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Each institutions has

Bio cultural or personnel , a charter or It is more individualistic in
norms or values the sense it focus on the
psychological activities , material culture to understands
functionalism apparatus and a functions the individual .

The bio –psychological If there is a change in

He criticized in the needs are , BASIC
one part it brings
evolutionism and the NEEDS , DERIVED OR
INSTRUMENTAL NEEDS , change in the other
diffusionism parts.

He works on the need

His approach in his It speaks the relation
based approaches .
field work is between human being
Social institutions
participant and the society in the way
exist to meet those of ‘ORGANIC ANALOGY’.
needs .

He studied nature of To understand the

languages in societies . cultural functionalism, by
And Kula Ring system of understanding the culture
exchange in Trobriand we can understand the
Islanders individuals .

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