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Presented to: Dr. Nelly Wakim
Student: Mariam Al Sahmarani
Fall 2023-2024
 Roland Barthes “We reach here the very principle of myth: it transforms history into nature.”
 “myth is a semiological system which has the pretension of transcending itself into a factual
 According to these two studies, 4 different signs will be presented showing their two types of
significance: signifier and signified
 A logo
 A poster
 An audio-visual advertisement
 An Arabic quote
 Logo concept and credits
 Year: 2018
 Creator: Imad Bazzi (Director of Advocacy at INARA
 An international charity with a mission to fill in the gaps in access to life-altering medical
and mental health services for children in communities impacted by human-induced and
natural disasters.

 It is crucial to know that the logo is composed of several elements, all of them resemble the
work and mission of INARA.

• We can see a multicolor shape/ colorful

• The charity name (an Arabic word) colored
in white.
• An explanation about the charity target .
• Different shapes related to the logo.

 The heart and the mind are joined and can’t be separated
 The emblem connected at all ends with a link.

 Medication shape: refers to medical treatment.

 Band aid: means the restrictive surgeries and easing the pain.
 Heart shape: describe the happiness of children.
 Mind shape: is about the mental health and psychosocial support children
 The 4 different colors which present the approach of INARA
 Pink: calmness and compassion
 Yellow: sunshine and warmth
 Green: goodness and hope.
 Blue: strength and the unity.
 White: peace
 A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
 For the same reason we can observe the emblem connected at all ends with a link, because
INARA is the link between children and the life-altering services that they need.
 Above all, the deep meaning of INARA in Arabic language means the shining light 💡.
The image was used to
 Men to enlist in the
 Civilian support for the
entry of the U.S. into
World War I.
 It was drawn in the middle of the poster.
 Classical drawing style was used, which known for its illustrative style and patriotic symbols.
-The white background with red and blue frames.
 The image consists of the upper body of a gray-haired man with a goatee.
 Wearing a white colored top hat with a thick blue band around the bottom cone-part of the top
 It’s also worth noting that the band has white stars going around it which could be symbolic.
 The man appears to be wearing a white shirt with a navy-blue coat and a red bowtie .
 He was drawn with stern expression.
 A pointed finger at the viewer.
 A large caption in the imperative form under the painting which said:“I want You for u.s. army”.
 The word « You » distinguished itself from the rest.
 And a location has been written under it; “nearest recruiting station” in small letters.
 Central drawing of the poster is a choice was made to effectively draw attention and
highlight the significance of this man as a prominent figure in this artwork.
 Classical drawing techniques were employed ,to convey a sense of gravitas, seriousness and
realistic depictions .
 The background and the outfit colors referred to symbolize the American flag.

 His face expression is intended to show the sense of urgency.

 His pointed finger appears as he is directly speaking to us/ viewers , coupled with the caption
“I want you” . This visual combination on a poster aims to call for active participation in the
wartime effort, reinforcing the urgency of the recruitment message.
 Adding the location making it easier for viewers to know how and where to respond to the

Greenpeace – KITKAT
‫"النساء ناقصات عقل و دين"‬
‫كثيرًا ما نسمع هذه العبارة‪ /‬هذا اإلتهام في أيامنا هذه‪ ،‬غالبًا ما تكون موّجه من "الذكور"‪ .‬و الغرض منها ذم المرأة و‬
‫التقليل من شأنها حيث ال يكون لها ال قرار وال رأي ‪ ،‬مقابل فرض شخصيتهم الذكورة و برمجة المجتمع محتجين‬
‫بأن النساء غير قادرات على فرض أنفسهن بشكل مباشر في المجتمع كإعتالئهّن منصاب و مراكز و إدارة أو تحّم ل‬
‫مسؤولية مجتمع لوحدها و ذلك بسبب نقص في عقلهّن ‪ ،‬و القصد في عدم إنصافها !‪.‬‬
‫إّنما حقيقة األمر أن هذه العبارة كانت عبارة عن صفة لفطرة المرأة ال لذّم ها ‪ ،‬و هي طبيعتها العاطفية بأنها تعطي‬
‫بالعاطفة أكثر من العقل‪ .‬و بذلك ال يمكنها أن تحكم بشهادتها لوحدها ألن عاطفتها تغلبها (و في إحدة األديان‬
‫السماوية؛ شهادة المرأة تمّثل نصف شهادة الرجل‬
‫أي أن شهادة إمرأتين مقابل شهادة رجل) ‪.‬‬
‫و إّن نقصان الدين عندها هي داللة على عدم قدرتها في تأدية واجباتها الدينية (في إحدى هذه األديان) كالصوم و‬
‫الصالة لعذرها "الشهري"‪.‬‬
‫هنا نستلخص كيف يمكن فرض و إظهار أهمية عنصر على حساب عنصر آخر في المجتمع‪ .‬مستهذلين بقيمة المرأة‬
‫الفعالة له‪ ،‬و اذا كان بإمكانهم إلغاء دورها لفعلوها‪.‬‬
‫و لكنهم ال يتمكنون ( لو بينهم و بين أنفسهم) من إنكار حقيقة دورها و أنها نصف المجتمع ال بل كّله و أن لوال‬
‫وجودها ال ذكور و ال إناث! ‪.‬‬

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