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Public Key Algorithms

Modular Arithmetic
► Modular Addition
 Using the last digit of the answer
 Additive inverse- subtracting x or adding –
 Number you’d have to add to x to get 0
 4’s inverse will be 6
 addition modulo (mod) K a (poor) cipher
with key K
Modular Addition
► Addition modulo (mod) K
 Poor cipher with (dk+dm) mod K, e.g., if K=10 and dk is the
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
► Additiveinverse: addition mod K yields 0.
► “Decrypt” by adding inverse.
Modular Multiplication
► Multiplication modulo K
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
2 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
3 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7
► Multiplicative inverse: multiplication mod K
yields 1
► Only some numbers have inverse
Modular Multiplication
► Only the numbers relatively prime to n
will have mod n multiplicative inverse
► x, m relative prime: no other common
factor than 1
 Eg. 8 & 15 are relatively prime - factors of 8
are 1,2,4,8 and of 15 are 1,3,5,15 and 1 is the
only common factor
Modular Exponentiation
xy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 4 8 6 2 4 8 6 2
3 1 3 9 7 1 3 9 7 1 3
4 1 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4
5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 1 7 9 3 1 7 9 3 1 7
8 1 8 4 2 6 8 4 2 6 8
9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9
Modular Exponentiation
► xy mod n = xy mod ø(n) mod n
► if y mod ø(n) = 1, then xy mod n = x mod n
► Once you get the answer divide by n and
get the remainder
► 4^6 = 6 mod 10
► 4 ^ 6 = 4096 in ordinary airthmentic and
► 4096 = 6 mod 10
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman)
► The most popular one.
► Support both public key encryption and
digital signature.
► Assumption/theoretical basis:
 Factoring a big number is hard.
► Variable key length (usually 512 bits).
► Variable plaintext block size.
 Plaintext must be “smaller” than the key.
 Ciphertext block size is the same as the key
► Based on the theory of Prime Numbers
RSA Algorithm
1. Choose two large prime numbers P and Q.

2. Calculate N = P x Q.

3. Select the public key (i.e. the encryption key) E such that it is not a
factor of (P – 1) and (Q – 1).

4. Select the private key (i.e. the decryption key) D such that the
following equation is true:
(D x E) mod (P – 1) x (Q – 1) = 1

5. For encryption, calculate the cipher text CT from the plain text PT as
CT = PTE mod N

6. Send CT as the cipher text to the receiver.

7. For decryption, calculate the plain text PT from the cipher text CT as
PT = CTD mod N Fig 4.4
Example of RSA Algorithm
Encryption algorithm using Decryption algorithm using
the public key the private key

1. Encode the original 1. Raise the number to the

character using A = 1, B = 2 power D, here 77.
2. Divide the result by 119
2. Raise the number to the and get the remainder. The
power E, here 5. resulting number is the
cipher text.
3. Divide the result by 119
and get the remainder. The 3. Decode the original
resulting number is the character using 1 = A, 2 = B
cipher text. etc.

F F 6 41 4177 F B
6 5 Result modulo 119
Result modulo 119 6 F
= 41
RSA Example
• Select primes: p=17 & q=11
• Compute n = pq =17×11=187
• Compute ø(n)=(p–1)(q-1)=16×10=160
• Select e : gcd(e,160)=1; choose e=7
• Determine d: de=1 mod 160 and d < 160
Value is d=23 since 23×7=161= 10×160+1
• Publish public key KU={7,187}
• Keep secret private key KR={23,17,11}
How Does RSA Work?
► Given pub = <e, n> and priv = <d, n>
 encryption: c = me mod n, m < n
 decryption: m = cd mod n
 signature: s = md mod n, m < n
 verification: m = se mod n
► given message M = 88 (nb. 88<187)
► encryption:
C = 887 mod 187 = 11
► decryption:
M = 1123 mod 187 = 88
Why Does RSA Work?
► Given pub = <e, n> and priv = <d, n>
 n =p*q, ø(n) =(p-1)(q-1)
 e*d = 1 mod ø(n)
 xe∗d = x mod n
 encryption: c = me mod n
 decryption: m = cd mod n = me∗d mod n = m mod
n = m (since m < n)
 digital signature (similar)
Is RSA Secure?
► Factoring 512-bit number is very hard!
► But if you can factor big number n then given
public key <e,n>, you can find d, hence the
private key by:
 Knowing factors p, q, such that, n = p*q
 Then ø(n) =(p-1)(q-1)
 Then d such that e*d = 1 mod ø(n)
► Threat
 Moore’s law
 Refinement of factorizing algorithms
► Forthe near future, a key of 1024 or 2048
bits needed
Symmetric (DES) vs. Public Key
► Exponentiation
of RSA is expensive !
► AES and DES are much faster
 100 times faster in software
 1,000 to 10,000 times faster in hardware
► RSA often used in combination in AES
and DES
 Pass the session key with RSA
Digital Certificate
► Problem of man-in-the-middle attack was
solved by using digital certificates
► Digital certificates similar to passport
► It is simply a small computer file
► Establishes the relation between a user
and her public key
► DC must contain the user name and the
user’s public key to prove that a
particular values belongs to a particular
Digital Certificate Contents
► Main contents are the subject name
(user), validity and public key
► Signed by a Certification Authority (CA)
► Provides guarantees about a user’s
► No two digital certificates issued by the
same user can have the same serial
Digital Certificate Example
Digital Certificate

