Kuliah Kolstasis - Ined

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Kolestasis pada bayi

Dr.Wan Nedra, Sp.A

FK.YARSI JAKARTA Ined 10 Desember 06

- Kasus hepatologi yang paling sering IKA/RSCM
- Sering kasus hepatologi ini terlambat di rujuk
- Akibatnya ----> kasus kronik !!!

• Penyakit hati pd neonatus sering tidak diketahui etiologi,

sgt sering berhubungan dengan kuning

• Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia atau kholestasis pd bayi

selalu tanda penyakit hati atau penyakit empedu
• Divisi Hepatologi RSCM : 2002-2003:
162 kholestasis pd bayi
---- 37 ( 23%) Atresia Bilier (AB)
19/37 (51%) kasus AB: cirrhosis
( 150 ± 60 hari )
• Operasi Kasai: success rate 90% at < 8 minggu
early diagnosis !!!
Kegagalan drainase empedu  sekresi / pembentukan

- Phisiologis : bile flow 

- Patologis : pigment empedu ( + ) pd hepatosit & duktus biliaris

- Klinis : Kuning & gejala lain yang disebabkan oleh akumulasi

normal empedu tdd:bilirubin, asam empedu & kolesterol

-------- kerusakan sel hati

- Laboratorium : conj. bil. >1,0 mg/dl (total bil.< 5 mg/dl)

or > 20% of total bil. > 5 mg/dl
(Cholestasis Guideline Committee, JPGN 39;115-128, 2004)

Bayi :  pada usia 3 bulan pertama

Ilustrasi kasus
Wanita,2 bln
Kuning sejak lahir,b.a.k seperti the tua, b.a.b
dempul sejak umur 1 minggu.Keluarga: - ,
BL:3000 g,
P.F: ikterik , BB 4000 g, H: agak keras, rata,
nyeri -. Lien : S I.,.
Lab: Bilirubin direk 7,5 mg/dl, indirek
1,2mg/dl, SGOT 75 U/l, SGPT 60 U/l
GGT 600 U/l, Cholesterol 275 mg/dl
USG: Kantong Empedu tak terlihat
WD/: kolestasis ektrahepatik e.c atresia
- Terlambat merujuk:
. Follow-up kuning pd neonatus (-)/
direct bilirubin ?
. Perdarahan gastrointestinal. Penyakit/
coagulopathy: yg tidak baik
. Misdiagnosis: kolestasis (dir. bil.)?/
breast milk jaundice (indir.bil.)?
. False security:serum bil./pigmented

- Evaluation diagnosis: sulit

- Penanganan dini:----> prognosis !!!
•Cholates •Phospholipids


•Bile salts •Protein


•Chenodeoxycholates •Deoxycholates

•Primary c acid
•Chenodeoxycholic acid
•Cholic acid

•Deoxycholic acid •Lithocholic acid •Lithocholic acid
•Liver bacteria

•Sulfolithocholic acid •Ursodeoxycholic acid

The biliary secretory apparatus
Major transport systems in bile


2 5


1.Penurunan uptake asam empedu:

- Hambatan transporter
( Na+ K+ ATP-ase / NCTP )
 endotoxin, estrogen
2. Penurunan transport intracellular:
- Perubahan homeostasis calcium intracellular
- Perubahan cytoskeleton ( microtubules/
 drugs, toxin

3. Penurunan sekresi asam empedu cannalicular:

- defective synthesis and secretion :
inborn error
- Dysfungsi microfilament: androgen
- transporter ( MOAT ) : endotoxin
4. Penurunan permeabilitas paracellular: tight
junction: estrogen
5. Obstructive duktus biliaris Intrahepatik
6. Obstructive duktus biliaris Ekstrahepatik
Diagnosis Diferential
Neonatal cholestasis

Intrahepatic Extrahepatic

Liver cells Biliary system Biliary syst.

