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16/12/2023 1
• Relation b/w E,G and K
• Problems based on calculation of 1/m, E, G
and K
Problem 10
When a metallic bar of length 25cm, breadth 3cm
and depth 2cm is subjected to an axial load of
240KN, the decrease in length is 0.05cm and
increase in breadth is 0.002cm.Determine the bulk
modulus of the material.
Given : Length = L = 25cm = 250mm
Breadth = b= 3cm = 30mm
Thickness = t = 2cm = 20mm
Load = P = 240KN = 240 X 103N
= 0.05cm and = 0.002cm = 0.02mm
16/12/2023 3
To find: Bulk modulus
Solution :
WKT Young’s modulus = =
= = 2 X 105 N/mm2
Poisson's ratio = μ = =
= =
= 0.33

16/12/2023 4
WKT , Young’s modulus E = 3K [1- ]

2 X 105 = 3K [1 – 2(0.33)] = 3K (0.34)

On Solving, K = 1.96 x 105 N/mm2.

Result :
Bulk modulus = K = 1.96 x 105 N/mm2.

16/12/2023 5
Analysis of Bars of Varying Sections

Consider a bar of different length, area of cross-

section and diameter, subjected to a axial load of
‘P’ as shown in figure-1.

16/12/2023 6
The stress and deformation of length caused in
each of the sections of the bar are different, even
if the axial load acting on the bar is the same.

The derivation is followed by the principle that,

Total Change in length, dL =
Sum of Change in length of Section 1, 2 and 3. -Eq.1

dL = dL1 + dL2 +dL3 ———-Eq.2

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1. Analysis of Section-1

Stress in Section 1,

f1 = Load/Area of Section-1 = P/A1

Strain in Section 1,

e1 = Change in length/Original Length = dL 1/L1 =

f1/E = P/(A1E) [From Eq.1]

Hence, Change in Length

dL1=PL1/(A1E) ———-Eq.3
16/12/2023 8
2. Analysis of Section-2

Stress in Section 2,

f2 = Load/Area of Section-2 = P/A2

e2 = Change in length/Original Length = dL 2/L2

= f2/E =P/(A2E) [From Eq.1]

Hence, Change in Length

dL2= PL2/(A2E) ———-Eq.4

16/12/2023 9
3. Analysis of Section-3

Stress in Section 3,

f3 = Load/Area of Section-3 = P/A3

e3 = Change in length/Original Length = dL 3/L3

= f3/E=P/(A3E) [From Eq.1]

Hence, Change in Length

dL3= PL3/(A3E) ———-Eq.5

16/12/2023 10
From Eq.2, dL = dL1 + dL2 +dL3

Therefore, Eq.3 + Eq.4 + Eq.5,

dL = dL1 + dL2 +dL3

= PL1/(A1E) +PL2/(A2E)+ PL3/(A3E) ..Eq.6

The above equation is used when the sections of the bar

have same modulus of elasticity

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• . If the ‘E’ value is different, we get the
relation, Eq.2

16/12/2023 12
Problem 11
An axial pull of 35000 N is acting on a bar
consisting of three lengths as shown in figure. If
the Young’s modulus E is 2.1 x 105 N/mm2.
Determine (i) Stresses in each section and (ii)
Total extension of the bar.

16/12/2023 13
16/12/2023 14
(i) Stress in

Section 1 = = = 111.408 N/mm2.

Section 2 = = = 49.51 N/mm2.

Section 3 = = = 17.825 N/mm2.

16/12/2023 15
(ii) Total extension of the bar =

dL = dL1 + dL2 +dL3

= PL1/(A1E) +PL2/(A2E)+ PL3/(A3E)

dL = 0.183 mm

16/12/2023 16
Problem 12
A member formed by connecting a steel bar to
an aluminium bar shown in Figure, Assuming
that the bars are prevented from buckling
sideways, Calculate the magnitude of force
that will cause the total length of the member
to decrease 0.25mm. The values of elastic
modulus for steel and aluminium are 2.1 x 10 5
N/mm2 and 7 x 104 N/mm2 respectively.

16/12/2023 17
L1 = 30 cm = 300 mm
L2 = 38 cm = 380 mm
A1 = 25 cm2= 2500 mm2
A2 = 100 cm2 = 10000 mm2
Es = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2 and
Ea 7 x 104 N/mm2
To find : Magnitude of the force

16/12/2023 18
dL = dL1 + dL2

= PL1/(A1Es) +PL2/(A2Ea)

0.25 =

P = 2.2437 x 105 = 224.37 KN

16/12/2023 19

When a number of loads are acting on a body,

the resulting strain according to principle of
super position, will be the algebric sum of strain
caused by individual loads.

16/12/2023 20

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