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School Days

Creted By Melik
School Days

School days are unforgettable times of

our childhood. In this section, I will
give you information about school life,
our teachers, our curriculum, our
school activities and our student
achievements. I will also share the
history of our school and contact
About Our School

Our school is an educational

institution that offers modern
educational opportunities to its
students. With its comfortable
classrooms and experienced
teachers, it contributes to the
academic and personal
development of students. Their
goal is to prepare our students for
the future and inspire them
Our teachers

Our teachers working at our

school are passionate
educators who specialize in
their subjects and empathize
with their students. They
help and guide our students
to discover their potential.
• About teacher's working

They use creative

methods to make our
students' learning more
fun. They direct them to
inspiring projects and
develop their thinking
Our school's history

Our school was founded in 1974 and

has educated many generations since
then. We are proud to have a long-
established history and we continue to
adhere to our traditions. Our school
aims to use modern educational
methods while transmitting our values
to our students at the same time.
Our Courses and

Various courses are offered at our

school for our students to be
successful in every field. They help
children develop all their abilities
with various courses such as
science, mathematics and foreign
languages. Our curriculum is
organized in accordance with the
interests and needs of students.
Our School Activities

• Football tournament

With the Football Tournament

organized among our students, they
spread the sports culture and encourage
• Art exhibition

They organize events with

the opportunity to
demonstrate the artistic
talents of our students.
They revive the school's art
environment with
interesting exhibitions and
• Excursions

They organize various trips with the aim

of exploring the culture of our students
and improving their social skills. They
offer the opportunity to get acquainted
with historical and natural beauties.
Student achievements

• Academic achievements

Students achieve great success in the

academic field under the guidance of
their teachers. The achievements of
students are highly appreciated and
they are congratulated.
• Participation in events

Students of our school

actively participate in
various activities such
as sports competitions,
drama and music
events. They attract
attention with their
performances exhibited
at these events.
After school life, university is one of
the most important stages for young
people, both in terms of education and
personal development. They
experience a great sense of freedom
by choosing a department that suits
their interests, making new friends,
and developing an independent
Created by Melik
Thanks for

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