(hepatocel.) (obstructive)

Genetic/metabolic: Paucity BA
- Galactosemia Caroli,etc
-PFIC Choledoc.cyst
-etc Biliary sludge /
Infection:viral,bacter.(sepsis/UTI) stone/plug
Toxic:TPN Idiopathic etc
Dugaan Kolestasi intrahepatik pd neonatus

• Inefisien Uptake, transportation

asam empedu
• Conjugation, sulfatisation,
glucuronidation asam empedu 
• Mengecilnya ukuran pool asam empedu
• Konsentrasi garam empedu dan asam
empedu 
Differential diagnosis
1. Kelainan Genetic and metabolic
- KH : c/ galactosemia
- amino acid: e.g. tyrosinemia
- lipid : e.g. Gaucher’s disease
- bile acid : 3 B-hidroksisteroid
dehidrogenase/ isomerase
- chromosome : e.g. Down’s syndrome
- lain2: c/ alfa 1 antitrypsin deficiency,
cystic fibrosis , neonatal iron
storage disease
Differential diagnosis

2. Kolestasis intrahepatik
- Displasia Arteriohepatic ( Alagille’s
- Nonsyndromic paucity of duktus
- Byler’s disease
- Kolestasis berulang
- Kolestasis Herediter dg lymphedema
Differential diagnosis
3. Hepatitis
- Infeksi : cytomegalovirus, rubella,
herpes, varicella, Echovirus,
Coxsacki, Reovirus type 3,
hepatitis B,C, toxoplasmosis,
leptospirosis, tuberculosis
- Sepsis Bacterial
4. Toxic : parenteral nutrition, drugs
5. Idiopathic:”idiopathic neonatal
6. Immunologic : neonatal LE
Differential diagnosis
• Atresia Bilier
• Kista duktus Choledokus
• Stenosis duktus biliaris
• Anomali hubungan Choledocho-
• Sindrom penumpukan empedu (Bile
plug syndrome)
• Cholelithiasis
• Kompresi duktus Biliaris
differential diagnosis of
Kolestasis noenatal
• Anatomical : Biliary atresia, Choledochal cyst,
Biliary hypoplasia
• Infectious : Toxoplasmosis, Rubella,CMV,
Herpes S, Syphilis
• Metabolic : Galactosemia, Tyrosinaemia
• Endocrine : Hypothyroidism, Hypocortisolism
• Genetic : Alagille syndrome, PFIC
• Various : Bacterial infection, esp. UTI
1. Atresia Bilier 25-30% 1:2500-10.000
lahir hidup (AB: obliterasi
progressive cholangiopathy 
cirrhosis/ kematian pd usia 1 thn)
2. Neonat.hepatitis Idiopatik 1:5000
3.  1 antitrypsin def. 1 : 20.000
Cholestasis in infancy at King’s College Hospital
1970 -1990 (n:1086)
Diagnosis N %
• Biliary atresia 377 34,7
• Idiop. neon. hepatitis 331 30,5
  1 antitrypsin 189 17,4
• Other hepatitis 94 8,7
• Alagille syndrome 61 5,6
• Choledochal cyst 34 3,1
Subdiv. Hepatology RSCM: 2002-2003
(cholestasis in infancy: 162 cases)

• Intr.Chol.: • Extra. Chol.:

119 (73,5%) 43 (26,5%)
- idiopathic:31(26,1%)
- UTI : 28(23,5%) - AB : 37 (86%)
- Sepsis :23 ( 19,3%) - Choledoc.cyst: 2
- CMV: 9 ( 7,6%) - ? : 4
- PFIC: 4 ( 3,4%)

- Alagille: 3 ( 2,5%)

- ? : 21 (17,6%)
Gejala klinis

• cholestatic syndrome :
 kuning
 urine gelap seperti teh
 BAB: intermittently
• Gejala klinik lain yg disebabkan
( bile flow )
Retention/ Intraluminal bile acid
regurgitation concentration 
•- Malabsorption
- Bile acid - fat
* pruritus * malnutrition
* hepatotoxic * growth retardation
-- Bilirubin - fat soluble vitamin
* jaundice A-xerophthalmia
- cholesterol E-neuromuscular
* xanthoma degeneration
- *hipercholesterolemia
- - trace element -hemolytic anemia
(copper, etc) Progressive liver disease K-hypoprothrombinemia
( biliary cirrhosis)
Portal hypertension
Liver failure
• Diarrhea/
Hypersplenism Ascites Bleeding (varices) steatorhea
Pendekatan Diagnostik
Every neonatal jaundice: > 2 weeks
(breast fed infants : 3 weeks)

cholestasis ? BA ?

