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Bike Security Project

We estimate that 4m+ bicycles are stolen in Europe every year, that means 1
every 7 minutes. Only 4-5% of bikes stolen get returned, making bike
thievery is essentially a risk-free crime. Finding a stolen bike is difficult,
evidence is scarce, and police is simply not going to allocate staff to such

On average only 20% of thefts is reported to the police

• Stolen bikes
• Not reported to police
• Can’t get bike back
• Huge demand of bike security
• Economical damage
Only 4-5% of bikes stolen get returned, making bike
thievery is essentially a risk-free crime. Finding a stolen
bike is difficult, evidence is scarce, and police is simply not
going to allocate staff to such thefts. Discouraged by theft,
up to 23% of victims never replace their bikes. Overall
global economic damages of bike theft are ~€1.9bn
We put a GPS tracker hidden in
your bike. But this GPS data is
anonymous shared with members.

• When your bike is giving stolen alarm, system is sharing this data to
owner, the members of crowdcatch.
• Crowdcatch members can see on map the stolen bike and if on of
them can go and take a Picture of the rider with bike together they
earn some Money.
• Like a game ….
• Shooted picture goes trough system to owner and to police with
location information…
İf your bike is stolen :

You get a notification

-You can see your bike moving

on map
You can anounce to CROWDCATCH cominity that
your bike is stolen and can give extra rewards.
The CROWDCATCHER cominity will
notified that a bike is stolen


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