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English II

Lic. Yliana Villacís Lascano, M.Sc.
Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.1 Grammar: He was an Ecuadorian painter

Learning Objective: To

The uses of the past of the verb be

Subject + past of verb be + complement (Affirmative statement)

Subject + past of verb be + not + complement (Negative statement)

Past of verb be + Subject + complement? (Interrogative statement)

Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.

Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.1 Grammar: He was an Ecuadorian painter

Past of verb Be

Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.

Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.1 Grammar: He was an Ecuadorian painter

1. Was Guayasamin born in Guayaquil city? No, he was not. He was born in
Quito city.

2. Was Guayasamin a painter? Yes, he was a good painter

Short Answers:
Yes, I was…. Yes, she/he/it was…………
No, I was not (wasn’t) No, she/ he/it was not (wasn’t)
Yes, you/we/they were No, you/we/they were not (weren’t)
Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.
Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.2 Vocabulary: Learning is fun

Learning Objective: To ENGLISH SPANISH

Classroom Salón de clases
Subjects Asignaturas
Board Pizarra
Eraser Borrador
Pen Bolígrafo
Pencil Lápiz
Boardmarker Marcador
Math Matemáticas
Social Studies Estudios Sociales
Science Ciencias
Grammar Gramática
Professor Docente Universitario
Teacher Profesor
Principal Rector
Students Estudiantes
Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.
Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.2 Vocabulary: Learning is fun

What was your favorite subject?
My favorite subject was Math
What subject did you hate?
I hated Social Studies
Were you a good student?
Yes, I was. I got good grades.
Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.
Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.3 Reading: I am sick

Learning Objective: To
Bobby Zambrano was very quiet as Dr. Loor examined him. The doctor looked at the boy’s throat, took his temperature and listened to his heart. Finally, he asked
Bobby’s mother a few questions.
“When did Bobby begin to feel ill?”
“This morning when he got up. He said he felt too sick to go to school today”
“What did he eat for breakfast?”
“He had orange juice, two pieces of buttered toast, dry cereal, and milk”
“I see” The doctor asked Bobby, “How do you feel now, my boy?”
Bobby answered, “Terrible. I think I’m going to die.”
The doctor said, “You won’t die. In fact, you’ll be fine by dinner time”
“Oh, Doctor¡ Do you really think so? Bobby’s mother looked very glad.
Dr. Loor answered, Mrs. Zambrano, your son has a sickness that is very common to boys at a time like this. It comes and goes very quickly.”
Mrs. Adams said, “But I don’t understand.”
“Today,” the doctor told her, “the most important soccer game of the year is on television. If Bobby feels well enough to watch television this afternoon, and I
think he does, he will be fine when the game is finished. It’s the only cure I know for this sickness. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go across the street to see the
Moreira’s boy, Alfredo. He seems to have the same thing Bobby has today.”
Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.
Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.3 Reading: I am sick

Read the text and choose the correct answer for these questions:

How did Dr. Loor examine Bobby?

a. Dr. Loor looked at his throat.

Reading: Exercises
b. Dr. Loor watched his eyes.
c. Dr. Loor looked at his body.
d. Dr. Loor took his pressure. Read the text and choose TRUE or FALSE:

Answer is letter a. a. Bobby had a cup of coffee for breakfast. (TRUE / FALSE)
b. Dr. Loor told Bobby “you will die”. (TRUE / FALSE)
c. Dr. Loor talked with Bobby’s mother. (TRUE / FALSE)
d. Dr. Loor said “Bobby has a very common sickness. (TRUE / FALSE)


Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.

Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4
4.3 Reading: I am sick

1. Read a part of the reading, then complete the correct word in the gaps
Use the words to fill the gaps. Usa las palabras para llenar los espacios.
Dr. Loor said “the most important 1.________ is on 2.________ if Bobby feels well enough to watch television this
3._______ I think he does, he will be fine when the game is 4._________Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go across the
street to see the Moreira’s boy 5._______ He seems to have the same thing Bobby has today.


Answers: 1. Soccer game; 2. TV; 3. Afternoon; 4. Finished; 5. Alfredo

Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.
Inglés II
UNIT 1 Lesson 4

Professor: Lic. Yliana Villacís, M.Sc.

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