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Journal Trainee

HSE Management

 Review all HSE Documentation, Implementation And

Evaluation In Relation To P3 Operational Activities

 Review all HSE Activities In The P3 Area

By : Gilang Aditya
Review all HSE Documentation, Implementation And Evaluation
In Relation To P3 Operational Activities

1 HSSE Plan

2 Dokumen JSEA (Jobs Safety Environment Analysis)

Matrix dokumen HSSE (Health Safety Security Environment)


4 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Product

5 KIR (Kartu Identifikasi Resiko) Document

A HSSE Plan is a outlines the safety measures & procedures implemented in a
workplace made to secure the workers. It is also designed by the legislative
requirements covering the roles & responsibilities of the staff, the emergency action
plan, & so forth.

The contents of the HSSE plan are as follows

1. Explain and apply applicable laws and regulation and follow company regulation.
2. Ensure the level of employee awareness about occupational safety and health
3. To Protect equipment from damge and maintain and protect the surrounding
2.JSEA (Jobs Safety Environment Analysis)

Definition: WHO Made JSA:

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a 1. Site Officer/Site Officer
method to identify potential Shif
hazards from each stage of 2. Worker
work, so we can identified. 3. K3 expert/ HSE Officer
that steps to prevent or
control the hazards
Step to Creating JSEA

Analyze steps of the job ACTION OR
• Existing jobs where there • Potential/ Source of danger
are changes in work • The work is broken down into • Material, Equipmet, • Elimination
procedures or work steps Enviroment
several basic steps. • Danger targets
• Reduction
• High-severity work • Engineering Control
• Human, Equipment,
• Avoid broad and not too Enviroment • Administrative Control
detailed explanations of work • PPE

Determining Job Identifying hazards

Example JSEA
3.Matrix dokumen HSSE
Composition of documents
which arrange in one folder/map
and the documents with same
issue will be placed in one map
together. The propose is make
workers easy finding required
4.MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Product
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a
document that contains information on
the potential hazards (health, fire,
reactivity and environmental) and how
to work safely with the chemical
product. It is an essential starting point
for the development of a complete
health and safety program. It also
contains information on the use,
storage, handling and emergency
procedures all related to the hazards of
the material
The color position will always be like a

Blue Yellow Each box contains a number between 0-4


(flash point):

0 = Tidak Terbakar
1 = > 930C Terbakar
2 = 370C-930C Terbakar
3 = 22.80C-37.20C Terbakar
4 = < 22.80C Terbakar

0 = Stabil
1 = Tidak Stabil Jika Panas

2 = Unsur kimia dapat berubah

3 = Benturan dan Panas menyebabkan ledakan

4 = Sangat Sensitif, Mudah Meledak

0 = Normal
1 = Sedikit Bahaya

2 = Berbahaya

3 = Sangat Berbahaya

4 = Mematikan
Pengoksidasi OXY
Alkali ALK
Corrosive COR
Tidak boleh pakai air W
Radiasi 
5.KIR (Kartu Identifikasi Resiko) Document
KIR is a sheet that made to
create safety culture for the Kartu Identifikasi Risiko
workers and to increase 

Tdk memakai sabuk pengaman
Melanggar rambu lalulintas
 Memarkir MT tidak pas pada tempat/area
loading BBM

awareness from accident 

Melanggar lampu lalulintas
Menghentikan mobil secara mendadak
Mengkonsumsi miras & obat terlarang
 Kondisi mesin pompa pd saat dihidupkan
 Menghidupkan MT pd saat proses

and injury which related to

pada saat bertugas unloading BBM belum selesai
 Tdk memakai APD  Menggunakan Hand Phone pada saat
 Perbaikan saat peralatan sdg beroperasi mengemudi
 Posisi sandar kapal pd floating storage  Menjalankan mobil melebihi kecepatan yg

safe and unsafe condition by

tdk pas diperbolehkan
 Kondisi kapal kurang baik  Tdk menyalakan lampu mobil pada saat
 Tdk mematikan mesin MT setelah selesai mengemudi di malam hari
parlkir di area loading BBM  Merokok di tempat yg dilarang

doing an observation and 

Penggunaan perkakas/peralatan yg salah
Penggunaan perkakas/peralatan yg rusak
Mengangkat/memuat/penanganan tdk
 Memindahkan alat keselamatan
 Tdk mematuhi aturan kerja lokasi
 Posisi yang tdk sesuai

communication when
sesuai  Beban kerja/stress berlebihan
 Adanya ceceran oli/minyak disekitar  Kondisi MT tdk laik pakai
Armada  Tangki bocor

workers do some job to  Ban gundul tdk layak pakai

 Gas buang kendaraan
 Kurangnya pengaman untuk listrik

Bahan Kimia / Limbah Berbahaya
Tekanan Tinggi

always work safe and reduce

 Ruang Sempit  Permukaan licin
 Benda bergerak/tajam/panas/dingin  Kebisingan/getaran
 Kondisi cuaca membahayakan  Ketinggian
 Kurang ventilasi  Ruang sempit

unsafe work.
PROSEDUR (Ketersediaan & Pengetahuan)
 Aturan lokasi kerja  Mengunci & Memasang Tag (LOTO)
 Prosedur Standar Operasi (PSO)  Data Keselamatan Material (MSDS)
 Instruksi Kerja (IK)  Prosedur Perawatan (Maintenance)
 Analisa Keselamatan Kerja (JSA)  Sertifikasi
 Ijin Kerja (Work Permit)  Kalibrasi
 Ijin Kerja Panas (Hot Work Permit)
 Tertabrak / Menabrak  Terinfeksi
 Terjepit di dalam / diantara  Terhirup
 Terpotong  Kontak dgn Gas / Debu
 Terpeleset / Tersandung / Terjatuh  Kontak dgn Bahan Kimia / Listrik /Panas /
 Jatuh dari Ketinggian Dingin / Radiasi / Racun /Kebisingan
 Kebakaran / Ledakan  Kerusakan Lingkungan
Review all HSE activities in the P3 area

1.Safety Briefing

2.Monitoring APD Document

3.Monitoring APAR Document

4.Dokumen/Notulen Meeting Periodic

1.Safety Briefing
Safety briefings are to be held at the start of the work
shift, as work tasks or hazards differ from the original
briefing, and as additional personnel arrive at the job
site. One of the most important objectives of holding
job safety briefings is to simply raise awareness among
workers about the potential dangers associated with
their jobs

Every Monday we are doing refreshment activity SOP

and work instruction how to uses any equipment in
work area, to make all personel aware of the safety and
hazards in the work location
2.Monitoring APD Document
Used to monitoring stock
of APD in EPN office, the
condition and to educate
all workers how
important to use APD in
work area to prevent
accident that will
happen someday
3.Monitoring APAR Document

monthly checks are carried out on the fire

extinguisher because to ensure the condition of the
fire extinguisher and ensure that the fire
extinguisher can be used properly at any time when Checking physically APAR, noozle ,
needed. pressure gauge, hose clamp, and
We Must Check These Detail during Monthly
1. Confirm the extinguisher is visible,
unobstructed, and in its designated location.
2. Verify the locking pin is intact and the tamper
seal is unbroken. Examine the extinguisher for
obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or
clogged nozzle.
3. Confirm the pressure gauge or indicator is in the
operable range or position, and lift the
extinguisher to ensure it is still full.
4. Make sure the operating instructions on the
nameplate are legible and facing
4.Dokumen/Notulen Meeting Periodic

Example Invitation for Monthly Evaluation Meering

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