Subject Name: Atul Kahate

Public Key: <Atul’s key>
Serial Number: 1029101
Other data: Email -
Valid From: 1 Jan 2001
Valid To: 31 Dec 2004
Issuer Name: VeriSign

Similarities between a Passport
and a Digital Certificate
Passport entry Corresponding digital
certificate entry
Full name Subject name

Passport number Serial number

Valid from Same

Valid to Same

Issued by Issuer name

Photograph and signature Public key

Public Key Cryptography Standard
► PKCS model developed by RSA
► Purpose of PKCD is to standardize Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI)
► Standard : PKCS#1 to PKCS#15
► PKCS#1

 Defines the basic formatting rules for RSA

public key functions.
 It defines how digital signatures should be
 structure of data and format of signature is
 Also defines syntax for RSA private and
public keys
► PKCS#2
 Outlines the message the message digest
 Now merged with PKCS#1

► PKCS#3
 Defines mechanism to implement Diffie-
Hellman Key Agreement

► PKCS#4
 Merged with PKCS#1
► PKCS#5 – Password Based Encryption (PBE)
 Solution for keeping the symmetric session
keys safe
 Step 1 : First encrypt the plain text message
with symmetric key
 Step 2: then encrypt the symmetric key with a
Key Encryption Key (KEK)
 Where to store the KEK – never store it
 Generate key on demand use it for
encryption/decryption the symmetric key and
then discard it
 KEK is generated using a password using a key
generation process

Password Key generation KEK

► Drawback
 Attacker can launch a dictionary attack against
this scheme
 Attacker simply pre-compute all the possible
English words and their permutations-
combinations & store in a file & try each word as
passwd which may succeed having access to KEK
 To prevent 2 additional pieces of info are used
Salt and iteration count
 Salt is simply a bit string combined with passwd
to produce the KEK
 Iteration count specifies the no. of operation
that must be performed on the combination of
thepasswd and the salt to generate the KEK.
► Salt
and Iteration count need not be


Key Encryption Key

Iteration Count
► PKCS#6 : Extended Certificate Syntax Std
 Defines syntax for extending attributes of an
digital certificate
► PKCS#7 :Cryptographic Message Syntax Std
 Specifies a format/syntax for data that is the
result of cryptographic operation
 Examples :digital signatures and digital envelopes
► PKCS#8:Private Key Information Syntax Std
 Describes the syntax for storing the private key
and some attributes of a user securely
 Describes the syntax for encryption private keys
so that they cannot be attacked
►PKCS#10 – Certificate Request Syntax
 Describes syntax for certification request
 Request information consists of 3 aspects :
►Entity's distinguished name
►Entity public key
►Set of attributes
 Entity requesting for the certificate signs
with the private key and sends the request
information, signed request and signature algo
to CA
 CA verifies the signature and other aspects &
if OK issues certificate
► PKCS#11 : Cryptographic Token Interface
Std (Cryptoki)
 Specifies operations performed using hardware
token such as smart card

► PKCS #12 : Personal Info Exchange Std

 Was developed to solve the problem of
certificate and private key storage & transfer
 Increment to PKCS#8

► PKCS#13 : Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Std

 under development
 Deals with new cryptographic mechanism called
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
► PKCS#14: Pseudo Random Number
Generation Std
 Under development
 Defines the requirements for generating random

