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Module-1: Introduction (Lecture-1)

Topics to be discussed in Lecture-1
• Introduction to Program, Instruction and Languages,
Different levels of Languages
• What is Structured Computer Organization ?
• What is Translator and Interpreter and its
differences ?
• What is the need of the virtual machine ?
• What lead to the development of Multilevel Machine
and how many levels of machine are we using these
days ?
• What are the contemporary Multilevel Machine ?
• A sequence of instructions describing how to
perform a certain task is called a program.
• The electronic circuits of each computer can
recognize and directly execute a limited set of
simple instructions into which all its programs
must be converted before they can be
Machine Language
• Set of computer instruction form a language
thru’ which people communicate with
• Such a language is called a machine language.
• Designing a new computer must decide what
instructions to include in its machine
Structured Computer Organization
• Computer Language should be simple, consistent,
and satisfy performance requirement.
• Language is designed to achieve reduced
complexity and cost of electronic components.
• This motivates to build structured computer as a
series of abstraction while each abstraction
building on the one below it.
• This design approach is called structured
computer organization.
Structured Computer Organization
• Computer architecture refers to those
attributes of a system visible to a programmer
or, put another way, those attributes that have
a direct impact on the logical execution of a
program. [Ref. William Stalling]
• Computer organization refers to the
operational units and their interconnections
that realize the architectural specifications.
[ Ref. William Stalling]
Possible Computer Operation
Computer Architecture
• The set of data types, operations, and features
of each level is called its architecture.
• The study of how to design those parts of a
computer system that are visible to the
programmers is called computer architecture.
[Ref. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer
Organization, Eighth Edition]
• Method to executing a program written in L1
is first to replace each instruction in it by an
equivalent sequence of instructions in L0.
• The resulting program consists entirely of L0
• The computer then executes the new L0
program instead of the old L1 program. This
technique is called translation.
• Write a program in L0 that takes programs in
L1 as input data and verify each instruction
and execute the equivalent sequence of L0
instructions directly.
• This technique does not require first
generating a new program in L0. It is called
interpretation and the program that carries it
out is called an interpreter.
Difference between Translator and
• In translation, the entire L1 program is first
converted to an L0 program, the L1 program is
thrown away, and then the new L0 program is
loaded into the computer’s memory and
executed. During execution, the newly
generated L0 program is running and in
control of the computer.
Difference between Translator and
• In interpretation, after each L1 instruction is
examined and decoded, it is executed
immediately. No translated program is
generated. Here, the interpreter is in control
of the computer.
Virtual Machine
• Rather than thinking in terms of translation or
interpretation, it is often simpler to imagine
the existence of a hypothetical computer or
virtual machine whose machine language is
• Let us call this virtual machine M1 (and let us
call the virtual machine corresponding to L0,
Virtual Machine

too expensive L1
Low Cost, interpreted or
Complicated electronic translated
circuits L0, M0

People can write programs for virtual machines, just as though they really

Computer Organization and Architecture (1 14

Problem with two level Machines
• To make translation or interpretation practical,
the languages L0 and L1 must not be ‘‘too’’
different. Programmer

Obvious approach is to invent still another set of

instructions that is more people-oriented and less
machine-oriented than L1.
Multilevel Machine

Computer Organization and Architecture (1 16
Multilevel Machine
• In effect, a machine defines a language.
Similarly, a language defines a machine—
namely, the machine that can execute all
programs written in the language.
• Certain language may be enormously
complicated and expensive to construct directly
out of electronic circuits but we can imagine it
• A practical design must be cost effective as well.
Contemporary Multilevel Machines

ALU, Registers, Data Path

Gates and Registers

Device Level
Computer Organization and Architecture (1 18
• Tanenbaum, Structured Computer
Organization, Eighth Edition
• Computer organization and architecture
designing for performance, Ninth edition

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