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Update of Native Plant Research and Activities

at the Great Basin Research Center, Ephraim,


Kevin Gunnell
Great Basin Research Center Project Leader
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Division of Wildlife Resources
Resource Goal
• Expand wildlife populations and conserve
sensitive species by protecting and
improving wildlife habitat
– Recognizes the importance of properly functioning
– This goal can be achieved by using native and/or
introduced plant materials.
Great Basin Research Center and
Seed Warehouse
• Short and Long Term Research
– Rangeland Management Techniques
– Long Term Vegetation Monitoring
• Plant Materials Development
– Great Basin Native Plant Project
• Restoration Equipment
– Maintenance and Repair
– Development of New Technology and Techniques
– Transport and Setup
• Seed Resources
– Bulk Ordering and Long Term Storage – Reduces Costs
– Custom Seed Mix Development
– Custom Mixing, Bagging
Range Trend Vegetation Monitoring
GBRC/GBNPP Native Forb Project
• Rangeland establishment research.
– Development of methods for increased establishment
of native forb species in rangeland settings.
• Cultural practices research.
– Development of protocols for establishment,
maintenance, and harvest for native seed production.
• Seed Increase.
– Increase from wildland collections for research and
distribution of native seed to commercial growers.
Ongoing Research
• N-sulate® Fabric Assessment Study
– Determine the effects of N-sulate® fabric on germination
and establishment of native forb species in a wildland
– Study established in 2009 and 2010 in 4 locations.
– Data collected 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years after treatment.
– Final 5 year data collection to occur summer 2015.
– Analysis and publication anticipated in 2016.
Ongoing Research
• N-sulate® Fabric Assessment Study
Mix 1 Mix 2
Scientific Name Seeded Rate (g) Scientific Name Seeded Rate (g)
Balsamorhiza sagittata 17 Agoseris grandiflora 4.5

Cleome serrulata 2.8 Agoseris heterophylla 1.9

Hedysarum boreale 21.3 Argemone munita 8.7

Linum perenne Appar 3.12 Heliomeris multiflora nevadensis 1.9

Lupinus argenteus 63.8 Lomatium nudicaule 28.4

Penstemon pachyphyllus 4.3 Nicotiana attenuata 0.4

Poa fendleriana 1.1 Thelypodium milleflorum 0.4

Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia 2.3

Ongoing Research
• Forb Seeding Methodology
– Evaluate native forb establishment in Wyoming big
sagebrush communities using four different pieces of
planting equipment: Truax drill, Lawson aerator, Dixie pipe
harrow, and Ely chain.
– Study established in 2008 and 2009 on 2 locations.
– Data collected 1 year, 2 years, and 6 years after treatment.
– Final 6 year data collection to occur summer 2015.
– Analysis and publication anticipated in 2016.
Ongoing Research
• Forb Seeding Methodology
Species Bulk PLS Seeds/ft2
lbs/ac lbs/ac
Sphaeralcea munroana 0.5 0.38 4.32
Linum perenne 1.0 0.90 6.04
Hedysarum boreale 1.0 0.77 0.60
Lupinus argenteus 1.5 0.55 0.27
Penstemon palmeri 0.5 0.39 4.86
Astragalus utahensis 0.6 0.39 2.03
Balsamorhiza sagittata 2.0 1.81 2.28
Penstemon eatonii 0.29 0.23 3.18
Crepis acuminata 0.16 0.10 0.48
Total 7.55 6.02 24.04
Ongoing Research
• Cushion Buckwheat Common Garden
– Analyze seed production of 11 native collected accessions
of cushion buckwheat (Eriogonum ovalifolium) and G1
production seed from those accessions to test if seed
production is a heritable trait. Evaluate drought tolerance
of the same accessions with a common garden planted on
the Desert Experimental Range.
– Established fall 2013.
– Survival, seed production, seed size, and seed viability
collected through summer 2015.
– Analysis and publication anticipated in 2016.
Ongoing Research
• Cushion Buckwheat Common Garden
Lot # Site Ecoregion
EROV-U11-2002 Sand Pass 13k Lahontan Sagebrush Slopes
EROV-U13-2002 Toano 13q Carbonate Woodland Zone
EROV-U20-2005 Crittenden Res. 13r Central Nevada High Valleys
EROV-U23-2005 Crittenden Res. 80a Dissected High Lava Plateau
EROV-U27-2005 Newcastle 13c Sagebrush Basins and Slopes
EROV-U28-2005 Jungo Road 13z Upper Lahontan Basin
EROV-U29-2005 Cobre 80a Dissected High Lava Plateau
EROV-U30-2004 Hwy 26 mm 280-281 12g Eastern Snake River Basalt Plains
EROV-U7-2002 Pequop Foothills 13p Carbonate Sagebrush Valleys
EROV-U8-2002 North Battle Mountain 13m Upper Humboldt Plains
EROV-U9-2002 Adobe Hill 13m Upper Humboldt Plains
Forthcoming Papers
• Seed Scarification Methods for Four Great Basin Lupine Species
Covy Jones, Mikel Stevens, Von Jolley, Bryan Hopkins, Scott Jensen, Dave Turner, Jason Stettler
– In review: Native Plants Journal

