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Pricing & Revenue

Management in Service
By Group 3
Daksh, Paridhi, Parul, Shalini
Introduction to Pricing & Revenue
• Pricing and Revenue Management (PRM) is a critical component
• Plays a pivotal role in maximizing profitability and ensuring
sustainable business growth
• Pricing Management involves strategically setting prices for services
to maximize profitability & ensure competitiveness
• Revenue Management focuses on optimizing revenue through
dynamic pricing, demand forecasting, capacity utilization, etc.
• This strategic approach involves the application of analytics,
technology, and managerial judgment to optimize the prices of
services offered by an organization.

Pricing & Revenue Management
Amount of money or goods
Service For whom to provide
Pricing for which service can be
bought & sold

Measure of value of service

Must decide its niche
in monetary or financial

Revenue Art & science of predicting

Management Must segment the market
the swings in demand

Responding in a way that Take decision depending

maximizes the business’s upon the type of market

Pricing & Revenue Management 3

Pricing Issues
• How much to charge?

• What basis for pricing?

• Who should collect payment?

• Where should payment be made?

• When should payment be made?

• How should payment be made?

• How to communicate prices
Key Components of Pricing and Revenue

Dynamic Pricing Strategies Optimizing Capacity Utilization

Segmentation & Targeting Data Analytics & Forecasting

Benefits of Pricing and
Revenue Management
Importance of Pricing Of Services
Gain Profit: Maximize revenue from a fixed capacity by varying prices and target segments
over time. This is done typically using revenue management systems. Achieve a specific target
levels and long-term contribution.
Cover Costs: Cover costs of providing one particular service, Cover fully allocated
Build Demand: Maximize demand (when capacity is not a restriction), provided a
certain minimum level of revenue is achieved, Achieve full capacity utilization
Develop a User Base: Encourage trial and adoption of a service, Build market share
and/or a large user base.
Support Positioning Strategy:Promote a “We-will-not-be-undersold” positioning,
whereby a firm promises the best possible service at the best possible price.
Support Competitive Strategy: Discourage existing and potential new competitors.

Pricing & Revenue Management 7

How Does Competitors’ Pricing
Affect Revenue Management?

As revenue management systems monitor booking pace, they indirectly pick up the effects of
competitors’ pricing. For example, if an airline prices a flight too low, it will experience a higher
booking pace, and its cheaper seats fill up quickly. That is generally not desirable, as it means a
higher share of late-booking as well as high fare-paying customers are not able to get their seats
confirmed, and therefore will choose to fly on competing airlines. If the initial pricing is too high,
the firm will get too low a share of early booking segments (although this still tends to offer a
reasonable yield) and may later have to offer deeply discounted “last-minute” tickets to sell excess
Pricing & Revenue Management 8
The foundations of pricing strategy
can be described as a tripod, with
costs to the provider, competitors’
pricing, and value to the customer as
the three legs.
What Are The Types Of Pricing

Competitor-Based Pricing Strategy

Cost-Plus Pricing Strategy
Competitive pricing is the practice of
One way to price a product is to add a
setting your product or service prices
fixed percentage to the manufacturing
based on the pricing of your competitors
costs for each unit. This pricing technique
in your market or niche rather than on
is known as “cost plus” or “markup
your company’s costs or desired profit

Pricing & Revenue Management 10

Skimming Pricing Strategy
Premium Pricing Strategy
Price skimming is a strategy usually
Businesses that charge premium employed at a new product’s debut.
This strategy aims to maximize income
prices do so because they have a
to the greatest extent possible when
specific product or brand that no customer interest in the product is
one else can match strong, and your company faces low

Pricing & Revenue Management 11

Various Pricing Strategies applicable to
Service Industry
Dynamic Pricing Strategy – No specific price Value Based Pricing – This pricing concept
tag can ever be put to any service. It is the requires businesses to completely change their
reason why service providers/ businesses use model, this is done through repricing goods and
this flexible price method in order to price the services according to their perceived value
services according to the market demand. rather than pricing them on the basis of their
Dynamic prices take into consideration various perceived values. This strategy best works when
factors such as demand and supply, competitive a business is providing an entirely unique
pricing, etc. service.

Penetration Pricing – this strategy entirely Economy Pricing – This strategy is mostly
focuses on the pricing factor. It is generally used used by medical stores and grocery stores.
when a company is looking to launch a new Rather than earning a huge margin on sale of
product or a service in a market. To attract products, these stores focus more on selling
customers, the pricing of the goods/ services is the goods in huge volumes to be in profits.
done in such a way that the prices of own They believe in earning profits through
products are lower than those offered by their “selling more at a lower price” rather than
competitors. “selling less at a higher price”.
Pricing & Revenue Management
Dynamic Pricing in Ridesharing
Services: UBER

The ridesharing sector, particularly Uber, offers another excellent example of

dynamic pricing in action. Uber dynamic pricing, also known as surge pricing,
adjusts fares based on the demand and supply of drivers. Prices increase
during peak times, or in areas with high demand but few available drivers.
This strategy maximizes revenue during high-demand periods and
incentivizes more drivers to become available.
Pricing & Revenue Management 13
Technological solutions in Services:
Hotel Industry
1.Duetto - Best for real-time pricing Hotel revenue management software, sometimes known
capabilities as an RMS or revenue platform, is a tool that hotel
2.Roomdex - Best for automated room businesses can use to manage and optimize revenue
upgrades streams and profit by optimizing prices, managing
inventory, and tracking demand in real-time.
3.IDeaS Revenue Management Solutions -
Best for advanced analytics Revenue management software uses machine learning
algorithms to ensure optimal yield by automatically
4.Hotellab - Best for strategic revenue planning calculating demand and revenue forecasts while
5.Right Revenue - Best for adaptive pricing recommending appropriate selling strategies.

Elements & Principals of Revenue

Pricing & Revenue Management 16

Some highlighted Terms

Demand forecast: Demand forecasting helps the business make better-

informed supply decisions that estimate the total sales and revenue for a
future period of time.

Capacity Utilization: The capacity utilization rate is used by companies to

assess their current operating efficiency.

Pricing in revenue maximization: For firms, the pricing strategy determines

income generation. Service firms need to implement revenue management to 17
Revenue Management Steps
1) Gathering information (data collection)
2) Slicing and dicing (segmentation)
3) Seeing the future (forecasting)
4) Planning and executing (decision-making and optimization)
5) Iterating (dynamic reevaluation)

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