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Project#1 Details: MDG EAM

Project Name: MDG EAM Project Approach (Waterfall/Agile): Waterfall

Business Unit (Upstream/Downstream/Global Function/PTIT/RES):Upstream Budget managed (in $):~4.23 M
Technology (SAP/Salesforce/BI Tools/Workday/Java/.NET/Middleware etc.): SAP- S/4 HANA Business value delivered (in $ terms):~3 M
Completion Year & Month(if delivered already): NA Duration of the project: March 2022 to 30 th Dec 2023

Project Description/Scope (few lines):

A PoC using EAM-Utopia was created in the vendor test environment in the last quarter of 2021 to analyse and validate its capabilities and was successful. VP Asset management and standards endorsed
MDG-EAM to centrally manage and govern key EAM master data objects. In March 2022, the MDG-EAM project was set up to centrally manage and govern key EAM master data objects. The ADC will be
foundational to delivering the “Asset of the Future” and “Digitalization” ambitions of both the businesses and functions. A key part for ADC to deliver its objectives is to have an efficient, consistent and
governed set up of key Enterprise Asset Management Master data as hub deployment in MDG for targeted S/4 ADC and to cater CAPs.
• Standard Out-of-box data models from MDG-EAM Utopia Add-On
• Data Model Extensions, where applicable.
• Governance Workflows
• Interface and Data Replication Framework with S4 ADC and CPI/CAPs.
• Roles and Authorizations
• Base Configuration
• SAP AIW - Asset Information Workbench

Highlights and Knowledge Sharing points with Fellow PMs (few lines):

Project is on track, core build and deployment to Acceptance completed. TC1 in progress. All EAM related data loads to A55 and CAPS (e-WIMS) is completed.
• Sandbox simulation for the proposed solution for the GAPs helped building confidence amongst stakeholders and expedited the actual build.
• Proactively engaging and bringing relevant stakeholders together for cross-stream/ project activities helped in avoiding delays.

Any Recommendation/Challenge/help needed/:


Opportunities to Propose New Solution / POC (e.g., Automation, Cloud, AI, GPT etc.):
• Proposed SAP AIF tool for error handling BTW MDG EAM to ADC, CPI and CAPS.
• Idocs reprocessing automation is implemented.

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