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Table & Pie chart

Structure and guidelines

• Introduction
- paraphrase the question and add information that is in the but not in the question
• Overview
- describe the 2 main features in general
• Main body 1
- Main feature 1 in detail
• Main body 2
- main feature 2 in detail
The 5 steps
• 1) Analyse the question
• 2) Identify the main features
• 3) Write an introduction
• 4) Write an overview
• 5) Write the details paragraphs
Step 1&2 – Analyse & Identify

• Answer the following questions:

• What information does the table provide?

• What is the time period?
• How many categories do you have and
what are they?
• Are there any trends in the table?
• What are the main features of the graph?
Step 3 – Introduction

• In the introduction, you should simply paraphrase the question. You can
do this by using synonyms and changing the sentence structure. It should
be 1-2 sentences

• IF GIVEN you can also add the following information:

- names of the categories (what countries? what types of goods? etc.)
- the exact time period (e.g. from October to December of 2006)
- units of measurement (tones, millions of people etc.)
Let’s practice!

• The table below gives

information on consumer
spending on different items
in five different countries in
• The table illustrates the
proportion of national
expenditure in Ireland, Italy,
Spain, Sweden and Turkey
on three categories of items
in 2002.
Step 4 - Overview

• In the second paragraph, you should report the main features you can see in
the table, giving only general information. The detail comes later in the essay.
You should also make any clear comparisons you spot. Write in 2-3

• Start with phrases like:

- Overall,…
- In general,…
Step 4 – Overview Example
• In general, all countries spent most on food, drinks and tobacco, which
was almost three times that of the other items. The lowest expenditure was
on leisure and education in the five countries. The expenditure of Turkey
overall was higher than the other countries.
Step 5 – Details paragraphs
• Paragraphs 3 and 4 are where you include more detailed information about
the data in the graphic. Always include the numbers (data) from the table!
Don’t forget to make comparisons where relevant.
In terms of food, drinks and tobacco, Turkey spent the most, at 32.14%. The
expenditure of Ireland was also high (28.91%) compared to Sweden which
spent the least (15.77%). Spain and Italy spent 18.80% and 16.36%
respectively. Italy spent more than the other countries on clothing and
footwear (9%) as opposed to the lowest expenditure which could be seen in
Sweden at 5.40%. The other three countries spent on average around 6.5%.
Pie Charts
Pie charts
Step 1&2 – Analyse & Identify
• Answer the questions:

• What are the units of measurements?

• What are the time periods?
• What can you learn from the title and
any labels?
• What is the most obvious trend?
• Are there any notable similarities?
Pie charts
Step 1&2 – Analyse & Identify
• You don’t need to describe
everything so choose just 2-3 main

• Main feature 1: The largest

proportion of people who cycle do so
for health and environmental reasons.
• Main feature 2: The highest
percentage of people who drive do so
because it’s comfortable.
Pie charts
Step 3 – Introduction
• In the introduction, you should simply paraphrase the question. You can do
this by using synonyms and changing the sentence structure. It should be 1-
2 sentences

• IF GIVEN you can also add the following information:

- names of the categories (what countries? what types of goods? etc.)
- the exact time period (e.g. from October to December of 2006)
Time to practice!
• The chart below shows the
reasons why people travel to
work by bicycle or by car.
• The two pie charts display
the key reasons why people
choose to either cycle or
drive to work by
Pie charts
Step 4 – Overview
• Here, you should report the main features you can see in the pie charts,
giving only general information. The detail comes later in the essay. You
should also make any clear comparisons you spot. This should take 2-3
• Formula: Main feature 1 + Main feature 2 + Comparison
• Start with phrases like:
- Overall,…
- In general,…
Try it yourself!
Formula: Main feature 1 + Main feature 2 + Comparison

• Main feature 1: Cycling – biggest for

health and less pollution.
• Main feature 2: Drive - comfortable.

• Possible comparison: For an almost

equal proportion of people, their
chosen method is the fastest.
• Overview (Paragraph 2):
• The largest proportion of people who cycle, have made this choice for
health and environmental reasons whilst the biggest advantage of
driving to work is considered to be the comfort of travelling by car.
Notably, for an almost equal proportion of people, their chosen
method is the fastest.
Pie charts
Step 5 – Detailed paragraphs
• Paragraphs 3 and 4 of your IELTS pie chart essay are where you include
more detailed information about the data in the graphic. Don’t forget to
make comparisons where relevant. Support it with the data (numbers)
from the charts!
• You can write about the largest/most popular categories, their runner-ups
and the least popular/the smallest categories.
Pie charts
Detailed paragraph 1
• Main feature 1: The largest proportion of people who cycle do so for
health and environmental reasons.

• Paragraph 3:
• Taken together, health and fitness and less pollution are reasons given
by over half of all people who prefer travelling by bike. Each
represents a 30% portion which is double the next most popular
reason which is a lack of parking issues at 15%.
Pie charts
Detailed paragraph 2
• Main feature 2: The highest percentage of people who drive do so
because it’s comfortable.

• Paragraph 4:
• A different set of concerns has affected the decision of those who
choose to commute by car. Comfort is by far the most significant
factor at 40% of people, but distance to work is a more important
concern for just over a fifth of drivers.
Pie charts
Detailed paragraph 2
• Now your paragraphs are finished, however in the overview you
mentioned one more important feature by comparison: Notably, for an
almost equal proportion of people, their chosen method is the fastest.
• If it was in the overview you should mention it in you essay as well. You
can add it to the second paragraph or mention it in the end of the first one.
Let’s add it to detailed paragraph 2.
• For 14% of people, a faster journey time is the key factor compared to
a 12% of cyclists who find their means of transport quicker.
Pie charts
Detailed paragraph 2
• Full example

• A different set of concerns has affected the decision of those who

choose to commute by car. Comfort is by far the most significant
factor at 40% of people, but distance to work is a more important
concern for just over a fifth of drivers. For 14% of people, a faster
journey time is the key factor compared to a figure of 12% of cyclists
who find their means of transport quicker.
You’re wonderful!

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