Acutely ill Looked well

• Sepsis - BA
• UTI - Choledoch.cyst
• Metabolic - TPN
• etc -Alagille
Pendekatan Diagnostik
The goal of management:
complete the diagnostic evaluation or
at least exclude Biliary atresia by 45-60

 Historical
 Physical exam.
 Biochemical/Lab. gambaran
 Ultrasound
 Histological
Pendekatan Diagnostik

• Riwayat: kuning, urine gelap, pucat/ BAB

dempul,muntah, perdarahan
( sex, BW,morbidity, family history, source
of nutrition, drug used, transfusion) )
• Pemeriksaan Fisik: vital signs (general
health), weight, length (nutritional status),
lingkaran kepala, slit lamps (if necessary),
heart, abdominal wall, asites ,size/
consistency of the liver and spleen
-------- Diagnostic

 Pemeriksaan BAB : 3 porsi

• Tentukan kolestasis: Bilirubin total & direk
• Tentukan kerusakan hati & disfungsi biliaris:
SGOT, SGPT, GGT, cholesterol
• Tentukan infeksi and gangguan metabolic (Tampak
sakit besat/tidak): kultur bakteri (darah, urine),
Protrombin Time, Gula darah, Urinalisis, serology
• Diagnosis spesifik:
urgency untuk diagnosis atresia biliar (EHBA)
sehingga dapat dilakukan intervensi <60hari)
• Atresia Bilier
* 12 jam puasa & setelah makan
 gallbladder tidak tampak atau menegcil
(Seteah makan: ukuran sama)
* triangular cord sign / cyst: liver hilum

• Intrahepatic: 4 – 6 jam puasa

. Puasa : ( + )
. Post fatty meal: <
Diagnostic accuracy: 80%
Specific Investigations
Tergantung pd kondisi/gambaran klinis
• Serology unt infeksi
• Skrining Metabolic
• urine and serum amino and organic acids
• TFTs, and cortisol/GH jk suspect
• Serum iron, ferritin, transferrin
• Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl
Very specific investigations
• Hepatobiliary scintigraphy (HIDA scans)
• Intraoperative cholangiogram,
• Liver biopsy / repeated
• Also
– serum and urine bile acids
– Genetic testing for Alagille’s, PFIC
– Echo, spine XR, bone marrow examination, X-
rays of skull, long bones
Scintigraphy (Isotope Tc-DIBRIDA)
 Obstructive : intraluminal isotope ( - )
 Hepatocellular: - uptake : 
- intraluminal isotope:( + )

Realibility <<: Direct. bil.>>(> 20 mg%)

False + / - : 10 %
Time consuming
Liver biopsy
• (should be done after the age of 1 month - gambaran
histologis AB)
• AB:
* bile ductular proliferation
* bile plugs
* portal / perilobular edema and fibrosis
* intact hepatic lobular architecture
• Kolestasis Intrahepatik / hepatitis neonatal:
* giant cell transformation
* Cytoplasma: ballooning

* Dapat menilai penyebab: viral inclusions,

abnormal storage material etc
EHBA vs Neonatal Hepatitis
Family History Rare 15-20%
Gender F>M M>F
Birth Weight Normal Often low
Onset jaundice Mean 23d Mean 11d
Acholic stools 75% Maybe
Firm Hepatomegaly 87% 53%

Alagille D. Prog Liver Dis 1979;6:471-485

Kriteria klinik penting untuk membedakan
kolestasis intra dan ekstra hepatik
Clinical data
Extrahepatic Intrahepatic
Stool colour
- pale 79% 26%  0,001
- yellow 21% 74%
Birth weight (g) 3226  45* 2678  55*  0,001

Acholic stool -age 16  1,5* 30  2*  0,001

- normal (%) 13 47
- enlarged
- normalconsistency 12 35  0,001
dense 63 47
hard/firm 24 6
* Mean ± SE ** N patients
Hasil Laboratoium pada awal kolestasis
Extrahepatic Intrahepatic
Total.bil. 10,2  4,5 12,1  9,6
Conj. 6,2  2,6 8,0  6,8
SGOT < 5x > 10x/>800
SGPT < 5x > 10x/>800
GGT > 5x/600 < 5x
Investigating EHBA vs NH
Investigation EHBA NH

Duod. Aspirate No bile Bile present

Ultrasound Gb absent/small Gb present

“triangular cord”
HIDA scan Normal uptake, Poor uptake, Nl .
no excretion excretion
Liver Biopsy Bd proliferation, Giant cells,
bile plugs, portal inflammation,
fibrosis focal necrosis

