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• Oersted experiment :
In 1820 , Hans christan oersted accidentally
discover that a compass needle get deflected when
an electric current passed through a metallic wire
placed nearby .

 Magnetic field :-
Space surrounding a magnet within which a
magnetic force is experienced is called magnetic
field . It is a vector quantity .
S.I unit of magnetic field is Tesla (T)
• Magnet and its poles :
Substance which produces magnetic field around them
are called magnet . Every magnet consist of two poles :
1) North pole : end which align towards north of earth.
2) South pole : end which align towards south of earth.

“ Kaam ki baat :- magnet never be monopole

• Magnetic field lines :
Imaginary lines which represents magnetic field
around a magnet , are called magnetic field lines.

• Properties of magnetic field lines :-
1. Continuous curve , no break .
2. Move north to south outside the magnet
and south to north inside the magnet .

3. Magnetic field is strong if they are closer
and vice – versa
4. Two magnetic field lines never cross each
other .
5. Tangent to magnetic field lines shows
direction of field .

Conductor to be studied in this chapter :-
1. Straight wire
Shape of magnetic field for straight wire is in the form
of concentric circles having center as its conductor .
 Factor affecting field for straight conductor :

1. Current :- magnetic field strength is directly
proportional to the amount of current flowing in
conductor .
2. Distance :- magnetic field strength is inversely
proportional to the distance from conductor .
3. Direction of current :- if direction of current changes , if
changes the direction of magnetic field .

• Right hand thumb rule :-
Imagine that you are holding a current carrying straight
conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points
towards the direction of current . Then your fingers will
wrap around the conductor in the direction of field lines of

the magnetic field .
2) Magnetic field due to current carrying circular loop :

At every point of a current carrying circular loop , The

concentric circles representing the magnetic field around it
would become larger and larger as we move away from

wire .By the time we reach at the centre of circular loop ,
The arc of these big circles would appear as straight lines .
Right hand rule can give direction of magnetic field at any
• Factor affecting magnetic field for circular loop :-
1. Current in the loop :magnetic field strength is directly
proportional to the amount of current flowing in
conductor .
2. Radius of loop : Magnetic strength is inversely

proportional to the radius of loop .

Note :- For same current , In smaller loop will have stronger

magnetic field than larger loop.
3. Distance from loop :-
Magnetic strength is inversely proportional to the distance
from the loop .

Q. Draw a diagram to represent uniform magnetic field in a
region .

• Magnetic field due to solenoid :
The solenoid is a long coil containing a large number of
close turns of insulated copper wire.

“ Note :- Magnetic field inside a solenoid is uniform

• Factor affecting magnetic field of solenoid :
1. Current in solenoid .
Magnetic strength is directly proportional to the current .

2. Number of turns in solenoid : [ per unit length ]

Number of tons per unit length is directly proportional to
the magnetic field

3. Distance from solenoid :- Distance from solenoid is

inversely proportional to the magnetic field .
 Electromagnet :-
A strong magnetic field produced inside a solenoid can be
used to magnetize a piece of magnetic material , Like soft
iron , when Place inside the coil . The magnet so formed is
called an electromagnet .

Difference between electromagnet and permanent magnet :
Permanent magnet Electromagnet

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