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Course: English 10


 Berrocal Barboza, Brijith

 Suárez Ramírez, Leidy

L: Hi, Brijith, long time no see!
B: Hi Leidy, How are you doing?
L: I’m fine, busy with work recently, and you? It’s good t osee you
B: I’m Good, thanks, studying every day.
L: OH. What did you do yesterday?
B: Yesterday, we went (My mother and I) to that new Italian restaurant last night.
L: What did you have?
B: In this restaurant they had varieties of Italian dishes.
L: What is the name of the restaurant?
B: The restaurant is “Milano Duomo”
L: What dish do you recommend?
B: Yesterday I ordered a marinara pizza, very delicous.
L: I would have liked to accompany you yesterday, but I had a lot of work at the
B: Dont’worry. And where did you have dinner yesterday?
L: Yesterday I had dinner at a restaurant near my house, I ordered spaghetti, very
delicous too.
B: I hope we can go to a restaurant later

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