Ch.2. Implication of The Holistic Understanding

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Implication of the
Holistic understanding: A look
at professional ethics
• The right understanding gained through self exploration also enables us to identify the
definitive of human conduct which may also called the ethical human conduct.
• Ethical human conduct is same for all human beings.
• Accordingly all debates and confusion about what is ethics for any one may be not ethical
for other.
• One of us want to have definite conduct but presently we may not able to ensure that. As of
now we are in the assumption which are not in consonance with the truth and right
• Human beings struggle to find out what is right conduct is and in the process, exhibiting a
wide variety of attributes.
• Human being will have debating unless they consider what is ethical. (Unless we don’t
have proper understanding we are not able to identify the definitive of ethical human
Definitiveness of ethical human conduct

• Values (Mulya): The participation of a unit in the larger order- its natural characteristic or Svabhava. They
are natural outcome and right understanding, which are always definite. Values needs not be imposed
through fear, greed, blind belief.
a) Values in self (Jivan Mulya):
1. Happiness (Sukha) : Definiteness of expectation (selecting/tasting) based on definiteness on thoughts
manifest as happiness.
2. Peace (Shanti):
3. Satisfaction (Santosh)
4. Bliss (Ananda)
• Values in Human – Human Relationship (Sam bandh Mulya)
1. Established value: (Sthapit Mulya)
2. Expressed value: (Shisht mulya)

• Values of Human Being in its participation (Manav Mulya):

i. Perseverance (Dhirata), Bravery (Veerta), Generosity (udarta) , Kindness (Daya), Beneficence (Kripa), Compassion (karuna)
• In human relationships with other human beings – 18
• Values
• Trust(Viswasa), Respect(Sammana), Affection (Sneha), Care(Mamata), Guidance(Vatsalya), Reverence(Shraddha), Glory( Gaurava),
Gratitude( Kritagyata), Love( Prema), Complimentariness(Soujanyata), Compliance (Souhardra), Commitment (Nista), Generosity(Udarata),
Spontaniety (Sahajata), Obedience(Pujyata), Ease( Saralata), Selfrestraint (Saumyata), Unanimity( Ananyata)
• Human beings in interaction with rest of the nature – 2
• Values
• Utility Value( Upayogita mulya), Artistic Value( Kala
• mulya)

• Values of human being in the interaction with the Rest of the nature (Vastu Mulya): The vastu mulya is the participation of
the human being with the rest of the nature.

i. Utility value (Upyogita Mulya)

ii. Artistic Value (Kala Mulya)


• Policy (Niti): It has been convinced about the values and about the inherent harmony in the existence. This is
the outcome of definiteness of my desire, thoughts, and expectation as guided by right understanding.

• In other words, the decision (Plan, program, implementation, result, evaluation) about the enrichment, protection
and right utilization of the resource (Self, body wealth- mana, tana and dhana)

 Thoughts of how to express (live with) human values.

 Developing ethical sense in my all pursuit.

 Definitiveness of desire, thoughts, and expectation(Selection)

 Plan program implementation, result, evaluation.

a) Economic Policy (Artha Niti) : The policy for enrichment of wealth.

b) Political policy (Rajya Niti) : The policy of protection of body and wealth

c) Policy for Universal Human Order (Dharma Niti): The policy for right utilization of Mind, Body & Wealth.
• Character (Charitra): Definitiveness of character is the outcome of the definiteness of my behavior and work.

a) Chastity in conjugal relationship in husband –wife (sva nari, sva purusa)

b) Rightful production, acquisition and utilization of wealth (sva dhana)

c) Kindness in behavior and work (dayapurna, vyavahar, karya)

• This definitiveness of human conduct in terms of values, policies and character is termed as Ethics.

• A human being with ethical human conduct coupled with requisite professional skills becomes a good professional like
a good doctor, a good teacher etc.

• Ethical conduct should be naturally acceptable to us and should not give rise to conflicts within.

• It should be in consonance with the right understanding of the reality.

• It should lead to mutual fulfillment with other people and mutual enrichment with rest of the nature.

