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The word 'trigonometry' is derived from the Greek words 'tri'
(meaning three), 'gon' (meaning sides) and 'metron' (meaning

In fact, trigonometry is the study of the relationship between the sides

and angles of a triangle.

‘tri’ – Three
‘gon’ – Sides
Metron – Measure

Trigonometry ... is all about triangles.

Trigonometry helps us find

angles and distances, and is
used a lot in science,
engineering, video games,
and more!
Applications in Real Life
•In Ancient timed, it was used for Astronomy
•In Finding the Distance of Stars.
•Finding the Radius of the Earth
•Finding the Height of Hills, Buildings, Trees Etc.
•Navigation – Airplane, Ships, Etc.
•Measuring the heights of towers or big mountains
•Determining the distance of the shore from the sea
•Finding the distance between two celestial bodies
•Determining the power output of solar cell panels at
different inclinations
•Representing different physical quantities such as
mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, etc.
The history of trigonometry dates back to the early
age of Egypt and Babylon. Angles were then
measured in degrees.
It was then advanced by the Greek astronomer
Hipparchus in the second century B.C. He compiled
a trigonometric table that measured the length of a
chord subtending various angles in a circle of a fixed
radius r.
He is known as the father of TRIGONOMETRY.
Hipparchus is considered by some as the
greatest astronomer.
He was the first Greek to develop
quantitative and accurate models for the
motion of the Sun and the Moon.
With his solar and lunar theories and his
numerical trigonometry, he was
probably the first to develop a reliable
method to predict solar eclipses.
Since Trigonometry focuses on relationships of sides and angles of a triangle,
let’s go over how angles are measured…

*Angles are formed by an initial side and a terminal

side. An initial side is said to be in standard position
when it’s vertex is located at the origin and the ray goes
along the positive x axis.

*An angle is measured by the amount of rotation from

the initial side to the terminal side. A positive angle is
made by a rotation in the counterclockwise direction and
a negative angle is made by a rotation in the clockwise

Angles can be measured two ways:
1. Degrees
2. Radians
A circle is comprised of 360°,
which is called one revolution

*Degrees are used primarily to

describe the size of an angle.
1 revolution
measured in radians
is 2π, where π is the
approximately 3.14.
Degrees to radians: In trigonometry, both degree
and radian represent the measure of an angle. One
complete anticlockwise revolution can be
represented by 2π (in radians) or 360° (in degrees).
Therefore, degree and radian can be equated as:
2π = 360° and π = 180°
Degrees to Radians Conversion:

Angle in radian = Angle in degree x (π/180)

Radians to Degrees Conversion:

Angle in degrees = Angle in radian x (180/π)

Practice Problems:
A. Convert Degrees to Radians
1) 50° = ____ radians
2) -80° = ____ radians
3) 120° = ____ radians
B. Convert Radians to Degrees
4) 5π/4 = ____ degrees
5) 2π/15 = ____ degrees
A. Convert Degrees to Radians
1) 90° = ____ radians
2) 60° = ____ radians
3) 180° = ____ radians
4) 285° = ____ radians
5) 342° = ____ radians
B. Convert Radians to Degrees
1) - π/12 = ____ degrees
2) 4π/15 = ____ degrees
3) 217π/36 = ____ degrees
4) -32π/9 = ____ degrees
5) -86π/45 = ____ degrees
A. Convert Degrees to Radians
1) 120° = ____ radians
2) -70° = ____ radians
3) 65° = ____ radians
4) -285° = ____ radians
5) 349° = ____ radians
B. Convert Radians to Degrees
1) π/10 = ____ degrees
2) 2π/8 = ____ degrees
3) 20π/15 = ____ degrees
4) -150π/45 = ____ degrees
5) -8π/60 = ____ degrees
Right-Angled Triangle
The triangle of most interest
is the right-angled triangle.
The right angle is shown by
the little box in the corner:
The hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the
side opposite the right angle. It is the longest side
in a right triangle.

The adjacent leg is the other side that is adjacent to

angle θ (theta). It is also sometimes called as base.

