Lecture 4 Ethical Issues of C Psy

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• Clinical psychologists work closely with clients
to diagnose and treat mental illnesses, as well
as to work through interpersonal problems. As
a result of this interaction, psychologists
develop intimate bonds with clients that
depend deeply on mutual trust. These
relationships also create ethical dilemmas
when conflicts of interest arise or clients
reveal an intention to harm self or others.
APA code of ethics
• The American Psychological Association sets forth five principles by which
practitioners should act: beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and
responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect for people's rights and dignity.
• Beneficence and nonmaleficence mean that psychologists should try to
benefit clients and do no harm.
• Fidelity and responsibility mean that psychologists must create trusting,
respectful bonds with clients.
• The commitment to integrity requires that psychologists be honest and
accurate in reporting facts and scientific data.
• The fourth principle, justice, asks that clinical psychologists recognize each
individual's right to caring, compassionate psychological care.
• The final principle, respect for people's rights and dignity, means that a
psychologist should respect a client's right to privacy, his ability to
determine his own path, and confidentiality.

• An American Psychological Association survey found that

psychologists reported confidentiality as the most ethically
troubling issue they faced. Most commonly, clinical
psychologists felt conflicted about reporting potential risks to
third parties (someone other than the psychologist and
client). While psychologists must report it to the authorities if
they feel a person is in imminent danger, disclosing
information revealed in a private session with a client is
tremendously damaging to the clinical relationship. This
creates a difficult ethical issue that may be best resolved by
consulting another professional's opinion or returning to the
APA Code of Conduct.
• Conflicted Relationships
• The second most common ethical dilemma reported by
psychologists is conflicted relationships with a client. A
clinical psychologist is taught to maintain clear,
responsible boundaries between herself and a client.
However, if a client is a fellow community member or part
of the psychologist's social circle, it can be difficult to
maintain appropriate boundaries. Again, when an
ethically questionable relationship develops, it is best to
assess it in light of the American Psychological Association
Code of Conduct or to consult a colleague for advice.
• Payment
• The third most common ethical dilemma reported by
clinical psychologists involves payment source or
method. Most of these dilemmas concerned insurance
coverage, in which psychologists felt that they were
being required to provide inadequate care because of
the financial limitations placed on the client by
insurance policy coverage. These ethical issues can be
difficult to resolve because of the bureaucracy involved
in negotiating with insurance providers.
• Considerations
• The ethical issues facing clinical psychologists are widespread
and difficult to resolve. While the Code of Conduct lays forth
five important ethical principles, these principles sometimes
conflict and create problems. It is important to remember to
treat the client with respect and dignity, while maintaining a
clear and appropriate therapeutic relationship with him.
• If ethical questions arise in your clinical practice, consult a
colleague or the APA Code of Conduct for advice. Many
hospitals also have bioethicists who can answer tough ethical
questions about medical issues.
• References
• American Psychological Association: Ethical Pri
nciples of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
• KSPope.com: Ethics and the American Psychol
ogical Association

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