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Ariel T. Peralta Jr.
Raiza T. Gamboa
Manuel F. Alfonso
According to Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical
Research and Health Care, the use of gadgets has expanded
tremendously as a result of fast technological breakthroughs.
Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular among the
entire public, especially youngsters. It is now generally
established that utilizing electronic devices for an extended
period of time has an adverse effect on an individual's health,
posing health risks.
The purpose of the study is to assess the effects of
excessive use of gadgets among the grade 10-Thriftiness.
The study intended to analyzed the health impacts of
excessive use of gadgets especially in terms of technology
1.To find out the level of gadget excessive use among grade 10-
2.To find out the level of academic performance among grade 10-
3.To find out the level of family interaction among grade 10-
4.To find out the relationship between electronic gadget excessive use
and academic performance among grade 10-Thriftiness;
5.To find out the relationship between electronic gadget excessive use
and family interaction among grade 10-Thriftiness;
6.To associate the electronic gadget excessive use with their socio
demographic variables such as age and gender.
According to Addiction Center (2023), internet addiction
is a broad term that covers a range of behaviors and impulse-
control problems involving internet, personal computer, and
mobile technology. While there is yet no officially accepted
criteria to diagnose an internet addiction, researchers have
identified 5 subcategories of specific types of computer and
internet addictions.
According to Priory (2023), spending huge number of
hours on the internet to shop, browse, or game, like any other
compulsive behavior such as gambling, can cause a rush of
dopamine, the brain chemical associated with pleasure. This
produces a sensation akin to a drug-induced high, which can be
the spark for the development of symptoms of internet
According to Healthline media, Internet addiction
does not have a single cause. Several factors can come
into play, including: Underlying mental health
conditions, including anxiety and depression, Genetics
and Environmental factors.
According to Feng (2022), In the mobile internet era,
smart phones have invaded every aspect of people's lives
and are nearly taken for granted on a daily basis. As a result
of their easy access to cell phones, Chinese primary school
pupils are experiencing a significant problem with mobile
gaming addiction. Excessive use of mobile games has a
significant influence on children's academic achievement,
physical health, and mental health, and may have serious
and irreversible consequences. Addressing the issue of
mobile gaming addiction among primary school pupils is
critical for educators and the general public.
According to Piedmont, we seem to live our lives on the
Internet these days, but can excessive Internet and social media
use harm your mental health? While it can be useful for
education, employment, social contact, and enjoyment,
excessive use can be harmful to your health, according to Saju
Mathew, M.D., a Piedmont primary care physician. Too much
computer time can exacerbate your anxiety, whether it's from
reading too much unpleasant news or studying your symptoms
online - something Dr. Mathew says he sees regularly among
his patients.
As Zayed A. (2023) says, Addiction to the internet and
gaming impacts youth by promoting social isolation, which
prevents them from leading a normal life. Long gaming
sessions may result in missed family gatherings, outings with
friends, or skipping school. Unfortunately, this lack of ability
to develop relationships will feed the addiction, causing the
gaming addict to return to the online world where relationships
may be formed without having to work for them.
According to Zayed A. (2023), there are 4 procedures for
treating technology addiction. First, Medication, medication is
effective for persons who have developed internet addiction as
a result of underlying mental health disorders such as
depression or anxiety. Antianxiety and antidepressant drugs
can be used to treat depression or anxiety symptoms.
Medication-assisted pharmacological treatment has yielded
positive benefits, such as decreased non-essential and
essential internet use and greater control over internet use.
In conclusion, excessive gadget usage among junior high
school children might have a variety of harmful repercussions
on their physical, social, and psychological well-being. While
devices bring convenience and enjoyment, their excessive
usage can have negative effects. The influence on eyesight is
one of the most serious health consequences of excessive
device use. Long durations of staring at screens can cause eye
strain, dry eyes, and even myopia. Furthermore, sitting for
lengthy amounts of time while using electronics might result
in bad posture and back discomfort.

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