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Model of Effective

Instruction: Solving Linear

By: Danielle Bryan
EDU 202
Instruction Concept

I n s t r u c t i o n M o d e l : C o o p e r a t i v e L e a r n i n g a n d D i f f e r e n t i a t e d I n s t r u c t i o n ( S a d k e r, Z i t t l e m a n , a n d K o c h , 2 0 2 2 .

pg.376 and 380)

Subject and Grade Level: Mathematics, Grade 9

C o n c e p t : S o l v i n g S y s t e m s o f L i n e a r E q u a t i o n s ( N e v a d a a c a d e m i c c o n t e n t s t a n d a rd s i n m a t h e m a t i c s p g . 2 1 )

E n t r y Ti c k e t : 5 m i n u e t s

Instruction time: 20 minuets

G ro u p w o r k : 2 0 m i n u e t s

C l a s s p re s e n t a t i o n : 1 0 m i n u e t s

Exit ticket: 5 minuets

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy verbs

Objective 1: Apply Knowledge (Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember)

Given a set of linear equations, students will accurately identify and recall key
components such as coefficients, constants, and variables within each equation.
(Revised bloom’s taxonomy verbs - Arkansas State University)

Objective 2: Analyze and Solve Problems (Bloom's Taxonomy: Apply)

Using learned concepts of linear equations, students will successfully solve a

variety of mathematical problems by applying appropriate methods, including
substitution and elimination, to find the solutions for the given equations.

(Revised bloom’s taxonomy verbs - Arkansas State University)

What is a Linear Equation?

Linear equations are the most basic type of equations with a linear

relationship between variables. They involve constants, coefficients, and

variables raised to the power of 1. This simplicity makes them fundamental

building blocks for more complex mathematical expressions and models.

Linear Equation Vocabulary

A Linear Equation is made up of a:

Constant: A constant is a fixed value or numerical term that does not contain

any variables. It is a term that remains unchanged in an algebraic expression or


Example: In the equation; 2x+3=7

2x+3=7, the number 3 is a constant because it does not contain any variable.

(The students will have time to write down these definitions)

More Vocabulary

Coefficients: A coefficient is the numerical factor that is multiplied by a

variable in a term. It is the number that is in front of and attached to a


Example: In the equation; 2x+3=7,

2x in this example would be considered the Coefficient as 2 is attached to

the variable x
Variables: A variable is a symbol or letter used to represent an

unknown number in algebraic expressions and equations. Variables

can take on different values, and the goal is often to find the value

that satisfies an equation.

Example: In the equation 2x+3=7,

x is the variable. It represents an unknown number, and the

objective is to find the value of x that makes the equation true.

A Quick Summary

Constants are fixed numerical values, Coefficients are the numerical

factors multiplied by Variables, and variables are symbols representing

unknown numbers in mathematical expressions.

Solving a linear Equation: Step 1 Identify
the Variable

In this equation:

x is the variable. It's the number we're trying to find.

The equation says "2 times the variable plus 3 equals 7." We want to

figure out what that number (x) is.

Step 2: Isolate the Variable
We want to get x by itself on one side of the equation.

Right now, there's a 3 added to 2 Example

2x is already on one side, so let's get rid of that 3. We
can do that by subtracting 3 from both sides of the

equation. Whatever we do to one side, we have to do

-3 -3
to the other to keep the equation balanced.
Step 3: Simplify Both Sides
On the left side, the 3 and -3 cancel each other out,
leaving only 2x. On the right side,

7 - 3 is 4.

Step 4: Solve for x
Now that we have 2x=4, we need to figure out what x
is. Since 2x means "2 times x" to isolate x, we divide
both sides of the equation by 2.
Step 5: Simplify Both Sides
On the left side, the 2 in the numerator and the
denominator cancels out, leaving only x. On the right

side, 4÷2 is 2.

Step 6: Check Your Answer
You can check your answer by substituting the x in 2x
to 2 into the original equation and see if both sides are
If both sides are equal, then you have the correct
solution. 2(2)+3=7

4+3=7 (correct)
Group Work

In this section I would have the student gather in groups of 4 or 5 to work together

on a series of linear equations similar to the one that was solved in these slides.

It would be a worksheet and every group would be assigned a few problems from

the sheet and the groups would present the answers to their assigned equations to

the class.

Students would be graded on participation and the accuracy of their answers.

Exit Ticket

Equation: 3y-5=10

1. What is the solution to the given equation?

2. Did you encounter any challenges while solving these

equations? If so, briefl y describe them.

3. How did your group work together to solve the problems?

Share one strategy or insight from your collaboration.
Accommodations and IEPs

Diverse Learning Materials: I would provide a variety of learning materials such as visual aids,
manipulatives, and written instructions. Some students may benefit from visual or tactile representations
o f m a t h e m a t i c a l c o n c e p t s ( l i k e w i t h t h e b re a k d o w n o f t h e e x a m p l e l i n e a r e q u a t i o n )

Flexible Grouping: I would also consider the strengths and preferences of students when forming groups.
Ensure that each group has a mix of abilities and learning styles. Some students may work better in
s m a l l e r g r o u p s o r w i t h a p e e r m e n t o r.

A c c e s s i b i l i t y To o l s : U t i l i z e t e c h n o l o g y a n d a c c e s s i b i l i t y t o o l s s u c h a s s c r e e n r e a d e r s , s p e e c h - t o - t e x t
software, or magnification tools if needed. Ensure that all materials and instructions are accessible to
students with visual or auditory impairments.
Works Cited

1. SADKER, D. M., & KOCH, K. R. Z. A. M. (n.d.). Teachers, Schools, and

Society: A Brief Introduction to Education. Retrieved from,/1:8,/1:13

2. Revised bloom’s taxonomy verbs - Arkansas State University. (n.d.).

3. Nevada academic content standards in mathematics. (n.d.-a).

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