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4 Freud’s Psychoanalytic

Prepared by:
Nina Jane Rañoa
Ma. Evelyn Arnejo
Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
 He considered the most well known
psychologist because of his very
interesting theory about the
unconscious and also about sexual
 The founding father of psychoanalysis,
a method for treating mental illness and
also a theory which explains human
 Freud believed that events in our
childhood have a great influence on our
“The ego is not master it’s adult lives, shaping our personality.
own house”-Sigmund freud
Freud’s stages of psychosexual development
- his theory of psychosexual development includes five
distinct stages. According to Freud,a person goes through
the sequence of these stages along the way there are needs
to be met. Determines whether the person will develop a
healthy personality or not. Freud identified specific
erogenous zones for each development. These are specific
“pleasure areas” that become a focal points for the
particular stage. If needs are not met along the area,
fixation occurs. As an adult, the person will now manifest
behavior related to this erogenous zone.
1.Oral stage( birth to 18 months)- the erogenous zone is
the mouth. During the oral stage,the child is focused on oral
pleasures(sucking). Too much or too little satisfaction can
lead to an oral fixation or oral personality which is shown in
an increased focus on oral activities
Types of personality may be
Oral Receptive-that is, have a strong tendeny to smoke,
drink alcohol overeat.
Oral Aggressive-with a tendency to bite his or her nails,
or use curse words or even gossip.
2.Anal Stage(18 months to 3 years) -The child’s focus of
pleasure in this stages is the anus. The child finds satisfaction
in elimating and retaining feces. Through society’s
expectations, particularly the parents, the child needs to work
on toilet training. Between one year and a half to three years
the child’s favorite word might be “No!”. Therefore a struggle
might exist in toilet training.
Personality fixation might occurs on this stage
 Analretentative- an obession with cleanliness, perfection
and control
 Anal expulsive-where the person may become messy and
3. Phallic Stage (ages 3 to 6).- the pleasure is genitals.
During the preschoolers age, children become interested in
what makes boys and girls different. Freud’s studies led him
to believe that during this stage boys develop unconscious
sexual desire for their mother and sees their father as a rival
for her mother’s affection. These feelings comprise what
Freud called Oedipus Complex.
Psychoanalyst also believe that girls may also have a
similar experience, developing unconscious sexual attraction
towards their father. This is what is reffered to as the Electra
4. Latency Stage(age 6 to puberty)- it’s during this stage
that sexual urges remain repressed. The children’s focus is
the acquisition of physical and academic skills. Boys
usually relate more with boys and girls with girls during
this stage.
5. Genital Stage (puberty onwards)- the fifth stage of
psychosexual development begins at the start of puberty
when sexual urges are once again awakend. In the earlier
stage, adolescents focus their sexual urges towards the
opposite sex peers, with the pleasure centered on the
Frued‘s Personality Components
Topographical Model
End🎉 thanks for listening

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