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A person who undertakes the risk of
starting a new business venture is
called an entrepreneur.
An entrepreneur creates a firm to
realize their idea, known as
entrepreneurship, which aggregates
•Entrepreneurship is highly risky but
also can be highly rewarding, as it
serves to generate economic wealth,
growth, and innovation.
•Ensuring funding is key for
entrepreneurs: Financing resources
include Small Business
Administration loans and
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Process of

Discover – Any new process begins

with fresh ideas and objectives,
wherein the entrepreneur recognizes
and analyzes business possibilities

Evaluation – The evaluation of an opportunity can

be done by asking several questions to oneself

Developing a plan – After the identification of an opportunity, an

entrepreneur has to build a complete business plan
Resources – The next step in the process of
entrepreneurial development is resourcing. Here, the
entrepreneur recognizes the source of finance and
from where the human resource can be managed

Managing the company – After the hiring process and

funds are raised now its time to start the operation to
accomplish the desired goals

Harvesting – The last step in this

process is harvesting, where an
entrepreneur determines the future
growth and development of the business
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Types of Entrepreneurs

The hustler.
The small business entrepreneur.
The scalable startup entrepreneur.
The large company entrepreneur.
The innovative entrepreneur.
The social entrepreneur.
The buyer entrepreneur.
The imitator entrepreneur
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Benefits of Entrepreneurship
 1. Entrepreneurs provide job opportunites.
 2. Entrepreneurs increase competition & boost
 3. Entrepreneurs create new business & new markets.
 4. Entrepreneurs add national income.
 5. Entrepreneurs introduce innovative technologies.

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Common mistakes to avoid as an entrepreneur

 Neglecting to make a business plan. ...

 Inadequate financial preparation and resources. ...
 Failing to monitor progress and adjust. ...
 Buying assets with your cash flow. ...
 Avoiding outside help. ...
 Setting the wrong price. ...
 Ignoring technology. ...
 Neglecting online marketing.

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Can we call an entrepreneur a
A businessman walks on the defined path, but
an entrepreneur believes in making his own path,
which becomes a guideline for other businessmen. Most
of the people have a misconception that the terms
businessman and entrepreneur, carry the same meaning,
due to which they use them interchangeably

In the long run, an entrepreneur becomes a

businessman, but there is a difference. Even the
terms will sound same for a layman, but there is a
fine line amidst the two, in the sense that an
entrepreneur is always a market leader whereas a
businessman is a market player.

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Finally, entrepreneurship
Click to add picture must be viewed as a means of self-transformation and, as a result, becoming a
change agent. For this to happen, the entrepreneur must be able to meet the larger system’s environmental,
social, and economic expectations while also driving themselves to achieve their goals. The most essential
driver of success is the balance between inner desires and external expectations. As you embark on your
own entrepreneurial journey or support those who do, keep in mind that setbacks are opportunities in
Click to addand the support of a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem can be your greatest asset.- So, whether

you're dreaming of launching the next big tech startup or simply looking to make a difference in your
community, remember that the entrepreneurial spirit has the power to change the world.- Stay inspired,
stay innovative, and keep building the future you envision.

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Thank you!!

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