

11. A person pretending to be somebody he is not
11. Magician
12. Rogue

13. Liar

14. Imposter

12. A person who knows many foreign languages

11. Linguist
12. Grammarian

13. Polyglot
14. Bilingual

13. One who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness
11. Egoist
12. Fatalist

13. Stoic
14. Cynic

14. One who possesses many talents

11. Versatile
12. Nubile

13. Exceptional
D. Gifted

15.Words inscribed on tomb

A. Epitome

B. Epistle
C. Epilogue

D. Epitaph

•One who eats everything

15. Omnivorous
16. Omniscient

17. Irrestible

18. Insolvent

A.Malafide case is one

15. Which is undertaken in a good faith
16. Which is undertaken in a bad faith
• Which is undertaken after a long delay
A. Which is not undertaken at all
18. The custom or practice of having more than one husband at
same time
18. Polygyny

19. Polyphony
20. Polyandry

21. Polychromy

19. Tending to move away from the centre or axis

18. Centrifugal

19. Centripetal
20. Axiomatic

21. Awry

20. Teetotaler means

18. One who abstains from theft

19. One who abstains from meat

20. One who abstains from taking wine

21. One who abstains from malice

21. A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old
21. Antiquarian

22. Junk-dealer
23. Crank

24. Archeologist

22. A drawing on transparent paper

A. Red print

B. Blue print
C. Negative


23. One who is not easily pleased by anything

A. Maiden

B. Mediaeval
C. Precarious

D. Fastidious

24. A remedy for all diseases

23. Stoic

24. Marvel
25. Panacea
D. Recompense

25.One who is fond of fighting

A. Bellicose
B. Aggressive
• Belligerent Militant

•A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc.

25. Store
26. Stall

27. Boutique
28. Booth

A.That which cannot be read

• Negligible
• Illegible
• Ineligible
• Incorrigible

•In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense

25. Off balance
B. Depressed
C. Diffused

D. On tenterhooks

29. That which cannot be seen

A. Insensible

B. Intangible
C. Invisible

D. Unseen

30. To slap with a flat object

29. Chop

30. Hew
31. Gnaw

32. Swat

31. Habitually silent or talking

29. Servile
30. Unequivocal

31. Taciturn

32. Synoptic
32. One who cannot be corrected
A. Incurable
B. Incorrigible

C. Hardened

D. Invulnerable

33. Be the embodiment or perfect example of

32. Characterise
33. Idol

34. Personify
35. Signify

34. A person not sure of the existence of god

32. Cynic
33. Agnostic

34. Atheist
35. Theist

35. A paper written by hand

32. Handicraft
33. Manuscript

34. Handiwork
D. Thesis

36.The act of violating the sanctity of the church

36. Blasphemy

37. Heresy
38. Sacrilege

39. Desecration

•Something that can be heard

• Auditory
• Audio-visual
• Audible
• Audition

36.A name adopted by an author in his writings

36. Nickname
37. Pseudonym

38. Nomenclature
39. Title

37.Study of birds
36. Otology
B. Optology
C. Ophthalmology

D. Ornithology

40. A place that provides

A. Asylum
B. Sanatorium

C. Shelter

D. Orphanage

41. A child born after death of his

A. father
42. The absence of law and order
A. Rebellion
B. Anarchy
C. Mutiny

D. Revolt

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