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Public Speaking:

Introduction of a speech Techniques to make an outstanding intro

Prepared by Mehedi Kayser Pabitra American International University, Bangladesh

The Introduction of a Speech Remember that first impression is always important. In an introduction of a speech we include the following three components: Get the attention and the interest of the audience Reveal the topic of your speech Preview the body of speech

Topic : I will ban coke in my life

Case statement:

Introduction: Attention Material

Credibility Material :

1. Relate the topic to the audience:

People give attention to things that affect them directly: Find the better one: (Topic: Collecting Postcards) Today I am going to talk about collecting postcards- a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I have this hobby. I will tell you the stages to start this hobby and how you can keep going on with this. Its Saturday morning and you have no school. After working a while to clean out your grandmothers attic, you have just found a box of hundreds of postcards of her time. Think what you will do. Will you throw them away to the bin or save your next semester's tuition fee?

Take a moment and think of the three closest persons in your life. Who come to your mind: Your father, mother and your sister. Now Whom do you want to lose in a road accident next month? I know this is not a pleasant thought but according to the bureau of statistics, every 1 member in 10 families gets injured or dies in a year in this country. Welcome to my presentation. I am going to talk about road accident that occurs in Bangladesh at random. Nobody is safe from it. 3. Arouse the Audiences interest: It is not the most common disease. It is not AIDS. It is not incurable. But it is the most harmful thing that you should never like to have. What is this? This is . Poor Self esteem

2. Startle the Audience (Topic is Road Accident)

The previous three strategies are certainly very effective to add some attention arousing material to your introduction, but remember that you must make sure that you make a connection between the topic and your additive material in the first one minute and thirty seconds of your speech. Now lets look at the number 4 strategy: 4. Question the Audience: Asking a rhetorical question sets your ground Can anyone among you tell me what it feels like to be a victim of racial discrimination? How many of you have seen Begin with a

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