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Hormones of Thyroid

and Parathyroid
The Thyroid Gland
Thyroid Gland
 Hormones of thyroid gland regulate the metabolism
of the body

 Also effect the growth and development of the body

 The only endocrine gland in the body that is capable

of storing appreciable amount of hormone

 Thyroid glands contains the element iodine

Hormones of the Thyroid
 Triiodothyronine (T3) and the Thyroxine (T4)

 T3 is the major active form of the thyroid hormone and 3-5

times as biologically active as T4

 Calcitonin- produce by the C cells in the thyroid gland

 Prevents the blood calcium ion concentration in the body

from rising above the required level
 Condition in which thyroid gland does not manufacture
sufficient thyroxine for the body’s need
 Usually cause by lack of iodine in the diet
 It may also due to a disease of the thyroid gland

 Symptoms

 Sluggishness, weight gain, slower heart beat ,reduced

metabolic rate ,and loss of appetite
 If the thyroid gland fail to develop in an infant, in individual
is called cretin.
 Cretins have greatly retarded growth, both physically and
 They usually abnormal dwarves w/ coarse hair, thick dry
skin abd are obese with protruding abdomens

 They are also underdeveloped mentally and sexually.

 If thyroid gland atrophy after individual reaches adulthood,

same symptoms in cretinism except individual remains
adult size
Person’s with Cretinism
Simple Goiter
 Also called colloid goiter or endemic goiter
 Condition which thyroid gland enlarges, usually because
lack of iodine in the diet
 Decreased production of Thyroid hormone causes an
increased production of TSH
 Accompanied by an increase in the colloid material in the
thyroid gland and also an increase in the size of the neck
 Simple goiter affects more females than males
 Hashimoto’s disease -type hypothyroidism in which all
aspect of thyroid function may be impaired
Person with Goiter
 Occurs when the thyroid gland produces excess thyroxine

 Symptoms:
 Incresed in metabolic rate, bulging of the eye,
nervousness, loss of weight,a rapid irregular heartbeat and
elevated body temperature.
 Hyperthyroidism may also due to a tumor in the thyroid
Hormones of the
Parathyroid Gland
The Parathyroid Gland
Hormones of the
Parathyroid Gland
 Parathyroid hormone-influences the metabolism of calcium
and phosphorus in the body
 Parathyroid gland cannot store this hormone, so the
hormone is synthesized and secreted continuously

 Hypoparathyroidism-surgical removal of the parathyroid

 Symptoms-muscular weakness, irritability and tetany
 Symptoms of hypoparathyroidism can be treated with
Vitamin D or calcium salts or both
 An increase in the production of hormones by the
parathyroid gland
 Usually cause by tumor of those gland (parathyroid
 Symptoms-decalcification of the bones, deformation and
fracture of the bones, nausea and polyuria
 Hyperparathyroidism is usually treated by the surgical
removal of the tumor of the parathyroid gland

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