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Daksh Aggarwal EMBA22006
Term IV Project Presentation
Group 3
Understand Sales and
Marketing Global
Strategy of Nissan
strategy of
Nissan company
Company Situation Analysis
Company Overview

 Founded in 1934 by Yoshisuke

Aikawa in Japan.
 They are actively present in
more than 100 countries across
 They are third largest auto
motive manufacturer only
behind Toyota and GM motors.

Enriching people’s lives.
Nissan brands
Global Financial Analysis:

Year Sales (Units) $ Profit (Million)

2021 4,669,981.00 341.4
2022 4,940,181.00 342.4

2023 5,102,979.00 82 (1st quarter)

Company Situation Analysis
Product Profile
Advantages Disadvantages
1. real zero emissions of 1. Short range on a battery charge
powertrain and platforms 2. Electric cars the actual load is low
2. economy, consumers can afford 3. It takes too much time to charge the
prices battery
3. unique design models
4. the world's leading cruise
mileage - 160 km
5. the advanced vehicle intelligent
information system, is the
escort vehicle
Company Sales
World Electrified Vehicle Sales 2022
Company Situation Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
Potent financial performance Product recalls
Strategic alliances Nissan battery's durability
Innovation practice
Expanding brand recognition

T Threats
Opportunities Possible decrease in fuel prices
Aggressive competition in the automobile
Increasing demand for environmentally industry
friendly Vehicles
Increase in raw material prices
Growth through Alliances
Natural disasters
Increasing fuel prices
Appreciating Yen exchange rate
Nissan- Compensation Structure
 1. Compensation Structure from Assistant Manager level onwards consists of fixed pay and variable pay

Fixed Pay: 71% of CTC (Including HRA, allowances and other deductions)
Variable Pay: 29% of the CTC
Power of compensation plan: Less
Activity Targets: No
Team Component: Yes
Minimum Achievement Level: No
Adjustment: No

 2. Compensation structure below Executive Level (Sales Executives)

Fixed Pay: Yes (including 50% of HRA, allowances and other deductions)
Variable Pay: Yes
Power of compensation plan : High
Activity Targets: Yes
Team Component: No
Minimum Achievement Level: Yes
Adjustment: Yes
1.Attention (A): In the Attention stage, the goal is to grab the target audience's attention and make them aware of
Nissan's products or services. Nissan may use various tactics to achieve this, including eye-catching advertisements,
memorable slogans, social media campaigns, and visually appealing content. For example, Nissan could create attention-
grabbing TV commercials showcasing their latest car models or use digital advertising to reach a broad online audience.
2.Interest (I): Once Nissan has captured the audience's attention, the next step is to pique their interest. In this stage, the
company would provide more information about the features, benefits, and uniqueness of their vehicles. This could
involve detailed product descriptions on their website, interactive car configurators, and informative brochures. Nissan
may also highlight the latest innovations and technologies in their vehicles to generate curiosity and interest.
3.Desire (D): Building desire involves creating an emotional connection with potential customers. Nissan may use
storytelling, testimonials, and emotional appeals in their advertising to make customers envision themselves driving one
of their cars. Promoting the benefits of Nissan vehicles, such as safety, performance, fuel efficiency, and style, can help
generate a desire to own one.
4.Action (A): In this stage, Nissan would encourage potential buyers to take concrete steps, such as visiting a dealership,
scheduling a test drive, or making a purchase. Calls to action (CTAs) in marketing materials, such as "Schedule a Test
Drive Today" or "Visit Your Nearest Nissan Dealer," aim to convert interest and desire into actual sales.
Nissan's marketing and advertising strategies may also involve ongoing engagement and customer retention efforts, as
retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. These strategies may include loyalty
programs, customer feedback mechanisms, and post-purchase communications to ensure a positive ownership
1.Awareness Stage:
• Content Marketing: Create informative and engaging content that educates consumers about the latest trends, technologies, and
features in the automotive industry. This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media content.
• SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimize your online content to appear in search results when consumers are researching
topics related to automobiles.
• Social Media Advertising: Use targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a broad audience and
build brand awareness.
• PR and Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with automotive influencers and leverage press coverage to reach a wider audience.
2. Consideration Stage:
• Content Personalization: Tailor content to address specific consumer needs and preferences, such as comparison articles,
reviews, and detailed product information.
• Email Marketing: Send personalized emails to consumers who have shown interest in your products, providing them with
additional information and incentives to consider your brand.
• Remarketing: Use display ads and retargeting strategies to remind consumers about your brand and products when they visit
other websites.
3. Decision Stage:
• Test Drives and Dealership Visits: Encourage potential buyers to schedule test drives and visit dealerships to experience your
vehicles firsthand.
• Email Drip Campaigns: Send targeted emails with special offers, financing options, and incentives to nudge prospective
customers towards making a decision.
• Live Chat and Customer Support: Provide real-time assistance on your website or through chatbots to address customer queries
and concerns.
• Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Showcase positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust.
 4. Purchase Stage:
E-commerce Integration: If applicable, offer an online purchasing option with transparent pricing and
financing details.
Personalized Assistance: Ensure a seamless buying experience with personalized guidance from sales
Post-Purchase Extras: Offer add-ons like extended warranties, maintenance packages, or accessories to
enhance the value of the purchase.
 5. Post-Purchase Stage:

