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7 AM Wake Ollie- Let him out to poop and pee.

in the kitchen- add hot water to his food and then 2
He will need to potty again before 10. If you leave
home put him in laundry room with pocket doors
closed, otherwise he can roam the house when you
are home.

12 Noon Wake Ollie-out to potty. Lunch in the kitchen, Add

hot water to his food.

He will need to potty again before 2. If you leave

home put him in the laundry room with pocket
doors closed, otherwise he can roam the house when
you are home.

5 PM Out to potty. Dinner in the kitchen with 1

glucosamine pill. He will need to pee very very
often after dinner thru the evening

9:30-10 Potty and directly to bed in laundry room with

PM pocket doors closed so he can move around laundry
room at night. Frankie should be in her crate, crate
door closed, with a sheet over crate. All lights out

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