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12 Tips to Control

your Appetite
Tip 1

Don't skip a meal or

wait till you get too
- Because if you are too hungry, a
healthy salad would be the last
choice on your mind.
-Usually, the food choices will
consist of fatty rich meals in such
-What could be worse would be your
grabbing a hamburger or a pizza
because of its ready availability.
Tip 2

Eat meals on time –

breakfast, lunch and
dinner - on fixed time

- Once the meal times are set,

the craving for food in between
meals comes down
- This reduces snacking in
between and thus reduces
intake of insensible calories
(calories that you don't count).
Tip 3

Don't drink juice, soft

drinks with your meal or
immediately after your
meal (30 min is a good
waiting time).

- Doing this will keep the stomach

full for a longer period.
-Liquids will wash out your stomach,
empty it out and create room for
more food.
-Avoid carbonated drinks especially -
these make the stomach distend and
set your satiety point to a much
higher level, leading to consumption
of more food just to achieve satiety.
Tip 4
Eat solid food that involve
excess chewing along with
raw or boiled vegetables
and bulky fruits such as
apples and pears will fill
your stomach faster and
keep it full for a longer
period of time.
- Soft food such as mashed potatoes or
soups will not fill your stomach, but
will increase the calorie load.
- Remember, a bag can be filled with
more sand and less stones.
Tip 5

Work schedule plays a major

role in food consumption. If
you prefer to work late at night
or if your job demands it, plan
your diet well.

- Use fresh fruit or vegetables such

as cucumber, carrots, tomatoes
etc. as snack choices instead of the
potato chips, French fries or
- Avoid snacking on chocolate and
candy placed in that bowl at your
Tip 6

Stop eating just as

immediately as you feel
- Don't wait for the 'full stomach'
feeling. Trying to finish that entire
biryani packet should not be on the
-By practicing this method, the satiety
point will be reset to lower amount of
food intake and reduce those cravings.
-Fight the 'mental hunger' (urge to eat
large portions even though you are
already satisfied).
Tip 7

Stay away from impulse

eating habits.
- Just because you are in the movie
theater doesn't mean you have to buy
popcorn, cold drinks and other snacks.
-Use water as an alternative to control
such urges. The same rule applies to
high calorie foods such as ice cream,
sweets, cakes etc . on different social
-Keep count of your calorie intake and
limit it to your daily requirement
(depending on your activity level, 1800
– 2000 calories).
Tip 8

Learn to say 'no'.

- When you are offered high

calorie foods by friends
and family at a wedding or
a party, learn to politely
decline this 'friendly'
- Because, you are the one
that will have to work off
that extra 500 calories on a
treadmill, and not them.
Tip 9

Stop binging on the so

called 'dieting holiday’.
- Yes, you have worked hard on your diet
over the past several weeks, but, a splurge
on one weekend can really end it all.
-Try to maintain a regular eating habit.
Don't go to the dessert stand directly
thinking that since you have skipped the
main course, you have a right to enjoy the
sweets and ice cream.
-Not only do deserts increase your
appetite, they give you empty calories
since they are extremely high on
carbohydrates and fat.
-Instead, try alternative food with protein
Tip 10

Avoid consumption of
alcohol and using
other stimulants (like
say, marijuana).

- These will drastically increase

your appetite besides giving
calories themselves (45 ml of
scotch whiskey puts in
approximately 100 calories).
- The salty snacks and drink
mixes also pumps in significant
amount of calories.
Tip 11

Satisfying foods are those

that remain longest in the
stomach and small intestine
(high satiety value).
- Meat is the most satisfying of all foods and
keeps you full longer than simple
-Hence, if you are not an obligate vegetarian,
start most of your meals with a choice of meat.
-Milk ranks next to meat in satiety value;
whole milk is more satisfying than skimmed
-Fish is slightly less satisfying than meat
because usually it contains less fat. Eggs vary
according to preparation.
Tip 12

Green vegetables and bread are

slightly low in satiety value.
- But, you do need a healthy portion of these in
your meal to make it better balanced. Oddly, bread
becomes even less satisfying when toasted.

- Fats are high in satiety value; hence moderate

calorie - reducing diets often allow more fats than
carbohydrates to help keep your stomach satisfied.
-Just remember that fat gives 9 kilocalories where
as carbohydrates and protein provide only 4
kilocalories per gram consumed.
-So, one can have twice the amount of protein or
carbohydrates than fat and yet, get same amount
of kilocalories.
Your Life-Style Makes a Difference

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