The opposite side is the side that is opposite to

angle θ (theta). It is also sometimes called
Why a Right-Angled Triangle?
Why is this triangle so important?
Imagine we can measure along and
up but want to know the direct
distance andcan
Trigonometry angle:
find that missing angle and
Or maybe we have a distance and angle and
need to "plot the dot" along and up:
Right Triangle

The sides are always defined with respect to acute angle ‘A’ or
angle ‘C’.
Trigonometric Ratios are defined as the values of all the
trigonometric functions based on the value of the ratio of
sides in a right-angled triangle.
The ratios of sides of a right-angled triangle with respect
to any of its acute angles are known as the trigonometric
ratios of that particular angle.
The three sides of the right triangle are:
•Hypotenuse (the longest side)
•Perpendicular (opposite side to the angle)
•Base (Adjacent side to the angle)
Trigonometric functions are also known as Circular
Functions can be simply defined as the functions of
an angle of a triangle. It means that the relationship
between the angles and sides of a triangle are given
by these trig functions.

The basic trigonometric functions are sine, cosine,

tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant.
With respect to ∠C, the ratios of trigonometry are given as:
•sine: Sine of an angle is defined as the ratio of the side
opposite(perpendicular side) to that angle to the
•cosine: Cosine of an angle is defined as the ratio of the
side adjacent to that angle to the hypotenuse.
•tangent: Tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the
side opposite to that angle to the side adjacent to that angle.
•cosecant: Cosecant is a multiplicative inverse of sine.
•secant: Secant is a multiplicative inverse of cosine.
•cotangent: Cotangent is the multiplicative inverse of the
Sine, Cosine and Tangent
The main functions in trigonometry are
Sine, Cosine and Tangent
They are simply one side of a right-angled triangle divided
by another.
For any angle "θ":

(Sine, Cosine and Tangent are often abbreviated to sin, cos and tan.)

1. Sin θ 4. Csc θ
2. Cos θ 5. Sec θ
3. Tan θ 6. Cot θ
Solved Problems
1. If in a right-angled triangle ABC, right-angled at B, hypotenuse
AC = 5cm, base BC = 3cm and perpendicular AB = 4cm and if
∠ACB = θ, then find tan θ, sin θ and cos θ.

2. Find the value of tan θ if sin θ = 2/5 and cos θ = ⅗.

1.Find the value of sin θ, if tan θ = ¾ and cos θ = ½.
2.Find tan θ, if sin θ = 4/3 and cos θ = 3/2
3.Find sec θ, if cos θ = 9/8
4.Find cosec θ, if sin θ = 16/5
5.Find cot θ, if tan θ = 3/7
6.If in a right-angled triangle XYZ, right-angled at Y,
hypotenuse XZ = 7cm, base YZ = 4cm and perpendicular
XY = 5cm and if ∠XYZ = θ, then find tan θ, sin θ and cos θ.
1.Find the value of sin θ, if tan θ = ¾ and cos θ = ½.
2.Find tan θ, if sin θ = 4/3 and cos θ = 3/2
3.Find sec θ, if cos θ = 9/8
4.Find cosec θ, if sin θ = 16/5
5.Find cot θ, if tan θ = 3/7
6.If in a right-angled triangle XYZ, right-angled at Y,
hypotenuse XZ = 7cm, base YZ = 4cm and perpendicular
XY = 5cm and if ∠XYZ = θ, then find tan θ, sin θ and cos θ.
If the distance is greater than
the radius, the point lies
outside. If it’s equal to the
radius, the point lies on the
circle. And if it’s less than the
radius, you guessed it right, the
point will lie inside the circle.

Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle

Unit Circle
- The unit circle is a circle
having a radius value of 1
and its center at the origin of
a rectangular coordinate
- The equation of the unit
circle is x²+y²=1.
Trigonometric Functions and the Unit Circle
If we let the x = cos θ and y = sin θ, then P will be the terminal
side of angle θ where it intersects the unit circle.
Problem 1:
The terminal side of angle θ in standard position intersects the unit
circle at P (, ). Find cos θ and sin θ.

cos θ =
sin θ =
Problem 2:
The terminal side of angle θ in standard position
intersects the unit circle at P(0,1). Find cos θ and sin

