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College of Computing and Informatics

Department of Software Engineering

Course: Multimedia System

Chapter-Five: Multimedia Database System

By: Mekuria Gemechu


Design and Architecture of a multimedia database

Indexing and organizing multimedia data

Design and Architecture of a multimedia
database (Multimedia Architecture)
Multimedia Architecture Requirements
 ACID test
 Multimedia Server Requirements
Distributed Multimedia System
 Super server concept
Client-Server Systems
Media Streams

Multimedia Architecture Requirements
Database architecture as a structure that facilities the database to
complete a transaction.
A transaction is a single logical unit of work that accesses and
possibly modifies the contents of a database. Transactions access data
using read and write operations.
In order to maintain consistency in a database, before and after the
transaction, certain properties are followed. These are called ACID

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
Four basic properties that a transaction should posses:
 Atomicity
 Consistency
 Independence
 Durability
 By this, we mean that either the entire transaction takes place at once or
doesn’t happen at all.
 There is no midway i.e. transactions do not occur partially.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 Each transaction is considered as one unit and either runs to completion or is
not executed at all.
 It involves the following two operations:
 Abort: If a transaction aborts, changes made to the database are not visible.
 Commit: If a transaction commits, changes made are visible.
 Atomicity is also known as the ‘All or nothing rule’.
 Consider the following transaction T consisting of T1 and T2: Transfer of 100
from account X to account Y.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 If the transaction fails after completion of T1 but before completion of T2.
( say, after write(X) but before write(Y)), then the amount has been deducted
from X but not added to Y.
 This results in an inconsistent database state.
 Therefore, the transaction must be executed in its entirety in order to ensure
the correctness of the database state.
 This means that integrity constraints must be maintained so that the database
is consistent before and after the transaction.
 It refers to the correctness of a database. Referring to the example above,

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 Referring to the example above,
 The total amount before and after the transaction must be maintained.
 Total before T occurs = 500 + 200 = 700.
 Total after T occurs = 400 + 300 = 700.
 Therefore, the database is consistent. Inconsistency occurs in case T1 completes but T2
fails. As a result, T is incomplete.

 This property ensures that multiple transactions can occur concurrently
without leading to the inconsistency of the database state.
 Transactions occur independently without interference.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 Changes occurring in a particular transaction will not be visible to any other
transaction until that particular change in that transaction is written to memory
or has been committed.
 This property ensures that the execution of transactions concurrently will
result in a state that is equivalent to a state achieved these were executed
serially in some order.
 Let X= 500, Y = 500.
 Consider two transactions T and T”.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 Suppose T has been executed till Read (Y) and then T’’ starts.
 As a result, interleaving of operations takes place due to which T’’ reads the
correct value of X but the incorrect value of Y and sum computed by T’’:
(X+Y = 50, 000+500=50, 500) is thus not consistent with the sum at end of the
transaction: T: (X+Y = 50, 000 + 450 = 50, 450).
 This results in database inconsistency, due to a loss of 50 units.
 Hence, transactions must take place in isolation and changes should be visible
only after they have been made to the main memory.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 This property ensures that once the transaction has completed execution, the updates
and modifications to the database are stored in and written to disk and they persist
even if a system failure occurs.
 These updates now become permanent and are stored in non-volatile memory. The
effects of the transaction, thus, are never lost.
The ACID properties, in totality, provide a mechanism to ensure the
correctness and consistency of a database in a way such that each
transaction is a group of operations that acts as a single unit, produces
consistent results, acts in isolation from other operations, and updates that
it makes are durably stored.
Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
Some important points:

Property Responsibility for maintaining properties

Atomicity Transaction Manager
Consistency Application programmer
Isolation Concurrency Control Manager
Durability Recovery Manager

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
Advantages of ACID Properties:
 Data Consistency: ACID properties ensure that the data remains consistent and
accurate after any transaction execution.
 Data Integrity: ACID properties maintain the integrity of the data by ensuring
that any changes to the database are permanent and cannot be lost.
 Concurrency Control: ACID properties help to manage multiple transactions
occurring concurrently by preventing interference between them.
 Recovery: ACID properties ensure that in case of any failure or crash, the
system can recover the data up to the point of failure or crash.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
Disadvantages of ACID Properties:
 Performance: The ACID properties can cause a performance overhead in the
system, as they require additional processing to ensure data consistency and
 Scalability: The ACID properties may cause scalability issues in large
distributed systems where multiple transactions occur concurrently.
 Complexity: Implementing the ACID properties can increase the complexity
of the system and require significant expertise and resources. Overall, the
advantages of ACID properties in DBMS outweigh the disadvantages.