• It should be self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-friendly and universal.

Development of human consciousness
• Right understanding helps the human beings to transform from animal consciousness to human consciousness.
• Self exploration leads to a development in our consciousness and brings about a change in our goals , priorities
and selection criteria.
• This brings about positive changes in the lives of human beings at the levels of individual, family, society and
Implication of value based living:
• At the level of Individual: Getting rid of frustration, depression, conflicts etc. and developing good health,
happiness and prosperity.
• At the level of Family: reduced family feuds, feeling of togetherness, the feeling to nurture others, living on the
basis of human consciousness and not on the basis of animal consciousness.
• At the level of Society: relationships get higher priority over physical facilities leading to increase in fearlessness
and mutual trust, differentiations based on the body, physical facilities, beliefs will get reduced, conflicts between
communities, nations, races etc. will get reduced, problems of naxalism, terrorism, war etc. will be solved, feeling
of undividedness will be developed leading to the fulfillment of the common human goal.
• At the level of Nature: Problems of pollution, resource depletion, ecological imbalance etc. will be solved, better
methods of farming and production will be found, aforestation will be done and animals will be protected from
being extinct.
Ability to identify the scope and characteristic of people and eco-friendly system
• Being a social animal we need to learn about rational use of resource that are provided by nature.
• We got advancement by the help of nature and is it loyal to treat nature like that, nature gave us everything but return we
• The environment in such a way that it couldn’t able to regain its own possible . It is our prime duty to bring back to its own
form. We need to figure out and solve the root cause of environment degradation.
• Environmental conciseness playing a growing role in production, planning , developing and controlling of manufacturing
process, and controlling of manufacturing process and technology should not support on the goal of high productivity, but should
also respond to the need of resource and energy conservation and pollution prevention.
• Eco-friendly production management: Eco- or environmentally friendly production management is the manufacturing product
with minimum exploitation of non-renewable resources and conserving natural resource.
• People friendly production management: People friendly production means making production available locally (organic) and
participating for the rational use of resources.
• Scope
• Sustainability
• Social Responsibility
• Efficiency
• Innovation
• Collaboration
People-Friendly Production Systems
• Human-Centric Design: People-friendly production systems prioritize the well-being and safety of workers.
They are designed to minimize physical strain, reduce repetitive tasks, and ensure ergonomic work
• Skill Development: These systems encourage skill development among workers. They promote training
programs and continuous learning to empower employees with new skills, which can enhance job satisfaction
and contribute to personal growth.
• Work-Life Balance: People-friendly systems support a healthy work-life balance. They aim to minimize
excessive working hours and provide flexible schedules or remote work options when feasible.
• Inclusivity: These systems focus on creating an inclusive workplace that values diversity and promotes equal
opportunities for all employees, regardless of their background, gender, or abilities.
• Employee Engagement: They foster open communication and involve employees in decision-making
processes. Feedback is valued and incorporated into system improvements.
Eco-Friendly Production Systems
• Resource Efficiency: Eco-friendly production systems aim to minimize resource consumption. They optimize
raw material usage, energy consumption, and water usage to reduce waste and environmental impact.
• Renewable Energy: These systems often incorporate renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or
hydropower to power their operations, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas
• Waste Reduction and Recycling: Eco-friendly systems implement waste reduction strategies and encourage
recycling and reuse of materials. This helps divert waste from landfills and conserves natural resources.
• Life Cycle Assessment: They consider the entire life cycle of products, from raw material extraction to
disposal, to assess their environmental impact and identify areas for improvement.
• Green Supply Chain: These systems extend their environmental focus to their supply chain. They
collaborate with suppliers who adhere to sustainable practices, ensuring that the entire production process
aligns with eco-friendly principles.
Eco-Friendly Management Models