P(0,1) = P(cos θ, sin θ)

cos θ = 0
sin θ = 1
The origin or zero value of the real number line in the wrapping
function is at the point (1,0) on the unit circle. Positive values of the
line move around the circumference of the circle in a
counterclockwise direction and negative values in a clockwise
direction, as shown below.
The unit circle can be used to find
the exact values of cos θ and sin θ
for special angles regardless of if
you are working in degrees or
Using the unit circle, find the following trigonometric ratios of
special angles:

1) sin 0° 6) cos 180°

2) cos 0° 7) sin 270°
3) sin 90° 8) cos 270°
4) cos 90° 9) sin 360°
5) sin 180° 10) cos 360°
Problem 3:
Find the exact value of the
expression, cos (5π/6).
Problem 4:
Find the exact value of the
expression, tan (π/4).
Problem 5:
Find the exact value of the
expression, cot (5π/4).
Problem 6:
Find the exact value of the
expression, csc (2π/3).
1. cos 30° 6. sec
2. tan 225° 7. cot (4π/3)
3. sec 300° 8. tan (5π/6)

4. csc 150° 9. sin (3π/4)

5. cot 45° 10. csc
Arc Length
• defined as the distance along the part of the circumference
of any circle or any curve (arc).
• Any distance along the curved line that makes up the arc
is known as the arc length.
• A part of a curve or a part of a circumference of a circle is
called Arc.
• All of them have a curve in their shape. The length of an
arc is longer than any straight line distance between its
endpoints (a chord).
What is Arc Length?
The arc length is defined as the interspace
between the two points along a section of a curve.
An arc of a circle is any part of the circumference.
The angle subtended by an arc at any point is the
angle formed between the two line segments
joining the center to the end-points of the arc. For
example, in the circle shown below, OP is the arc
of the circle with center Q. The arc length of this
arc OP is given as L.
Example 1: Calculate the
length of an arc if the radius of
an arc is 8 cm and the central
angle is 40°.
Example 2: Find the length of the arc that
is bolded.
Example 3: In the diagram
given below, if QRS is a
central angle and
m∠QRS = 81°, m∠SRT =
115°, and radius is 5 cm,
then find the length of the
arc QST.
Example 4: If
m∠LMN = 19° and
radius is 15 inches, then
find the length of arc
Example 5: In a circle, if the arc
length of Arc AB is 18 cm and the
measure of Arc AB is 39°, then find
the radius of the circle.
Example 6: In a circle, if the arc
length of Arc AB is 19 inches
and the radius is 29 inches, then
find the measure of arc AB.
Example 7: Find
the length of the
arc highlighted in
red color.
Example 1: Calculate the
length of an arc if the radius of
an arc is 9 cm and the central
angle is π/2.
Practice Problems to Find Arc Length
1.Arc of 120° in a circle with radius 8, find length.
2.Circle with diameter 12, arc of 30° length.
3.Circle of radius 5, arc length of 150°.
4.Circle of diameter 10, arc of 60° length.
5.Arc of 90° in circle of radius 7, find length.
Sector of a circle
The sector is basically a portion of a circle
which could be defined based on these three
points mentioned below:
•A circular sector is the portion of a disk
enclosed by two radii and an arc.
•A sector divides the circle into two regions,
namely Major and Minor Sector.
•The smaller area is known as the Minor
Sector, whereas the region having a greater
area is known as Major Sector.
Area of a sector
Area of Sector with respect to Length of the Arc

A = Area
l = length of the Arc
r = radius
Example 1: If the angle of the
sector with radius 4 units is 45°,
then find the area and the length of
the sector.
Example 2: Find the area of the
sector when the radius of the
circle is 16 units, and the length
of the arc is 5 units.
2: Six

1. Sin θ 4. Csc θ
2. Cos θ 5. Sec θ
3. Tan θ 6. Cot θ
Pythagorean theorem, the well-known
geometric theorem that the sum of the
squares on the legs of a right triangle is
equal to the square on the hypotenuse.

a +b =c
2 2 2
Find the values of the other five trigonometric ratios of the acute
angle θ given the indicated value of one of the ratios.
1) sin θ = 2) cos θ =

3) cos θ = 4) cos θ =

5) tan θ =
Find the values of the other five trigonometric ratios of the acute
angle θ given the indicated value of one of the ratios.
1) tan θ = 2) sec θ =

