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Classifying forms of

 TT - teacher very active, students only
 T - teacher active, students mainly receptive
 TS - teacher and students fairly equally active
 S - students active, teacher mainly receptive
 SS - students very active, teacher only
Good & bad side of
group work
Good side: Bad side:
 More productive • Unequal participation
 More resources
• May lead to a conflict
 More reliable
within the group
 New methods
• No individual thinking
 Team
• Easy to avoid work
• Loss of creativity
What makes good
group work
 Common drive to
 Communication
 Co-operation
 Listening skills
 Time management
Good & bad side of
individual work
Good side: Bad side:
 Be the boss • No help
 Easy to focus
• No one to motivate
 Become independent
• Sole responsibility
 No outside pressure
 They are fast • Too much of stress
• Can be a bit boring
Good & bad side of
pair work
Good side: Bad side:
 Practice • Frustration and difficult
communication if partners are at
 All participate different level or don’t
 Can learn from each enjoy working together
• Difficult if one partner
other and generate dominates
more ideas • Fear they will learn
 Makes them
partner’s mistakes
independent learners • May speak in mother

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