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Q.4,5 & 7
Eassy Type Questions
Q.1 What do you understand by organising? As a
manager of a reputed firm how you will organise
work effectively?
What are the Principles of Organising?
Discuss the defects in organising observed by
you, where you have visited & suggest for the
What do you mean by Office Organisation?
Explain principles of ideal organisation?
Meaning : “Is the arrangement of work through
division of activities and allocation of duties, authority
& responsibility .”
Organising is the allocating of the ‘total work’ to be
done among the work group, establishing the relative
authority & responsibility of each individual who is
placed incharged of each work component &
supplying the proper work environment
W- Work
E- Employee
R- Relation
E- Environment
Principles of Organisation:-
 Principle of Objective
 Principle of functional definition
 Principle of division of work
 Principle of authority
 Principle of responsibility
 Principle of co-equality of authority & responsibility
 Principle of span of authority
 Principle of delegation of authority
 Principle of unity of command
 Principle of balancing
 Principle of separation
 Principle of discipline
 Principle of leadership
 Principle of elasticity/flexibility
 Principle of simplicity
Organisation objectives are not well defined or
departmental objectives are not discussed with the
subordinates. The employees are working without
individual objectives of work
The functions involved in the achievement of objectives
are not determined clearly & not defined
Work is divided without following proper method.
Some work are ambiguous requiring various skills for
accomplishment & uneven division is practiced
What authority will be interrelated with respect to work
is not clearly defined
Employees are not defined with the responsibility of
their work
Disproportionate authority & responsibility is practiced
Span determined for the control of an officer are more
in number than the ideal span
Officers are reluctant to delegate power to their
One employee is to be controlled by many authority
Imbalanced utilization of resources to perform the work
Activities are complex & confusing
Employees are indisplined. Supervisor & group leaders
are not good leaders
The organisation structure is static. Keeping no
provision for addition or division when required
The organisation work is complex, difficult to
understand & ambiguous
Q.2 Define recruiting? What are the
sources of the office help & Discuss tools
for personnel selection?
With reference to your recent visit to an
office, explain recruiting concept and
explain in detail the ‘Recruiting Procedure’
adopted there?
It has four major aspects
Determination of present & future needs
Selection of sources
Evolution of selection process
Is the process to hire manpower for available work
Sources of office help:-
Persons recommended by the present employees
Past employees
Voluntary applicants
Employment agencies
Schools & Colleges
Institutions for the development of socially backward
Institutions for the development of physically handicapped
Labour contractors
Tools for Personnel Selection:-
Written test
Medical test
Physical test
Qualification & experience verification
Procedure of Recruitment:-
Written test, call letter
Conducting written test
Written test, merit list
Conducting interview
Final merit list
Sending appointment letters
Proper placement in respective department
Q.3 What is Delegation? Explain
weaknesses in the way of effective
What is Delegation? Give suggestions
to improve delegation of authority?
It is the process of transferring or conferring power
from one to another generally from higher level to
lower level
It is a process of assigning or handing over a part of
management work to others
Problems of Delegation:-
The apprehension (Scared) on the part of delegator to
Lack of trust in delegate
Lack of ability to coach & direct effectively
Conservative attitude
Desire to dominate
Lack of training in delegation
(Detailed explanation is requirecd)
Suggestions for effective Delegation:-
Delegate by result expected
Keep parity in authority & responsibility
Ensure unity of command
Maintain adequate communication
Give rewards for effective delegation
Establish proper control
Keep strong belief in delegation of authority
Help subordinates don’t criticize
Provide training
Realise need of delegation of authority
Q.4 What are the advantages of use of Office
Forms? Explain procedure of forms control?
Office form is printed piece of paper which provides
space for entering information that is to be conveyed
to others.
 It facilitates implementation of systems design
 Reduces cost of office operation
 Facilitates uniformity and standardization
 Preserves records
 Makes filing easy
 Facilitates electronic data processing
 Avoids duplication of work
 Uniformity in data collection
 Saves time
 Standardises office work
 Quick decision
 Provides records as an evidence
 Fixes responsibility
 Helps in merit rating
 Helps in job evaluation
 Helps in time planning
 Helps in manpower planning
 Simplify systems & procedure
 Expedites processing
 Reduces cost of operation
Procedure for control Office Form:-
Determine what is being accomplished
 Freeze all forms
 Appoint a form control unit
 List all forms in a form register
 Study & analyse
 Evaluate all unnecessary and obsolete forms
 Combine forms wherever possible
 Improve existing form
 Devise new forms wherever necessary
Corrective Measures:-
 Print & order reproduce forms
 Standardise form within the organisation
 Exercise effective control on a permanent basis
Q.5 Define Office Manual?
