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Introduction, need for performance Monitoring, objective, Controllable and uncontrollable parameters, Basic requirements


By M.K.Jha, deputy Director, NPTI Certified Energy Auditor, M.Tech( Energy Studies), IIT Delhi B.O.E.(Class-I)

Introduction Need Objective Basic requirement

"If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it." Lord Kelvin (1824 - 1907)

Standard Terms

Heat rate (energy efficiency)

Thermal efficiency

Capacity factor

Load factor

Economic efficiency

Operational efficiency

Heat Rate (Energy Efficiency)

Overall thermal performance or energy efficiency for a power plant for a period can be defined as

hr = H / E


hr = heat rate (Btu/kW, kJ/kW)

H = heat supplied to the power plant for a period (Btu, kJ)

E = energy output from the power plant in the period (kWh)

Thermal Efficiency

Thermal efficiency of a power plant can be expressed as

te = thermal efficiency (%)

te = (100) * [Heat SuppliedHeat Rejected]/Heat supplied


Capacity Factor

cf = (100) Pal / Prl


cf = capacity factor (%)

Pal = average load for the power plant for a period (kW)

Prl = rated capacity for the power plant (kW)

Load Factor

lf = (100) Pal / Ppl


lf = load factor (%)

Pal = Average load in a period(KW)

Ppl = peak load for the power plant in the period (kW)

Economic Efficiency

Economic efficiency can be expressed as

ee = C / E

where ee = economic efficiency (cents/kWh, euro/kWh,rupee/KWh ...) C = production costs for a period (cents, euro, ..)

E = energy output from the power plant in the period (kWh)

Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency can be expressed as

oe = (100) E/ E100%


eo = operational efficiency (%)

E = energy output from the power plant in the period (kWh)

E100% = potential energy output from the power plant operated at 100% in the period (kWh)

The Need
Ever increasing fuel costs , efficiency and performance are clearly key drivers as regards to profitability Limiting emissions and improving thermal efficiency is directly linked to reduction of emissions(GHG) which becomes obligatory and statutory requirement under environmental norms.

The Objective
Thermal power plants may be designed to operate in one operational mode but more likely for flexible operation under different configurations and part load conditions. Each operating configuration is therefore likely to present different performance issues. Each Operator is obliged to deliver efficient plant performance, seek the most efficient utilisation of fuel and utilise appropriate maintenance to achieve these targets.

Basic requirement

About Testing
There is no better way to establish how a plant is performing than to carry out a properly arranged and supervised performance test and it is best carried out when plant is New Under Annual Shutdown Under Breakdown Maintenance

Test Codes and Procedures

Appropriate performance test codes need to be Chosen Choices to be made between various international codes Analytical performance test models has to be developed prior to the start of testing The installation of special test instruments and calibration of a selected number of permanent plant instruments

The test procedures will also form the basis of future plant testing.

Performance Assessment
Extensive discussions,

on-line fuel chromatography

Document reviews

Fuel analysis and measurement

Performance records


Assist in predicting and enhancing plant performance

Advances in technology are continuously appearing

Must be economically justifiable




High efficiency is good for economy and Environment High efficiency is in line with core business electricity industry reducing emissions (protection environment), conservation of fuels (preservation of resources)



Energy Modesty + Energy Efficiency + Renewable Energy Exactly in this order of priority India has approximately 1% of worlds energy resources but it has 16% of world population


PF Improvement

Load Factor Improvement

Efficiency Improvement

Operational Practices

Retrofit Measures


Provision of digital energy meters that hooks up to a centralized computer in the MCR for real time monitoring of energy generation & consumption. All major HT equipments Turbo Generator Major Feeders in the plant Export feeders

This system is useful for Analyzing auxiliary consumption, Reducing idle running of equipments Performance monitoring of equipments and optimizing operations.

Performance Monitoring
Coal parameters influence the performance of combustion and steam generation equipments. Guiding information on mill capacity variation, combustion air modification and flue gas volume regulation have to be procured and suitable operational modification done accordingly.

Performance Monitoring
New method for estimation of excess air by incorporating coal parameters has to be explored. That amount of excess air has to be converted to the corresponding value of O2 % in flue gas for the ease of concerned operator.

Performance Monitoring
Inevitable effect on condenser vacuum due to variation in cooling water temperature has to be determined, and compared with actual to determine avoidable loss of condenser vacuum, which can be minimized by practicing the suggested remedies.

Performance Monitoring
Boiler blow downs are proposed to be modified in accordance with the authentic operation guide lines and sample tests for total dissolve solids.

Performance Monitoring
Indian boilers are highly susceptible for flue gas erosion, quantitative changes to which due to variation in various input and operating conditions have to be estimated and remedial measures should be proposed.

Performance Monitoring
Flue gas exhaust temperature minimization means and methods have to be investigated and proposed.

Performance Monitoring
These things apart, Balance of plant along with auxiliary power consumption must be placed on the radar for performance monitoring and best practices for them must be adopted in right earnest.

Thank You

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