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Road Map of

Branding &
“Setting Goals Is The First Step In Turning
The Invisible Into The Visible.”

Improvement in Web & Social Media Marketing
Cost Effective Marketing Tactics
Other Marketing Tactics
CSR Activities
Some Inhouse Changes
Improvement in Web & Social-Media Marketing
1. Cosmetic Changes On Website:- Home Page
• Increase Space Between Those Contents
• Remove Box Like Structure
• Add Career Option After Media & add Search
• Improved Product section by Grades &
Sizes(Mention all Grade, Sizes & Chemical
Compositions Including Image Representation)
• Improve Media Section Add Sub Section like
1 News articles
2 Advertisements
3 Event’s
4 Informational Blogs
5 Manufacturing Sit Photos & Videos
• In Background Video CCM Section Video Frame Has a
Lots of Vibration That Can Easily Distracted Users
• Add ‘Find Dealer Near Me’ Option on top of ‘Lets Chat!’
Both in Floating ways
• White Font Colour is Annoying to Users Eyes try Light
Blue colour
• Add Testimonials from Satisfied Customers

• Highlighted ‘Why To Choose Sangam Steel?’

Section Because of this Statement is Eye Catching
so design like pop-up like and provide support of
Graphical Images and Existing Provence Theoretical
About Page

• Need Change or Improvement in Steel Man Icon/Image add

• Change in Font Colour
• Add Mission & Vision Statement
• Clint Information
• Our Technology
• Add Certification like
1. Certificates
2. BIS Licenses
3. Collaboration
• Welcome Note
• Add Existing & Upcoming Projects
• Our Strength convert into Good Reasons to Choose Sangam Steel
Product Page

• Provide a Brief Description of Our All Products Along with its Chemical Composition & Size

• Remove this Section from Home Page and Add on the Product Page
as a Manufacturing Prosses
• Add All Major Proses like Steel Melting Shop, CCM, Rolling Mill,
Reheating Furnace, Cooling Rack, Production Capacity, QA QC and
highlight them Visually along with Application Statements

Media Page
• Improve Media Section Add Sub Section like :-
1 News articles
2 Advertisements
3 Event’s
4 Informational Blogs
5 Manufacturing Sit Photos & Videos(in pop-up format)
Add Career Page

• Add Career Page after Media Page

• It consist of organizational(Key Management)hierarchy &
team with Photo & details
• Add Selection Drives Photos, Business Talks photos,
Welcome video if we have

Contact Us

• Add some sub options like :-

Contact Details
Where to Buy
Customer Support
Frequently Ask Questions
Dialog Box of send Message/Quarry
• Upload E-Bucher
Cost Effective Marketing Tactics
• Organize a contest or a giveaway on website or social media platforms, where we ask people to submit their creative
ideas on how to use Steel TMT bar for different purposes, such as art, furniture, or decoration. Reward the best entries
with free samples or discounts on our products.

• Sponsor a local event or a charity that is related to our industry or our target audience, such as a construction expo, a
home improvement show, or a environmental cause. Display our Steel TMT bar products at the event and offer some
demonstrations or workshops on how to use them. We can also donate some of our products to the event organizers or
the beneficiaries as a gesture of goodwill.

• Optimize the company's website by using keywords, specific to the area where the company operates. This will help in
gaining visibility in local organic search results(SEO).

• Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote our brand and engage with
potential customers. We can share useful content, such as industry news, tips, videos, events and infographics, that
demonstrate our expertise and value proposition.

• Offer discounts and incentives to loyal customers and referrals. This can help us retain existing customers and attract
new ones through word-of-mouth marketing.

• Partner with local contractors, builders, architects, and engineers who can recommend our product to their clients. We
can also provide them with monetary & technical support and training on how to use our product effectively.
• Build relationships with local media outlets and pitch stories about the company, products, and impact on the
community. This can lead to free publicity and exposure.

• Use company vehicles or contract vehicles for branding and advertising by painting or vinyl wraps on them with
logos, product images or promotional messages.

• Place ads in local newspapers, magazines, and online directories. This will help in creating local brand awareness and
attract potential customers.

• Use email marketing to keep existing customers informed about new products, promotions, and company updates.

• Direct mail is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Target construction companies, contractors, and
architects with promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, or postcards.

• Use SMS blasts on national holidays, tradition holidays.

Other Marketing Tactics

• Promotional items-
T-shirts, Key chains in the shape of TMT bars/Business Cards/Labels and Stickers.
Diaries/Pen /Caps/Table Top Calendars/Clock/Bags/Paper Weight/Measuring Tep.
• Bypass Highway high wall paintings.
• LED display boards
• Paintings on water-tank , water-tanker vehicles & run auto holding camping for metro city's etc.
• Conducts Radio Advertising in metro city continues 6-7 months
• Posters and Hoardings on railway/metro stations.
• Place Welcome Billboards at City entry & exist points.
• Place a small size billboard between road divider’s in metro city’s or highways.
• Provide Display bords for our dealers (Branding at point of purchase).
• Railway, Metro and bus handrail cover with Sangam TMT print stickers
CSR Activities

If we or our parents company did an CSR activity in a past so we create a dedicated page for CSR otherwise we will
mention our CSR initiative and goals in our About section.

• Health initiatives like arranging free medical check-up camp.

• Investing in infrastructure and environmental projects like small road developments by using our plant west
materials like coal ash & slage-dust. establishing hand-pump, adopting school or village.
• Partner with local schools and colleges to offer internships, scholarships, or mentoring programs for students
interested in pursuing careers in the steel industry.
• Providing public benches, shelters for trawlers like small bus stops.
• Running own water tankers.
• Tree plantation with our branded tree guards.
• Held business talk in school & collages for students guidance & motivation.
• Blood donation camps.
• Creating a steel-themed apron & t-shirt and gifting to hospitals and orphanages.
Some Inhouse Changes

• Providing a dress code is a great way to ensure that our employees look professional and presentable at all times. A
dress code can also help us create a positive and consistent image of our company to our clients and customers.
• Help with logistics and transportation to ensure the timely delivery of TMT bars to construction companies,
infrastructure developers, and manufacturers, especially during the rainy season.
• Work with insurance companies to provide weather insurance coverage for construction companies and infrastructure
developers. This can help them manage the financial risks associated with weather-related delays and disruptions.
• For construction companies provide cost base offers.
• For infrastructure developers we provide logistics base offers, shorter transits time & delivery time.
• For retailers we provide marketing support, and customer loyalty programs.
Thank you…..
Branding Team

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