Chap 5 Y7

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Finishing Chapter 4 12.12.

Learning Objective: I can identify language choices and explore what they show.

Go back to the ‘Sunya’ table that is glued into your


• You have 10 minutes to:

i) find the most descriptive, INTERESTING quotations
describing Sunya in Chapter 4;
ii) make an inference about her based on each quotation,
iii) pull out the most effective words in the quotation that tell
us what she is like.
Superstar Challenge
If you finish early, complete
the other 2 tables for Daniel
and Mrs Farmer
Finishing Chapter 4 12.12.23

Finishing Chapter 4 12.12.23
S In Chapter 4 when Jamie joins the new school in the Lake District, Pitcher
portraysPMrs Farmer as quite a dull and unlikeable teacher. We see this when
Pitcher describes her eyes as ‘paler than grey…they look like TVs that have
E lost reception and gone fuzzy’. The reader can infer from this that she is not
only unattractive butE very unexciting as a person. This is because ‘grey’ does
not have much colour to it, which could suggest her personality also is not
very vibrant or fun. Also, the simile comparing her eyes to a TV that ‘has
lost reception’ is effective. This is because it shows how unentertaining she
is to listen to as a teacher – nobody would watch a television screen with
nothing on it. Another quotation displaying her negative qualities as a
teacher is ‘Very entertaining as always, Sunya. Thank you very much’. Here,
her comment ‘very entertaining’ is sarcastic, which suggests she likes to
mock her student for being creative. Secondly, the use of short sentences
suggests a rude and unfriendly tone. This makes the reader have sympathy
for her students, as this is a teacher they would never want to be taught by.
Finishing Chapter 4 12.12.23

How does Pitcher present the character of

either Sunya OR Daniel?

Write your own SPEED paragraph.

Finishing Chapter 4 12.12.23

Live class feedback:

New title: CHAPTER 5
Terrorist attacks in London
The majority of 21st century terrorist attacks in
London have been linked to Islamic terrorism. 1) What is ‘Islamic terrorism’ and how is
it different to the Islamic religion?
On 7 July 2005 four suicide bombers struck London's 2) What does it mean when you
transport network, killing 52 people and injuring over 770 ‘stereotype’ people? How might these
others. attacks lead to stereotyping?
They were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks 3) Had you heard of any of these
carried out by Islamist terrorists that targeted commuters attacks before?
travelling on London's public transport during the morning 4) Look at locations for the terrorist
rush hour. attacks. Why are these locations
5) In 2000, there were 28 hate crimes
against Muslims in the USA.
22 March 2017: At around 14:40, British citizen Khalid In 2001 there were 481. Explain why.
Masood, drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster 6) What are the emotions behind the
Bridge before crashing the car into perimeter fence of hate crimes?
Parliament in London. Masood then exited the vehicle and
stabbed a police officer before being shot dead by police.
About 40 people were injured and there were six deaths.
Reading Chapter 5
Chapter 5 12.12.23
a) Write down a phrase
Looking at effective language that shows Jas’
character AND what
can the reader infer
Jas and Rose were running through the birds making them from this about her
twirl into the sky and Mum was laughing but Dad said Stop b) Write down 2 words
that girls. Mum said They’re not doing any harm but Jas ran that show Rose’s
character AND what
back to Dad ‘cos she hated getting in trouble. Rose was not as can the reader infer
from this about her
good. In fact she was quite bad and according to Jas she was character?
c) Write down the
naughty at school, but no one seems to remember that now phrase that shows
how Rose is viewed
she is all dead and perfect. after her death. What
does it reveal about
how Jamie’s parents
feel, AND how Jamie
Chapter 5 12.12.23

Language that presents Rose’s death

1. Write down quotations
Jas held Dad’s hand as he shouted Rose, get back here but Mum just said
that show
Oh, leave her be and giggled when Rose spun on the spot, throwing her
what kind of day it was
head back. Birds swirled all around her and Mum yelled Spin faster and when she died.
then there was a bang and Rose was blown into bits. 2. Write down quotations
Jas said the world went black ’cos there was so much smoke and her ears that describe the
moment of death.
went funny ’cos the explosion was so loud. But even though she had a
3. How does Jamie
burst eardrum, she could still hear Dad scream Rose Rose Rose.
describe what
happened to Rose?
4. What does this
quotation show about
Chapter 5 12.12.23

Write your own SPEED paragraph in response

to the question: How does Pitcher present
Rose’s death?

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