Multimedia Architecture Requirements …
 They provide a reliable and consistent approach to data management, ensuring
data integrity, accuracy, and reliability. However, in some cases, the overhead
of implementing ACID properties can cause performance and scalability
issues. Therefore, it’s important to balance the benefits of ACID properties
against the specific needs and requirements of the system.

The architecture of the database system
The architecture of the database system is influenced by the
underlying computer and network system.
 Centralized database system run on a single computer system that does not
interact with other computer systems.
 Client-server system, networking computers allow a division of work. Task
relating to database structure are executed on server, presentation on the client
 Distributed database systems have been developed to handle geographically
and administratively distributed data spread over multiple computer systems.

The architecture of the database system …

The architecture of the database system …
Multimedia Server Requirements:
 Often large scale applications
 Take into account:
 User access behavior
 Bandwidth
 Storage requirements
• (Complex multimedia formats)

Storage hierarchy:
 Example, videos on demand:
 High popular videos are stored in storage media with the highest bandwidth.

The architecture of the database system …
 Minimal response time
 Reliability and availability
 Ability to sustain guaranteed number of streams
 Real-time delivery
 Exploit user access patterns

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System)
If the multimedia systems are supported by multiuser system, then we
call those multimedia systems as distributed multimedia systems.
Distributed multimedia systems consist of multimedia databases,
proxy and information server , and clients, and are intended to for the
distribution of multimedia content over the networks.
A multi user system designed to support multimedia applications for a
large number of users consists of a number of system components.
The architecture of a distributed multimedia system main comprises
of three basic components:
The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 An information server
 A wide area network
 A multimedia client and user.

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
A typical multimedia application environment consists of the
following components:
 Application software.
 Container object store.
 Image and still video store.
 Audio and video component store.
 Object directory service agent.
 component service agent.
 User interface and service agent.
 Networks (LAN and WAN).
The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
Application Software:
 The application software performs a number of tasks related to a specific
business process. A business process consists of a series of actions that may be
performed by one or more users.
 The basic tasks combined to form an application include the following:
 Object Selection - The user selects a database record or a hypermedia document from a
file system, database management system, or document server.
 Object Retrieval- The application retrieves the base object.
 Object Component Display - Some document components are displayed automatically
when the user moves the pointer to the field or button associated with the multimedia

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 User Initiated Display - Some document components require user action before
 Object Display Management and Editing: Component selection may invoke a component
control sub-application which allows a user to control playback or edit the component

Document store:
 A document store is necessary for application that requires storage of large
volume of documents.
 The following describes some characteristics of document stores:
 Primary Document Storage: A file systems or database that contains primary document
objects (container objects). Other attached or embedded documents and multimedia
objects may be stored in the document server along with the container object.
The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 Linked Object Storage: Embedded components, such as text and formatting information,
and linked information, and linked components, such as pointers to image, audio, and
video. Components contained in a document, may be stored on separate servers.
 Linked Object Management: Link information contains the name of the component,
service class or type, general attributes such as size, duration of play for isochronous
objects and hardware, and software requirements for rendering.

Image and still video store:

 An image and still video is a database system optimized for storage of images.
Most systems employ optical disk libraries. Optical disk libraries consist of
multiple optical disk platters that are played back by automatically loading the
appropriate platter in the drive under device driver control.

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 The characteristics of image and still video stores are as follows:
 Compressed information
 Multi-image documents
 Related annotations
 Large volumes
 Migration between high-volume such as an optical disk library and high-speed media
such as magnetic cache storages
 Shared access: The server software managing the server has to be able to manage the
different requirements.

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
Audio and video Full motion video store:
 Audio and Video objects are isochronous (occurring at the same time).
 The following lists some characteristics of audio and full-motion video object
 Large-capacity file system: A compressed video object can be as large as six to ten M
bytes for one minute of video playback.
 Temporary or permanent Storage: Video objects may be stored temporarily on client
workstations, servers providing disk caches, and multiple audio or video object servers.
 Migration to high volume/lower-cost media.
 Playback isochronocity: Playing back a video object requires consistent speed without
breaks. Multiple shared access objects being played back in a stream mode must be
accessible by other users.
The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
Object Directory Service Agent:
 The directory service agent is a distributed service that provide a directory of
all multimedia objects on the server tracked by that element of the directory
service agent.
 The following describes various services provided by a directory service
 Directory Service: It lists all multimedia objects by class and server location.
 Object Assignment: The directory service agent assigns unique identification to each
multimedia object.
 Object Status Management: The directory service must track the current usage status of
each object.

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 Directory Service Domains: The directory service should be modular to allow setting up
domains constructed around groups of servers that form the core operating environment
for a group of users.
 Directory Service Server Elements: Each multimedia object server must have directory
service element that reside on either server or some other resources.
 Network Access: The directory service agent must be accessible from any workstation on
the network.

