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Weekly Meeting Package

1 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Weekly Topic – Planning and Risk Management

The key step to performing any task successfully is to plan the task successfully.

In order to plan the task successfully you need to:

1. Have the right tools to facilitate planning the task.
2. Have the competence to use the tools.

WDI has many tools for planning our tasks including:

• Daily Rig Operations Meetings
• SOPs
• JHAs
• Pre-task Toolbox meetings/Take 5s
2 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.
Weekly Topic – Job Hazard Analysis

What is a JHA?

A JHA is a risk assessment/planning tool.

When should a JHA be used?

Prior to starting the job.

Who should be present for a JHA?

All personnel who will be involved in the


3 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Weekly Topic – Job Hazard Analysis

Step 1 – Outline the steps in the job. An existing TRA or SOP can help define these.

Lets look at a JHA for a Sandblasting job:

1. Hold pre-task safety meeting with all men

involved in the task and review the JHA
2. Cover all parts with masking tape which are not
to be sand blasted & isolate & lock out equipment.
3. Check all parts of blaster machine &
function test same.
4. Fill up sand in hopper of the machine
using screen.
5. Barricade the working area & place sign

6. Don the required PPE.

7. Painter to start sand blasting the


4 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Weekly Topic – Job Hazard Analysis

Step 2 – Identify the hazard at each step of the task.

*The hazard(s) is for that specific step.

1. Hold pre-task safety meeting with all men Missed step in analysis.
involved in the task and review the JHA
2. Cover all parts with masking tape which are not Damaged to sensitive
to be sand blasted & isolate & lock out equipment. equipment.
3. Check all parts of blaster machine & Hose under pressure hit
function test same. someone & injured.
4. Fill up sand in hopper of the machine Sand inhaled or getting
using screen. into eyes.
5. Barricade the working area & place sign Hand cut by sign board.

6. Don the required PPE. Wrong PPE for the job.

7. Painter to start sand blasting the Loss of balance while

equipment. sandblasting.

5 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Weekly Topic – Job Hazard Analysis

Step 3 – Identify what control need to be in place to control the hazard(s) for that step.

1. Hold pre-task safety meeting with all men Missed step in analysis. Use proper JHA format
involved in the task and review the JHA and review SOP steps.
2. Cover all parts with masking tape which are not Damaged to sensitive
to be sand blasted & isolate & lock out equipment. equipment. Follow LOTO procedure.

3. Check all parts of blaster machine & Hose under pressure hit Wear PPE while testing
function test same. someone & injured. and secure hose.
4. Fill up sand in hopper of the machine Sand inhaled or getting
using screen. into eyes. Wear mask and goggles.
5. Barricade the working area & place sign Hand cut by sign board. Wear gloves while placing
board. sign.
6. Don the required PPE. Supervisor to verify PPE
Wrong PPE for the job.
is correct for job.
7. Painter to start sand blasting the Loss of balance while Ground to be clear of
equipment. sandblasting. obstacles. Levelled as

6 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Weekly Topic – Job Hazard Analysis

Step 4 – Identify who is responsible for that step and for ensuring the controls are in place
to mitigate the hazards for that step.

1. Hold pre-task safety meeting with all men Missed step in analysis. Use proper JHA format
and review SOP steps. Senior Tool pusher.
involved in the task and review the JHA
2. Cover all parts with masking tape which are not Damaged to sensitive Senior Mechanic/
Follow LOTO procedure.
to be sand blasted & isolate & lock out equipment. equipment. Electrician.
3. Check all parts of blaster machine & Hose under pressure hit Wear PPE while testing
function test same. someone & injured. and secure hose. Senior Mechanic.
4. Fill up sand in hopper of the machine Sand inhaled or getting Wear mask and goggles.
using screen. into eyes. Assistant Driller.
5. Barricade the working area & place sign Hand cut by sign board. Wear gloves while placing
board. sign. Assistant Driller.
6. Don the required PPE. Supervisor to verify PPE
Wrong PPE for the job. Assistant Driller.
is correct for job.
7. Painter to start sand blasting the Loss of balance while Ground to be clear of
equipment. sandblasting. obstacles. Levelled as Assistant Driller.

7 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

Weekly Topic – Job Hazard Analysis

Step 5 – Check that the required control are in place before commencing the job.

1. Hold pre-task safety meeting with all men Missed step in analysis. Use proper JHA format Senior Toolpusher.
involved in the task and review the JHA and review SOP steps.
2. Cover all parts with masking tape which are not Damaged to sensitive Senior
Follow LOTO procedure.
to be sand blasted & isolate & lock out equipment. equipment. Mechanic/Electician.
3. Check all parts of blaster machine & Hose under pressure hit Wear PPE while testing
Senior Mechanic.
function test same. someone & injured. and secure hose.
4. Fill up sand in hopper of the machine Sand inhaled or getting Wear mask and goggles. Assistant Driller.
using screen. into eyes.
5. Barricade the working area & place sign Hand cut by sign board. Wear gloves while placing Assistant Driller.
board. sign.
6. Don the required PPE. Supervisor to verify PPE
Wrong PPE for the job. Assistant Driller.
is correct for job.
7. Painter to start sand blasting the Loss of balance while Ground to be clear of
Assistant Driller.
equipment. sandblasting. obstacles. Levelled as

8 © 2014 Weatherford. All rights reserved.

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