Explain its contains & method
adopted for preparation & its
It is a hand book containing information about the
organisation & orgnisational activities
It contains:-
Name & address of the organisation
Objectives & policies of the organisation
History of the organisation
Names & addresses of the promoters
Systems & procedures
Organisation structure
Rules & regulations
Service conditions
Job details
Financial positions
Future programmes
Machines & equipments operation techniques
Offers of the organisation
Preparation Procedure:-
List of subject to be covered
Write up
Key person opinion
Get the approval
Get the printed & required number of copies
Types of Office Manual:-
Policy Manual
Historical Manual
Systems & Procedure Manual
Rules & Regulations Manual
Multi Purpose Manual
Q.6 What do you mean by Budget? Explain
its types and its importance?
A budget is a device consisting of an orderly
arrangement of data, computed on guesses covering all
phases of an enterprise for a definite future period of
Budget Plan:-
Financial Budget Rs.
A] Income from Sales XXX
Sales Budget XXX
By Product XXX
By Territory XXX
a) A XXX
b) B XXX
c) C XXX
B] Other Income XXX
Investment, Royalties, Rents XXX
Total Income XXX
Cost of Raw Material XXX
Labour XXX
Direct Material XXX
Indirect Material XXX
Suppliers XXX
Factory overheads XXX
Rents XXX
Carriage/Cartage XXX
Fuel, Electricity, Energy XXX
Repairs & Maintenance XXX
Office Budget XXX
Salary & Wages XXX
Stationery XXX
General Administrative Exp XXX
Capital Expenses XXX
Advertising XXX
Net Income (Profit/Loss) XXX
Types of Budget:- OMOFPMS
Office Budget
Master Budget
Overhead Budget
Financial Budget
Purchase Budget
Material Budget
Sales Budget
Revision of Budget:-
Revising Budget By:-
Review of expenses
Allocation of resources for the changed estimates
Preparation of Budget
Importance of Budget:-
A budget is the device consisting of an orderly
arrangement of data on guesses
It is important for as:-
Planning control
Encourage various office activities
Help in decision making
Q.7 Explain means to control office work
Quantum of office work depends upon information
work contributed by all the units of an enterprise. It
increases when there is a season for the enterprise &
decreases in off seasons. Such increases or decreases in
office work is called as office work fluctuations
Means to control office work fluctuation:-
Part time help
Contributory work
Forming mobile units
Use of cycling
Calling service bureaus
Orderly flow of routing, scheduling & dispatching
Q.8 What do you mean by cost control?
What are the approaches to control cost?
Office Cost:-
The amount required to perform day to day operation
of business is known as office cost.
Cost Control:-
It has three fold meaning:-
Determine what is the actual expenditure
Compare it with accepted cost standards
Apply corrective measures
Use pertinent analyses & questions
Concentrate on the items offering the greater cost
Develop cost consciousness
Through Personnel:-
Proper selection & placement
Provide training
Eliminate overtime
Reduce absenteeism & tardiness
Raise job satisfaction & moral
Through Material:-
Important design
Forms control
Stationery control
Bulk purchasing
Minimise use of phones & internet
Use of notice board
Reuse of stationery
Through Machines & Equipment:-
Adequate mechanisation
Proper layout
Shifting & moving equipments
Proper handling
Lowering cost of operation
Through Finance:-
Take cash discounts
Time purchasing
Use of cost data
Through Methods:-
Simplify methods
Better layout
Proper circulation
Q.9 what do you mean by division of work? What are the
method of division of work? What are the different work
division arrangement at operative level?
It is one of the important functions of the organising. It facilitates
assignment of work in a size manageable to one individual
Following are the different work division arrangement at operative
By function
By process
By product
By territory
By project
By customer
By chronology
By subject
Division Arrangement:-
1 1
√ Credit Application
Serial 2
Inventory Check √ 2
Pricing 3 3

1 1 1
√ √ √
2 2 2
(Concurrent) √ √ √
3 3 3
√ √ √
Unit Assembly A
Credit Application
Q.10 What do you mean by standard & Office Standardisation?
State the advantages of standard & discuss the means to
establish time standard?
Standard is something that is established by either
custom or authority in order to judge such things as
the quality, performance & service of any factor used in
Means to express standard:-
Customary / Tradition
Written Specifications
Rules & Regulations
Advantages of using standard:-
Helps in managing
Provides common basis for understanding
Helps in securing co-ordination
Reduces waste
Encourage simplicity
Acts as stimuli to research
Increases productivity
Provides interchangeability of parts & machines
Makes mass production possible
Means to establish time standard:-
Subjective judgment
Past performance record
Work sampling
Standard time data
Stop watch study
Standard data form stop watch
The reporting activity system

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