Murder Mystery Group Activity

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Murder Mystery

Group Activity
O Each team will receive 22 clues from the
O You are to solve the mystery using the
information you have received.
O Each piece of information may or may not be
helpful in solving the mystery.
O The task is to consider the information and
arrive at the correct answer.
Activity (con’t.)
O Your team must determine who was the
murderer, when, how, where, the time and the
motive for the murder.
Mr. Th
When he wa , M r s . S c o t t ompso
s At 12: 4 5 a m v i rtually n ha d
discovered, d he r w iped o
Mr. could not fin m i l y car
Mr. B
a rton’s ut
Thompson h t h e f a b b
ad a husband or f t h e
y stea
l i n g
bullet woun a se m e n t o c u h i s
d i n hi s in the b w h e r e The bulletstaken
to m e r
c a l f a nd a k e n t b u i l d i n g
ni f e a pa rt m from Mr.
wound in hiBloodstains corrensponding
ack.Thompson’shblood e worked. Thompson’s calf
type were found inThthe e elevator operator matched the gun
owned by Br. Mrs. Scott had
basement parkingregarage. ported to the police
Mr. B th Barton. been waiting in
a rt on at h e sa w M r.
intru the lobby for her
der i shot at a Thompson at 12:15a.
apart n n
m e n t hi s The elevator man husband to get
ni gh build went off the duty at off work.
Mr. Scott did
t. i ng a
t 12:30am. not see Mr.
A knife found in the ’s
o n Thompson
The elevator parking garage had ps i n
hom und leave through
man said been wiped clean of T f o
Mr. Thompson’s M r. was the lobby while
Mr. fingerprints. y
body was found at bod park. she was
Thompson the unable
Mr. Thompson’s waiting.
1:30pm. Mr. Thompson had Police were to
did not seem bllood type was
to be badly been dead about an locate Mr. Barton after
found on the carpet
hurt. hour when his body the murder. outside Mr. Barton’s
was found, according apartment.
to the medical




Who hurt the victim?

Motive for the murder?

Murderer? Mr. Scott (the elevator man)

When? At 12:30am

How? With a knife

Where? In the elevator

Who hurt the victim? Mr. Barton superficially shot Mr.


Motive for the murder? Mr. Scott was jealous of the


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