3) csc θ =
Sine Function
In trigonometry, the sine function can be
defined as the ratio of the length of the
opposite side to that of the hypotenuse in a
right-angled triangle. The sine function is
used to find the unknown angle or sides of a
right triangle.
For any right triangle, say ABC,
with an angle α, the sine function
will be:

Sin α= Opposite/ Hypotenuse

Sine Function Formula
In a right-angled triangle, the
sine of an angle is equal to the
ratio of side opposite to the angle
(also called perpendicular) and

Suppose, ‘α’ is the angle, in a

right triangle ABC.
Properties of Sine function as per
The sine function has values positive or negative depending
upon the quadrants. In the above table, it is seen that sine
270 is negative while sine 90 is positive. For the sine
function, the value depends upon the quadrants and is
positive for the first and second quadrants while it is
negative for values in the third and fourth quadrants.
Sine Function Domain and Range
As we know, the sine function is defined for all real numbers, so the domain
of y = sin x is the set of all real numbers, i.e. R. The range of sine function is
the closed interval [-1, 1]. That means, -1 ≤ y ≤ 1 or -1 ≤ sin x ≤ 1. However,
the range of this function can be given as per the quadrants. Observe the
below table to get the range of sine function in different quadrants.
Sine Function Graph
The sine graph looks like the image given below. The sine graph or sinusoidal
graph is an up-down graph and repeats every 360 degrees i.e. at 2π. In the
below-given diagram, it can be seen that from 0, the sine graph rises till +1
and then falls back till -1 from where it rises again.

The function y = sin x is an odd function, because;

sin (-x) = -sin x

Sine function Period and Amplitude

The Period goes from one peak to the next (or from any
point to the next matching point).

The Amplitude is the height from the center line to the

peak (or to the trough). Or we can measure the height from
highest to lowest points and divide that by 2.
The Phase Shift is how far the function is shifted
horizontally from the usual position.
The Vertical Shift is how far the function is shifted
vertically from the usual position.
1. A ladder is leaning against a vertical wall makes an angle of
20° with the ground. The foot of the ladder is 3 m from the
wall. Find the length of ladder.
2. A ladder placed against a wall such that it reaches the top of
the wall of height 6 m and the ladder is inclined at an angle of
60°. Find how far the ladder is from the foot of the wall.
3. A string of a kite is 100 meters long and the inclination of
the string with the ground is 60°. Find the height of the kite,
assuming that there is no slack in the string.
1. You are building a ramp that must cover a horizontal distance of
exactly 5 feet. The angle of the ramp from the ground is 25°. Determine the
length of the ramp, in feet. Round to two decimal places as needed.
2. You are building a ramp that must cover a horizontal distance of exactly 14
feet. The angle of the ramp from the ground is
12°. Determine the length of the ramp, in feet. Round to two decimal places
as needed.
3. A ladder leans against the wall of a building. The ladder
measures 33 inches and forms an angle of 54° with the ground. How far from
the ground, in inches, is the top of the ladder? How far from the wall, in
inches, is the base of the ladder? Round to two decimal places as needed.
1.An aeroplane is flying at 6000 feet above the ground. At what
angle should the plane descend to land on the target runway if it
is 10,000 feet away from the runway?
2.In a triangle ABC, AC is 14 cm, CB is 10 cm, and angle CBA is
63 degrees. Calculate angle CAB and the length of AB.
3.For a triangle ABC, sine (ABC) is 0.6 and the length of BC is 12
cm. Find the length of AC (hypotenuse).
4.A 55 m rope connects is connected to a point on the ground from
the top of a pole. If the rope makes 60 degree angle to the
ground, calculate the height of the pole.
Trigonometric Identities
 Trigonometric Identities are the equalities that involve trigonometry functions and holds
true for all the values of variables given in the equation.

 There are various distinct trigonometric identities involving the side length as well as
the angle of a triangle. The trigonometric identities hold true only for the right-angle

 All the trigonometric identities are based on the six trigonometric ratios. They are sine,
cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. All these trigonometric ratios are
defined using the sides of the right triangle, such as an adjacent side, opposite side, and
hypotenuse side. All the fundamental trigonometric identities are derived from the six
trigonometric ratios.
Fundamental Trigonometric Identities

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