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Unit -4

Concept of learning
Learning is the process of building come qualities which helps to
increase level of knowledge and helps to make wider mind of
person. It plays an important role to enhance performance, to
make ready for change, to increase productivity and
profitability, to increase personality etc. it brings some
modification in the behavior and once learned, an individual
is capable of retaining it at least for certain period of time.
Steers and Porter, “learning can be defined as relatively
permanent change in behavior potentially that results from
re-inforced practice or experienced.”
Components of learning are: change, permanency, behavior and
Process of learning



Theories of learning

1. Classical conditioning theory (Ivan pavlove)

2. Operant conditioning theory (Burrhus

Frederic Skinner)

3. Cognitive theory (Edward Tolman and

Wolfgang Kohler

4. Social learning theory (Albert Bandura)

Classical conditioning theory
This theory was develop by Ivan pavlove (1849-
1936). It was developed by doing an
experiment with a dog. This theory is used in
organization to understand how individual
learn to respond only to conditioned stimulus
and when it tied with and unconditioned
stimulus that showed an unconditional
Pavlov attempted to associate the hungry dog’s
salivation and a ringing bell.
• It consists of three elements, i.e. ringing bell
(conditioned), meat (unconditioned stimulus)
and dog’s salivation (unconditional response.)
• Unconditioned stimulus are naturally,
automatically comes without learning.
• Conditioned stimulus learn, in classical
conditioning process.
Operant conditioning (R-S) B.F. Skinner
This theory was developed by Burrhus Frederic Skinner. He was
an American pshychologist. He felt more complex behaviour
that could not explain by classical conditioning. He develop
operant conditioning which is primarily concerned with
learning as consequences of behaviour. Behavior result in
pleasant consequences is more likely to be repeated and the
behaviour that result unpleasant consequences is less likely to
be repeated. People learn to behave they want and ignore the
behaviour they do not want.
B. F. Skinner made this experiment on hungry rat and pigeon
with Operant chamber, lever and food pellet.
Cognitive theory (S-S) Edward Tolman/ Wolfgang Kohler

Edward Tolman an American psychologist and wolfgang

kohler German psychologist develop the cognitive
theory. It refers to an inidividual’s thought,
knowledge, interpretation, understanding or views
about oneself and his environment. This theory
assumes that learning is purely an outcome of the
thinking process. It use both intuition and known
facts to achieve goal. Tolman experiment on white
rat through complicated maze(line, path) and Kohler
experiment on Chimpanzee with two stick, banana
and cage.
Social learning theory /Albert Bandura

• This theory emphasis that individual can learn

by observing what happens to others and
what other does. This theory explains the
effect of the combination of cognitive,
behaviour and environment forces of learning.
People can learn from friends, family,
teachers, manager, celebrities etc. they
observe others and also through direct
Process of social learning

Attention process

Retention process

Reproduction process

Reinforcement process
Importance of learning

Change behavior

HR Development

Understand human behaviour

Manage work force diversity

Technological adaptation

Reduce resistance to change

Factors influencing learning

1. Psychological factors
2. Physiological factors
3. Social factors
4. Environment factors
5. Nature of learning materials: Area, level of
education and types of learning materials like
computer, multimedia
6.Learning methods: observation, practices,
experience, training etc are more effective.
Principles of learning
Principle of readiness
Principle of reinforcement
Principle of generalization
Principle of discrimination
Principle of motivation
Principle of repetition
Principle of involvement
Principle of learning curve
Behavior modification (OB Mod)

Behavior modification is the application of

reinforcement concepts to individual in work
setting. It is the application of operant conditioning
principle to shape human behavior to conform to
desired standard defined by superiors. The steps of
behaviour modification are:
1. Identification of critical behavior: they are job
related behavior which impact on job
performance. Like absenteeism, delay, complaints,
irregular etc.
2. Developing baseline data/ measurement of behavior: this
steps involve collection and analysis of performance data
before, during and after OB model program. A baseline
data is developed on the basis of repetition of critical
behavior by the employees which allows manager to
determine his success in changing the subordinates
3. Analyze behavior consequences: this steps consists of
detail examination of present behavior being shown by
employees to determine what consequences each
produce, what conditions leads to occurrence. This may
require insight and evaluation of individual differences in
ABC analysis are used for functional/ behavior
consequences. ABC is the tools that help
people examine the behavior they want to
A- Antecedent(something that comes before) or
what happen before behavior
B- performance behavior
C- contingent consequences that maintain
current behavior are identified.
A- announcement of reward -B employees attend work schedule
time - C employees received reward
4. Development of intervention strategy: for the successful
implementation OB, it is necessary to develop a strategy for
changing behavior. After identifying desirable or undesirable
behavior. Managers should develop intervention strategy.
Managers must strengthen desirable behavior and weaken
undesirable behavior through this strategy.
5. Evaluate performance: this steps focus towards identifying success
or failure of OB. The manager compare employees prior behavior
to start up the program. Positive change in behavior is considered
as the success of intervention like productivity, discipline, low
absenteeism etc.
Formation of attitude

Parent Cognitive/informative
Colleagues Affective/emotional
Seniors Behavioral attitude

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