The Treasure in The Forest

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The Treasure in the Forest


Introduction to the Author
H. G. Wells, full Herbert George Wells,
(1866-1946) was an English novelist,
journalist, sociologist, and historian.
Best known for such science fiction novels.
The Time Machine, The Wonderful Visit
(1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896),
The Invisible Man (1897), The War of the
Worlds(1898), The First Men in the Moon
(1901), and The Food of the Gods (1904) are
his most famous creations.
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Evan, Hooker (hunters), Three Chinese
(Chang Hi)
Evan and Hookar search for a Spanish
treasure by snatching the Treasure map
after murdering Chinese Man Chang hi
who had discovered the treasure left
behind when Spanish Galloon wrecked
Evan and Hooker were very tired and
hungry as if they had no food to eat.
They see the map and get puzzled. Hooker
studied the map which belonged to the
Spanish Treasure, burried by Chang hi.
Hooker is sailing the boat. Evan falls asleep
and sees a little fire with three chinese people
sitting around in his dream.
They were talking about the Spanish
treasure. He wanted to take those treasures
away from there.
But Evans and Hooker kill Chang-hi and take
the map. When Chang- hi get murdered, he
laughs at them. They travelled by Canoe
sailing towards the Coral island.
They load much treasure as they can drag in
Evan’s jacket, but soon Evan’s arm started
ache and eventually he faints.
Chang- Hi had covered the treasure by Dyaks
(poisonous thrones).
Describe the expository scene of the story.

 The story starts with the two-man (Evans and

Hooker) who went on a voyage with a unprovised
Canoe (boat) with an unclear map. They got this map
by robbing and murdering a chinaman. Evans study
the map by ran his thumbnail over the chart for the
notion of different symbols on the map. Like; the
curve and twisting line is the river and starts his
voyage to find the place as shown in the map
Main Plot and Analysis
Question Answers
Describe the expository scene of the story.

 The story starts with the two-man (Evans and

Hooker) who went on a voyage with a unprovised
Canoe (boat) with an unclear map. They got this map
by robbing and murdering a chinaman. Evans study
the map by ran his thumbnail over the chart for the
notion of different symbols on the map. Like; the
curve and twisting line is the river and starts his
voyage to find the place as shown in the map
What does the map look like and how do Evan and
Hooker interpret it?

The map looks like a rough map of treasure/ingots.

Evan and Hooker interpret it by running a thumbnail
over the chart for the notion of different symbols on
the map. Like; the curve and twisting line is the
river. A man with the map(Evans) said to his partner
that you can see this dotted line which was straight
and ran from the opening of the reef (समद्री चट्टान) to a
clump(समुह) of palm trees. There is a blue star just
where it cuts the river where we have to go. But they
don’t pay much attention to the dotted line.
Why do you think Evan and Hooker took such a risk
of finding the buried treasure in a desert island?

Evan and Hooker are more interested in receiving

treasures and become rich and powerful in a short
time. There is greed besides his thought of taking
such a risk. Evan and Hooker kill the chinaman and
robbed the map of treasure because of his desire to
live like a king. There is no sign of poverty and
trouble in their life. Their family can live a good
happy life. There are the some reason Evan aand
Hooker took such a risk of finding the buried
treasure in a desert island.
What do you think is the moral of the story?

This story represents that greed is the big enemy of a

person and also shows the weakness for money and
wealth on persons. The end of greed is destructive.
We must focus and understand each thing before
making any decision on it. Otherwise, it result is bad
like Evans and Hooker. We must prepare before
going anywhere.
* Have A Grand
Day Ahead *

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