Suchy FJ in Liver disease in Children, 2nd ed. 2000;187-194


 Perubahan aliran empedu 

- Etiology
Extrahepatic : operative
Intrahepatic : non-operative

Biliary atresia: portoenterostomy

Kasai:60 days:success rate > 75%
90 days:success rate 20-30%
Medical management of

Tujuan : mengurangi komplikasi:

• Nutrisi optimal untuk mengurangi efek
• Mengurangi gejala gatal-2, hiperlipidemia
• promote bile flow (reduce
- Bile flow inducer
 Phenobarbital : hepatic
microsomal enzymes inducer

- glucuronyl transferase
- cytochrome P-450
- N+ K+ ATP-ase

Dosis : 3-10 mg / kg BW/day

 Ursodeoxycholic acid :
- Competitive binding of toxic bile acids
- Bile fow inducer
- Bile acid supplement
- Hepatoprotector
Dose : 10-30 mg / kg BW / day
 Cholestyramine :

- Bind bile acids, cholesterol, drug, other toxic agents

- relief pruritus
Dose : 0,25-0,5 g / kg BW / day
 Rifampicin :

- microsomal enzyme activity 

- inhibition of bile acid uptake
Dose : 10 mg / kg BW / day
 Supportive :
- Nutrition : MCT
- Vitamin :
– A :5000-25000 U/day
– D :D3-Calcitriol:0,05-0,2
– E : 25-50 IU/kg BW/day
– K : K1 2,5-5 mg/ 2-7x /week
- Mineral and trace element : Ca, P, Mn,
Zn, Selenium,
• Th/ komplikasi:
hyperlipidemia/xantelasma  colestipol
• Liver failure: transplantation !!!!(???)
Nutritional management
• Calories
– aim for 125% of RDA based in ideal body wt
– may need supplemental tube feeds
• Fat
– MCT better absorbed than LCT so consider
using these formulae eg. Pregestamil, Pepti
• Protein
– aim for 2-3 g/kg/d unless encephalopathic
– branched chain amino acid formula improves
nutritional status
Nutrition management 2
• Essential Fatty Acids
– linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic acids
– may need supplementing with corn,
safflower, walnut oil or lipid emulsions
• Fat Soluble Vitamins
– vitamins A, D, E, K
– may need to monitor levels
• Water Soluble Vitamins
– unknown whether deficient in cholestasis
– recommend 1-2 x RDA
General management

• Immunization

• Dental hyegine
• Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis :
* Sporadic: good (recovery: 60% ) .
* Familial : poor ( t 60% )

• Biliary atresia :  Surgery (-) : † age  2 y

 Surgery (+): < 60 days: 91%
61-70 days: 56 %
71-90 days: 31 %
> 90 days: 17%
Post Kasai survival
• Bile flow + :
1996: 5 years : 47 - 60 %
10 years : 25 - 35 %
2002: 5 years : 75 % ( Netherland)
20 years : 50 % (U.S)
• Bile flow – : almost all † within one year
after surgery
Neonatus > 2 weeks/ breastfed inf. > 3 weeks: Jaundice,
darked colored urine, pale/acholic stool

acutely ill conjungated hyperbilirubinemia looked well

albumin, glukose,
GGT,cholesterol, culture ,serologic

patency ( - ) patency ( + )
notmatched culture

Biopsy infection( - )/ infection ( +)UTI

improvement (-)

paucity ( + ) bil atresia Neonat.hep.

supportive/ op.cholangiog. sup/ symptomatis
improvement (+)
Kolestasis: kondis patologis dari
sistem hepatobilier 
 should be early recognized:
jaundice, dark urine, pale --> acholic stool
 extrahepatic or intrahepatic ? ----->
perinatal history, stool color and laboratory
 early intervention/ management : based
on etiology (if possible)
 supportive treatment : . Nutrition/ vitamin
. Symptomatic
 -->>Liver failure : transplantation !!!! (???)
* Get yourself motivated
to recognize cholestasis
- Jaundice > 14 days
(breastfed: 3 wks) or
- Jaundice + dark
persistent light yellow stool

* Spread the knowledge

* Let’s work hand in hand
to overcome the problem
Thank you

FK.YARSI JAKARTA Ined 10 Desember 06

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