Customer Engagement: Continue engaging with customers through email newsletters, social media,
and targeted content to foster loyalty and encourage referrals.
Service and Maintenance Reminders: Send timely reminders for routine maintenance and service
appointments to keep the vehicle in good condition.
Community Building: Create a community for owners to connect, share experiences, and provide
valuable feedback.
 6. Advocacy Stage:

Referral Programs: Encourage satisfied customers to refer friends and family by offering incentives.
User-Generated Content: Share user-generated content and stories on your website and social media
platforms to showcase the positive experiences of your customers.
Continued Engagement: Maintain a strong relationship with advocates through exclusive events,
loyalty programs, and ongoing communication.
1. New Employee Orientation: When new employees join Nissan,
they often undergo an orientation program to familiarize them with the
company's culture, values, policies, and procedures. This helps them
integrate into the organization smoothly.
2. Technical Training: Nissan provides technical training to employees
involved in manufacturing, research and development, and engineering.
This training ensures that employees have the skills and knowledge
required to work with advanced automotive technologies and systems.

Training and 3. Product Knowledge: Sales and customer-facing employees receive

training on Nissan's product lineup. This includes information on the
features, specifications, and benefits of Nissan vehicles. Product

Development knowledge training enables sales staff to effectively communicate with

customers and answer their questions.
4. Leadership Development: Nissan often has leadership development

Initiatives programs to nurture talent within the organization. These programs may
include leadership workshops, mentoring, and coaching to prepare
employees for leadership roles.
5. Continuous Learning: Nissan may encourage employees to engage
in continuous learning and development. This could involve offering
access to online courses, workshops, and seminars related to their job
roles or areas of interest.
6. Cross-Functional Training: Cross-functional training initiatives aim to
broaden employees' skills and understanding of different aspects of the
business. This can improve collaboration and problem-solving across
7. Safety Training: Safety is paramount in the automotive industry. Nissan
provides extensive safety training to employees working in manufacturing and
other areas where safety is a concern.
8. Compliance and Ethics Training: To ensure that employees understand
and adhere to legal and ethical standards, Nissan may conduct compliance and

Training and ethics training programs.

9. Language and Cultural Training: Given Nissan's global presence,
language and cultural training may be offered to employees who work in

Development international or multicultural environments.

10. Innovation and Technology Training: As the automotive industry
evolves, training in innovation and emerging technologies may be essential.

Initiatives This can include training on electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and
connectivity features.
11. Customer Service Training: Customer-facing employees, such as sales
and service staff, may undergo customer service training to enhance their
ability to provide a positive customer experience.
12. Performance Evaluation: Nissan may conduct regular performance
evaluations and offer feedback to employees. This can help identify areas
where additional training and development are needed.
Design Centers: Nissan had several design centers globally, each responsible for
creating and developing vehicle designs. These design centers often work
collaboratively to create a cohesive global product lineup. Some of the notable
design centers included:
Nissan Design America (NDA): Located in California, USA, responsible for
designing vehicles tailored to the North American market.
Nissan Design Europe (NDE): Located in London, UK, focusing on designs for the
European market.
Nissan Global Design Center: Based in Japan, this center plays a pivotal role in

setting the overall design direction for Nissan's global lineup.
Manufacturing and Production: Nissan operates numerous manufacturing plants
and facilities around the world to produce vehicles and components. The structure
includes manufacturing divisions responsible for production planning, quality
control, and supply chain management.

Design and Research and Development (R&D): Nissan has research and development centers
focused on innovation, technology, and engineering. These centers are responsible
for developing new vehicle technologies, improving vehicle performance, and
ensuring compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Sales and Marketing: Within each regional division, there are sales and marketing
teams responsible for promoting and selling Nissan vehicles in their respective
markets. These teams work closely with local dealerships and distributors.
Corporate Functions: Nissan also has corporate functions such as finance, human
resources, legal, and corporate communications, which support the overall operation
of the company..
Dealer Network: Nissan typically operates through an extensive network
of authorized dealerships and distributors. These dealerships are
strategically located in urban and rural areas to maximize market coverage.
Managing and maintaining these relationships is a crucial aspect of channel
Distribution Strategy: Nissan develops a distribution strategy to

determine how its vehicles and products will be distributed across regions
and markets. This includes decisions on the number and location of
dealerships, logistics, and inventory management.
Dealer Support: Nissan provides support to its dealers in various forms.

Distribution This support can include training for sales and service staff, marketing
assistance, financial support, and access to technology platforms for
managing inventory and customer relationships.

