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Multicultural Literacy

Based on English and Culture Department Curriculum


 In this study , students are expected to be able to analyze socio-cultural

phenomena that occur in society using cultural concepts and theories.
 In this course, students are expected to have skills in exploring bias in
culture, the ability to create a humanist perspective.

 Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state and the
progress of civilization based on Pancasila.
 Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the
original opinions or findings of other people.
 Work together and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the
 Internalize academic values, norms and ethics.
 Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise
 Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship.
 1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing
science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of
 2. Able to demonstrate independent, quality and measurable performance.
 3. Able to study the implications of developing or implementing technological science that pays attention to and
applies humanities values according to their expertise based on scientific rules, procedures and ethics in order to
produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism.
 4. Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the study above in the form of a thesis or final assignment
report, and upload it to the university website.
 5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their field of expertise, based on the
results of information and data analysis.
 6. Able to maintain and develop a working network with supervisors, colleagues, colleagues both inside and outside
the institution.
 7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of
work assigned to workers under his/her responsibility.
 8. Able to carry out a self-evaluation process for work groups under their responsibility, and able to manage learning
 9. Able to document, store, secure and retrieve data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.
 10. Able to internalize the spirit of Monozukuri in scientific development.

 Able to demonstrate English proficiency as indicated by achievement equivalent to

CEFR level B2.
 Able to analyze basic linguistic concepts and theories at least at the sentence
structure level to improve English language competence.
 Able to apply appropriate theories and rules to translate general and specific texts.
 Able to teach using English based on appropriate methods and approaches.
 Able to communicate using English in a cross-cultural context of at least two
different cultures.
 Able to review various forms of literary works including at least prose, drama and
 Able to work independently using knowledge and skills in English to create a
business plan or creative work.
 Able to analyze cultural concepts and theories to study socio-cultural phenomena
in at least two English-speaking societies.
 Able to use contemporary computer technology and gadgets in learning English.

 Able to communicate in spoken and written English in the context of everyday

language, academic language, business language, according to the
environment, both formally and informally.
 Able to apply language concepts in spoken and written form through literary
and cultural analysis.
 Able to communicate across cultures by applying politeness and ethical
strategies in language.
 Able to translate both in oral and written form from English to Indonesian or
vice versa, in various texts and media.
 Able to produce academically creative texts by applying language, literature
and cultural concepts.
 Able to practice English in a business or entrepreneurial context.

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