• Environmental Compliance: Eco-friendly management models ensure compliance with environmental

regulations and standards. They prioritize legal and regulatory requirements related to pollution control,
waste management, and emissions reduction.
• Sustainability Reporting: These models involve transparent reporting of environmental performance. They
communicate efforts, achievements, and ongoing initiatives related to sustainability to stakeholders.
• Innovation for Sustainability: Eco-friendly management encourages innovation in product design,
manufacturing processes, and technologies that have lower environmental impact.
• Circular Economy: These models embrace the principles of the circular economy, which involves designing
products for longevity, reparability, and recyclability to minimize waste.
• Stakeholder Engagement: Eco-friendly management involves engaging with various stakeholders, including
customers, employees, investors, and communities, to gather input and foster support for sustainable

• The transition from the present state to a universal human order requires comprehensive and collaborative
approach that involves raising awareness and educating people, building partnership and network,
developing policies, investing in technology and innovation, promoting sustainability, supporting social
justice and equality and monitoring and evaluating progress.
• Key Strategies:
1. Awareness and Education: One of the most important strategies for promoting the transition to a
universal human order is to raise awareness and educate people about the benefits and importance of this
order. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, including public speeches, educational program
and media campaigns.
2. Collaboration and partnership: The transition to a universal human order requires collaboration &
partnership between governments, organizations, and communities. It is important to build strong network
and partnership that can facilitate the sharing of knowledge, expertise and best practices.
3. Policy development: The transition to a universal human order requires the development of policies that
promote sustainable development and support the well being of people and the environment. These
policies should be based on best practices and should be developed in collaboration with stakeholder.
• Investment in technology and innovation: Investing in technology and innovation is critical for promoting the
transition to a universal human order. This can be achieved through the development of new and innovative
technologies, the adoption of environmentally- friendly practices, and the continuous improvement of
existing system and processes.
• Promotion of sustainability: Sustainability is a key principle of universal human order, and it is important to
promote sustainable development in all sector of society. This can be achieved through the development of
new and innovative technologies, the adoption of environmentally- friendly practices, and the continuous
improvement of existing system and processes.
• Support for social justice & equality: The universal human order, and it is important to promote sustainable
development in all sector of society. This can be achieved through the use of renewable resources, energy
efficient technologies, and environmentally friendly practices.
• Monitoring & evaluation: The transition to a universal human order requires ongoing monitoring and
evaluation to ensure that the objectives of this order are being met. This can be achieved through the use of
performance metrics, regular reporting and independent evaluation.
As Socially and Ecologically responsible Engineers, Technologist & Managers
• The transition from the current state to a universal human values requires individual to adopt a socially and
ecologically responsible approach as engineers, technologist and managers.
• This involves integrating ethical principles into their work and decision making processes, considering the
impact of their action on society and the environment, & striving for sustainable solutions.
• It also requires individuals to continuously educate themselves and raise awareness about these issues
among their colleagues and communities.
1. Educate themselves on the principles of universal human order and how they can align their personal and
professional actions with these principles.
2. Evaluate their current practices and identify areas where they can make changes to be more socially and
ecologically responsible.
3. Develop a personal action plan that includes goals, strategies and metrics to measure progress.
4. Seek out opportunities to collaborate with link-minded individual & organization to scale their impact and
drive systemic change.
5. Continuously review and refine their approach, and share their experience and lesson learned with others to
inspire and support their efforts towards universal human order.
• The need for the transition from the present state to a universal human order is driven by the pressing global
challenges we face today such a climate change, inequality and social unrest.
• As engineers, technologist and managers, individual have the power to design and implement solutions that
address these issues.
• By adopting a socially & ecologically responsible approach, they can ensure that their work contributes to a
more sustainable and equitable world.
• The transition is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity and the planet, and it is up to individual to take
the lead in creating a better future for all.
• As socially & Ecologically responsible engineer, technologist and manager, the role of transition from the
present state to a universal human order at the individual level involves taking actions and making decisions
that align with the principles and values of a sustainable and equitable society.
• This may involves rethinking current practices, developing innovative technologies and processes, and
engaging with communities and stakeholders to ensure that the impacts of their work are positive and
contribute to all overall goal of a universal human order.
• Additionally, individual in these role may need to advocate for policy changes and systematic shifts to
support the transition and educate others about the importance of this efforts.

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