Component Service Agent:

 A service is provided to the multimedia used workstation by each multimedia
 This service consists of retrieving objects, managing playback of objects,
storing objects, and so on.
The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 The characteristics of services provided by each multimedia component are
object creating service, playback service, component object service agent,
service agents on servers and multifaceted services means (multifaceted
services component objects may exist in several forms, such as compressed Or
User Interface Service Agent:
 It resides on each user workstation.
 It provides direct services to the application software for the management of
the multimedia object display windows, creation and storage of multimedia
objects, and scaling and frame shedding for rendering of multimedia objects.

The architecture of the database system …
(Distributed Multimedia System …)
 The services provided by user interface service agents are windows
management, object creation and capture, object display and playback,
services on workstations and using display software.
 The user interface service agent is the client side of the service agents.
 The user interface agent manages all redirection since objects are located by a
look-up mechanism in the directory service agent

The architecture of the database system …
(Clients in Distributed Work Group Computing)
Clients in distributed workgroup computing are the end users with
workstations running multimedia applications.
The client systems interact with the data servers in any of the
 Request specific textual data.
 Request specific multimedia objects embedded or linked in retrieved container
 Require activation of a rendering server application to display/ playback
multimedia objects.
 Create and store multimedia-objects on servers.
The architecture of the database system …
(Servers in Distributed Workgroup Computing)
Servers are storing data objects.
They provide storage for a variety of object classes, they transfer
objects on demand on clients.
They provide hierarchical storage for moving unused objects to
optical disk libraries or optical tape libraries.
They provide system administration functions for backing up stored
They provide le function of direct high-speed LAN and WAN server-
to-server transport for copying multimedia objects.
The architecture of the database system …
(Middleware in Distributed Workgroup Computing)
The middleware is like interface between back-end database and font-
end clients.
The primary role of middleware is to link back end database to front
end clients in a highly flexible and loosely connected network model.
Middleware provides the glue for dynamically redirecting client
requests to appropriate servers that are on-line.

The architecture of the database system …
(Multimedia Object Servers )
The resources where information objects are stored are known as
Other users (clients) can share the information stored in these
resources through the network.
Each object type of multimedia systems would have its own dedicated
server optimized for the type of data maintained in the object.
A network would consist of some combination of the following types
of servers.

The architecture of the database system …
(Multimedia Object Servers … )
Types of Multimedia Servers:
 Data-processing servers RDBMSs and ODBMSs.
 Document database servers.
 Document imaging and still-video servers.
 Audio and voice mail servers.
 Full motion video server.

The architecture of the database system …
(Media Streams)
An important objective of multimedia systems design is to transfer data at a
constant speed.
Streaming is a technique for transferring data, so that it can be processed as a
steady and continuous stream.
By using streaming, the client browser can display the data before the entire file
has been transmitted.
Media streaming is the sending of video and/or audio files to an end user over a
private or public network in a compressed form which can be played
immediately rather than having to be saved to a storage device for later playback.
YouTube is a platform that streams media to millions of end users every hour.

The architecture of the database system …
(Media Streams …)
During the streaming process, the media file that's played on the user's
device is retrieved from a remote location and transmitted continuously over
the internet using a wired or wireless connection.
With streaming media, a user does not have to download an entire audio or
video file to play it.
Instead, the file is sent in a continuous stream of data to the user's device so
it can play as it arrives in real time or near real time.
The user can also pause, rewind or fast-forward the file, just as they could
with a downloaded file, unless the content is being streamed live, in which
case the user can only watch or possibly participate in the event.
The architecture of the database system …
(Media Streams …)
A continuous query is a query, which is re-evaluated continuously.
For example, the query “give me the most updated temperature” will
return different readings depending on the current moment.
Some continuous queries are also location-dependent. For instance,
the query “show me the nearest gas station” will continually execute a
location-dependent query.

The architecture of the database system …
A multimedia database is a database that hosts one or more primary
media file types such as .txt (documents), .jpg (images), .mp4
(videos), .mp3 (audio), etc.
The ideal MMDBMS is a tight integration of three fundamental
technologies: Conventional Database Capabilities, hierarchical storage
support, and information-retrieval capabilities.
Here is the basic definition of MMDBMS:

The architecture of the database system …
Multimedia and Imaging Database =
Support of Image and Multimedia data types ( text, images, graphics objects, video data
(digitized video), audio data )
Capacity to handle a very large number of image and multimedia objects
Support of high-performance, high capacity, cost effective storage management
database capabilities
information-retrieval capabilities
The architecture of the database system …
Examples of MMDBMS:
 Digital Library
 News-On-Demand
 Video-On-Demand
 Music Database
 Telemedicine
 Geographic Information System
Nature of Multimedia Data:
 Large amount of data
 Time sensitive
 Vague matching
Indexing and organizing multimedia data

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