Channel Product Availability: Ensuring that the right products are available at the
right dealerships at the right time is vital. Nissan's channel management
includes inventory planning and management to meet market demand while

minimizing overstock or stockouts.
Sales and Marketing Support: Nissan assists its dealers with marketing
strategies and campaigns to promote its products. This support may include
co-op advertising, branding materials, and national or regional advertising
1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Effective CRM
systems and processes are crucial for managing customer
relationships and providing a seamless experience. Nissan may
provide its dealerships with CRM tools to track customer
interactions and preferences.
2. Sales Incentives: Nissan may offer sales incentives, bonuses,
and commission structures to motivate dealers and sales teams to
achieve targets. These incentives can vary based on sales volume,
customer satisfaction, and other performance metrics.

Nissan-Distribution 3. After-Sales Service Support: Nissan's channel management

extends to after-sales service and support. This includes ensuring
that dealerships have the necessary tools, training, and parts to

Channel provide quality service and maintenance to customers.

4. Online Sales Channels: In recent years, Nissan, like many other
automakers, has explored online sales channels. This includes
Management – GTM setting up websites and online platforms where customers can
configure, purchase, and finance vehicles online. Managing and
integrating these online channels into the overall distribution
Strategy strategy is also a part of channel management.
5. Channel Performance Evaluation: Nissan evaluates the
performance of its distribution channels regularly. This evaluation
may involve tracking sales, customer feedback, inventory turnover,
and other key performance indicators. Feedback from dealers is
also considered in improving the channel strategy.
6. Channel Expansion: Depending on market conditions and
growth opportunities, Nissan may expand its distribution channel
by opening new dealerships, entering new markets, or exploring
alternative sales channels.
In-Depth Market Analysis
 Market Potential
India Thailand
Number of potential consumers(a) 996,750.00 300,000.00
Frequency of purchase on an annual basis(b) 00.10 00.20
Selling price of the products (£) (c) 28,000.00 21,400.00

= Total market potential ( TMP) ( a*b*c) 2,790,900,000.00 1,284,000,000.00

 Best Market Potential

Company sales potential
India Thailand
TMP (a) 2,790,900,000.00 1,284,000,000.00
Desire market share (%) (b) 01.00 05.00

= Company Sales Potential (CSP) (a*b) 27,909,000.00 64,200,000.00

More profitable Country
In-Depth Market Analysis
Competitive Analysis

India Competitor 1 Competitor 2

Competitor Name: Tata Motors Hyundai Motors
Product/Service Name: Nano EV Hyundai i10 electric
Location of Headquarters (country): India India
Total Sales (countrywide): 74,527.00 641,000.00
Total Sales (worldwide): 782,043.00 4,410,000.00
Number of Employees: 62716 59831
Years in Business: 45 48
In-Depth Market Analysis
Entry Conditions

• Strict FDI rules – 51% • Flexible FDI rule – 100%
• Tariff rate - 70% • Tariff rate – 11.2%
• High corporate tax-40% • Lower corporate tax – 20%
• Higher corruption • High corruption
• Unstable currency • Stable currency
• Cheap labour • Labour cost is moderate
• High child labour issue • high child labour issue
• Developing infrastructure for • Very strong infrastructure to
electric car support electric car
In-Depth Market Analysis
Conclusion & Recommendations

•Analysis shows Thailand to be the most

attractive country to go in
​•- the entry conditions rules are more relaxed
•- we are the first movers with 100% electric
car in Thailand
Product/Market Strategy
variable for consumer goods

Income:Target the and upper and upper middle classes.

Urban population:Targeting the high urban population areas


Education:Targeting population with university level of education.


Lifestyle:Early adopters, innovators who like technology.

Personality Traits :Environmental conscious people
Social Class :Upper class and upper middle class
Marketing and Business plan
Promotional Strategy & Plan
Promotional Mix Cost/Unit Units Total Cost
Goals and objectives that are to be achieved Magazine 3000.00 24.00 72000.00
using the selected promotional strategy: Outdoor Advertising 10000.00 30.00 300000.00
1. creating awareness towards co2 emission TV 10224.50 4.00 40898.00
2. make the brand familiar enough to make a Sales Promotion 100000.00 1.00 100000.00
place in evoke set Internet 175.00 12.00 2100.00
3. reach our total sales target. Test drive Campaign 50000.00 1.00 50000.00
Total Budget (£) 564,998.00
4. increase market share.
5. preaching about key features

Evaluate local media issues Test drive Campaign Magazine

9% 13%
• Media availability Internet
• Media quality 0%
• Media reach and coverage Sales Promotion
• Media control by the government 18%
• Media affordability
TV Advertising
7% 53%

Promotional Mix
Marketing and Business plan
Distribution Strategy And Plan
Distribution strategy in the target country
Exclusive distribution
• through our own dealer to ensure quality and price.

Distribution channels
• Use existing distribution channel

Select the best channel method

• Direct: selling directly to consumer
• Company Owned Retail Stores :reduces cost and ensure
no price difference
Marketing and Business plan
Conclusion & Recommendations

 We want to strengthen our relationship with Siam

 Executive distribution
 Follow market skimming.
 Target urban market

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