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1. A 7.279 g sample of meat was analyzed

for its nitrogen content using Kjeldahl
Method. Upon digestion, the ammonia
liberated was collected in 250 ml of 0.855
H3BO3. The resulting solution was titrated
with 37.25 ml of 0.3122 M HCl. Determine
the % protein in the sample using 6.25 as
a factor for meat products
2. A sample of alfalfa meal weighing 2.0 g is
analyzed by Kjeldahl method for the
percentage of nitrogen. The liberated NH3 is
caught in a solution of H3BO3, and 8.23 ml of
HCl are required in the subsequent titration. A
sample of pure (NH4)2SO4 (132.12) weighing
0.61 g is treated with excess NaOH and the
liberated NH3 (17.04) is also caught in
H3BO3. The resulting solution requires 20 ml
of the acid for titration. Calculate the
percentage of protein in the sample using
6.25 as the factor.
3. The amount of protein in a sample of cheese
is determined by a Kjeldahl analysis for
nitrogen. After digesting a 0.9814-g sample of
cheese, the nitrogen is oxidized to NH4+,
converted to NH3 with NaOH, and distilled into
a collection flask containing 50.00 mL of
0.1047 M HCl. The excess HCl is then back
titrated with 0.1183 M NaOH, requiring 22.84
mL to reach the bromothymol blue end point.
Report the %w/w protein in the cheese given
that there is 6.38 g of protein for every gram of
nitrogen in most dairy products.
4. A sample containing the amino acid
alanine, CH3CH(NH2)COOH, plus inert
matter is analyzed by Kjeldahl method. A
2.00 g sample is digested, the ammonia is
distilled and collected in 50.0 ml of 0.150
M H2SO4, and a volume of 9.0 ml of 0.100
M NaOH is required for back titration.
Calculate the percent alanine in the

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