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Beatitudes for People with Special Needs

BLESSED ARE YOU who take time to listen to difficult speech, for you help us to know that if we persevere we can be understood. BLESSED ARE YOU who walk with us in public places, and ignore the stares of strangers, for in your friendship we feel good to be ourselves.

Beatitudes for People with Special Needs

BLESSED ARE YOU who never bid us to "hurry up" and, more blessed, you who do not snatch our tasks from our hands to do them for us, for often we need time rather than help. BLESSED ARE YOU who stand beside us as we enter new and untried ventures, for our unsuredness will be outweighed by the times when we surprise ourselves and you.

Beatitudes for People with Special Needs

BLESSED ARE YOU who help us with the graciousness of Christ, for often we need the help we cannot ask for. BLESSED ARE YOU when, by all things, you assure us that what makes us individuals is not our particular disability or difficulty but our beautiful God-given personhood which no handicapping condition can confine.

Beatitudes for People with Special Needs

REJOICE AND BE EXCEEDINGLY GLAD for your understanding and love have opened doors for us to enjoy life to its full and you have helped us believe in ourselves as valued and gifted people.


What is ADHD???
Attention Deficiency Hyper-activity Disorder


Often does not give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities. has trouble keeping attention on tasks or play activities. does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions).

Often Often Often

Hyperactivity or Often fidgets with hands or feet

squirms in seat. gets up from seat when remaining in seat is expected. runs about or climbs when and where it is not appropriate (adolescents or adults may feel very restless). has trouble playing or enjoying leisure activities quietly. often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor". 4/28/12

Often Often

Often Is

Often Often Often

blurts out answers before questions have been finished. has trouble waiting one's turn. interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games). symptoms that cause impairment were present before age 7 years.


Often Often Often

blurts out answers before questions have been finished. has trouble waiting one's turn. interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games). symptoms that cause impairment were present before age 7 years.


Based on these criteria, 3 types of ADHD are identified


Combined Type: if both criteria 1A and 1B are met for the past 6 months


Predominantly Inattentive Type: if criterion 1A is met but criterion 1B is not met for the past six months Predominantly HyperactiveImpulsive Type: if Criterion 1B is met but Criterion 1A is not met for the past six months. 4/28/12


Withholding Token

Privileges Contracting

Economy Control and Backward Chaining Rehearsal

Contingency Stimulus

Prompting-Thinning-Fading Forward Journal



Step by Step Guide to ADHD Child Discipline

1. 2. 3.

Dont forget the nature of ADHD children. When you discipline an ADHD child, be patient. Be consistent in rules you develop for your child.


Step by Step Guide to ADHD Child Discipline


Demonstrate new or difficult tasks, using action accompanied by short, clear, quiet explanations. When you are correcting ADHD behavior, dont allow anyone to interfere.


Step by Step Guide to ADHD Child Discipline

6. 7. 8.

ADHD child discipline must be serious. Do not pity, tease, be frightened by or overindulge your child. When disciplining ADHD children, avoid a ceaselessly negative approach: Stop. Dont. No.


Step by Step Guide to ADHD Child Discipline


Give him encouraging remarks enclosing the message that you want to actually deliver. Dont make false promises of rewards. Instead actually reward him when he does well.



Step by Step Guide to ADHD Child Discipline

11. It is important to ask for his choices, his preferences. For instance, "when will you be free for homework? Ok Ill wait for that time." Tell him in a respectful way that you dont like it when people, neighbors and teachers complaint to you. "You are such a capable child, why dont you show it to the world."



Scouting Team Lego,


blocks, jigsaws, woodcrafts and mosaics Swimming class, dance or music classes


How to deal with ADHD


the experts: parents, previous teachers, specialists, guidance counselors, psychologist. a sense of humor! high self-esteem: be friendly, respect opinions, provide immediate feedback, give reinforcement for any improvement. control: be consistent, follow definite rules, discipline offenses immediately, offer explanations for 4/28/12




How to deal with ADHD


academic improvement: allow for flexibility in amount of time needed to complete a project, offer alternatives to writing (ex. typing), establish small tasks leading up to the completed project, break it down. activities to accommodate student's fluctuating energy levels: intermix high and low energy activities throughout the day, send student on errands if he or she has energy to burn, encourage active ways of answering questions during discussions. organizational tools: create



How to deal with ADHD


academic improvement: allow for flexibility in amount of time needed to complete a project, offer alternatives to writing (ex. typing), establish small tasks leading up to the completed project, break it down. activities to accommodate student's fluctuating energy levels: intermix high and low energy activities throughout the day, send student on errands if he or she has energy to burn, encourage active ways of answering questions during discussions. organizational tools: create



How to deal with ADHD


success: use stickers, post points on a chart, shake hands, smile, use verbal praise. group work: encourage problem solving, teamwork, and cooperation. the student's attention: eye contact, give short, easy-to-understand instructions, insist that students repeat back information, use non-verbal cues to quite the students such as raising a hand or blinking the lights, give private cues that student is off-task such as a hand on their shoulder.

Utilize Grab

Teachers Offer

must be energetic and enthusiastic in regards to the task at hand. activities in which the child excels. This builds self-esteem. a calm, structured, and positive environment. Be firm, patient, and consistent. Modify assignments and activities to match their learning styles and abilities.



Modify Offer

assignments and activities to match their learning styles and abilities. opportunities for rest and relaxation for both teacher and student. tasks clearly and number them in order of priority. daily routines. positive relationships with the

Organize Develop



the students for positive and desired behavior. 4/28/12

TIPS in dealing with adhd

minimize provide keep

distractions by putting the child's desk close to yours and in a quiet place a strict routine and have small segments of work followed by breaks a chart that tracks the student's tasks to keep him/her focused ask the child to repeat oral instructions



TIPS in dealing with adhd


your expectations and the student's workload; realize that sometimes students with ADD cannot do the same amount of work as other students the student on how to make friends and how to play appropriately with others on only dealing with the serious behavioral problems so that the student does not become overwhelmed a behavioral chart and reward the student for good behavior




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