• Cultural Practices of Four Great Basin Lupine Species

Covy Jones, Mikel Stevens, Jason Stettler, Von Jolley, Bryan Hopkins
– To be submitted spring 2015

• Seed Production Trends of Great Basin Lupine Species

Jason Stettler, Covy Jones, Scott Jensen
– To be submitted summer 2015

• Treating Iron Deficiency Chlorosis in Great Basin Lupine Species

Jason Stettler, Kevin Gunnell, Scott Jensen
– To be submitted fall 2015

• Field Testing Species Distribution Models for Two Western Penstemon Species
Jason Stettler
– To be submitted summer 2015

• Climate Adaptation and Drought Tolerance of Globemallow Plantings at the

Desert Experimental Range
Jason Stettler, Covy Jones, Scott Jensen
– To be submitted summer 2015
Seed Increase
• Germination and Propagation Facilities
– Greenhouse, Drive-in Coolers, Incubators, and Shade
• 2 Farms
– Snow Field Station, Ephraim UT
• 26 Acres (20 irrigated, 6 unirrigated)
– Fountain Green, UT
• 20 Acres
• Specialized Equipment
– Planting, Maintenance, Harvesting, and Cleaning
Seed Increase
• Harvested 2014
– 12 species with 58 accessions
Species # of Accessions Location
Astragalus filipes 1 Ephraim
Crepis acuminata 3 Ft. Green
Crepis intermedia 3 Ft. Green
Cryptantha sp. 1 Ft. Green
Dalea ornata 1 Ephraim
Enceliopsis nudicaulis 3 Ft. Green
Ipomopsis aggregata 3 Ft. Green
Leymus cinereus 31* Ephraim
Linum lewisii 6 Ephraim
Lupinus arbustus 1 Ephraim
Lupinus sericeus 1 Ephraim
Penstemon pachyphyllus 4 Ft. Green

*Foundation source of UDWR Tetra Great Basin Wildrye selected release.

Accessions are pooled when harvested.
Seed Increase
• Harvested 2014
– 12 species with 58 accessions
• Seed Sown 2014-2015
– 2 species with 24 accessions

Species # of Accessions Location

Heliomeris multiflora nevadensis 5 Ft. Green

Penstemon pachyphyllus 19 Ft. Green

Seed Increase
• Stratification of Showy Goldeneye (Heliomeris
multiflora ssp. nevadensis)
– Cold stratification at 2.8 C for varying duration
– Germinated at 15 C dark
– Peak germination by 7 weeks

Control 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week
Cold Duration
Seed Increase
• Future Plans
– Expansion of UDWR Tetra Great Basin Wildrye foundation
seed field (Spring 2015).
– Role of increasing seed from wildland collections to
support further research and increase distribution of
native seed to commercial growers.
– Continued development of propagation, maintenance and
harvest protocols for increase species.
– Continued support and interest in native forb research.
Invitation for Collaboration and Research

• Focus on native species with high wildlife

Invitation for Collaboration and Research

• Focus on native species with high wildlife


Kevin Gunnell
GBRC Project Leader
435-283-4441 Ext. 205

Kevin Gunnell
GBRC Project Leader
435-283-4441 Ext. 205

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