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Software Architecture and types:

Software architecture is the structural design that outlines how different parts of a software system work together.
It defines components, their interactions, and guides their construction. It is crucial for organizing
complex systems, aiding decision-making, and ensuring the system meets its requirements effectively.

Two-tier architecture
The client and server layers communicate directly with each other.
The client sends requests to the server, and the server processes those requests and responds back to the client.
The server is responsible for handling the business logic, data processing, and data storage.

It is scalable upto 100 clients
User-friendly interface
Fails when user exceeds 100, Not suitable for batch processing, Limited flexibility
Three-tier architecture
Presentation Tier (also known as the User Interface or Client Tier):
This is the topmost layer and is responsible for interacting directly with the users or clients.
It handles user input and displays the information to users in a human-readable format.
In web applications, this tier is usually implemented using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frontend frameworks.
Application Tier (also known as the Business Logic Tier or Middleware):
The middle layer, responsible for processing user requests and managing the application's business logic.
It processes the data received from the presentation tier and interacts with the data tier to retrieve
or update information as needed.
This tier is where the application's core functionality and business rules are implemented.
Data Tier (also known as the Database Tier or Backend Tier):
The bottommost layer, responsible for managing and storing data.
It handles data storage, retrieval, and manipulation operations.
Typically, this tier includes a database or data storage system like SQL databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
or NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra).

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