► PKCS#15 : Cryptographic Token Syntax Std

 Smart cards – problem – Lack of interoperability
 Info in Smarts cards of different vendors are
stored differently
 PKCS#15 specifies uniform token format to
resolve incompatibilities
Digital Signature Techniques
► DSS was developed for performing digital
► DSS makes use of the SHA-1 algorithm
for calculating the MD over an original
message & uses the message digest to
perform the digital signature
► DSS uses algorithm called as Digital
Signature Algorithm (DSA)
RSA & Digital Signatures
► RSA can be used to for performing digital
► Step-by-Step procedure
► Step-1
 Sender (A) uses SHA-1 to calculate MD1 of
message M
► Step-2
 Sender (A) encrypts the MD with her private
► Step-3
 Sender (A) sends message M along with
digital signature (DS) to receiver B
► Step-4
 B uses same MD algo as A and calculates MD2
► Step-5
 B uses sender A public key to decrypt the
Digital Signature
 Output is the original MD as calculated by A
► Step-6
 B compares  If MD1 = MD2 then
 B accepts the original message(M) as correct
 B is also assured that the message came form
DSA & Digital Signatures
► DSA is complicated and mathematical in
► Variables used
p = prime number of length L bits L = A multiple of
64 between 512 & 1024. Original p – 512 bits
q = A 160-bit prime factor of p-1
g = h^(p-1)/q mod p where h is a no.< p-1 such that
h^(p-1)/q mod p > 1
x = a number < q
Y = g^x mod p
H = message Digest algorithm - SHA-1
► p,qg are public, x is private corresponding
public key is y.
► If message m is to be signed the sender
generates a random number k, < q
► Sender calculates
 r = (gkmod p)mod q
 s = k1 (H(m) + xr)) mod q
► Values of r and s are the signatures of the
sender which are sent to the receiver
► To verify w = s-1 mod q; u1=(H(m) *w)mod q
u2 = (rw) mod q;
v = ((gu1*yu2) mod p ) mod q
If v = r the signature is said to be verified
El-Gamal Signatures
► The ElGamal Signature scheme is a
 Digital signature scheme which is based on
the difficulty of computing discrete
 It was described by Taher El-Gamal in 1984
System Parameters
► Let H be a collision-resistant hash
► Let p be a large prime such that
computing discrete logarithms modulo p is
► Let g be a randomly chosen generator of
the multiplicative group .
► These system parameters may be shared
between users.
Key generation
► Choose randomly a secret key x with 1 < x
< p − 1.
► Compute y = gx(mod p).
► The public key is (p,g,y).
► The secret key is x.
► These steps are performed once by the
Signature generation
► To sign a message m the signer performs the
following steps.
► Choose a random k such that 0 < k < p − 1 and
gcd(k,p − 1) = 1. i.e relatively prime to p-1
► Compute r = gk(mod p)
► Compute s = ykM mod p
► If s = 0 start over again.
► Here M = ( rx + ks ) mod p-1
► Then the pair (r,s) is the digital signature of m.
The signer repeats these steps for every

►A signature (r,s) of a message m is

verified as follows.
► 0 < r < p and 0 < s < p − 1.

► The verifier accepts a signature if all
conditions are satisfied and rejects it
►A third party can forge signatures either by
finding the signer's secret key x or by finding
collisions in the hash function.
► Both problems are believed to be difficult.
► The signer must be careful to choose a
different k uniformly at random . for each
signature and make sure that k or even partial
information about k is not leaked.
► Otherwise a third party may be able to deduce
the secret key x with less difficulty.
► In particular, if two messages are sent using
the same value of k then a third party can
compute x.
Zero-knowledge protocols
► Incryptography, a zero-knowledge proof
or zero-knowledge protocol
 interactive method for one party to prove to
another that a (usually mathematical)
statement is true
 without revealing anything other than the
veracity of the statement.
Zero-knowledge protocols
► Alice wants to prove to Bob that she
is Alice.
 If she sends identification, Bob (or an
eavesdropper) can use it.
► Example: Authority chooses a number
N=77, known by all.
► Alice’s public ID: (58, 67)
► Alice’s private ID: (9,10)
 These are multiplicative inverses mod 77
Zero-knowledge protocols
► Alice
chooses some random numbers and
computes their square mod N.
 {19, 24, 51} -> 192(mod 77) = 53,
242(mod 77) = 37, 512(mod 77) = 60
 Alice sends {53,37,60} to Bob.
 Bob sends back a random 2x3 matrix of 1s
and 0s.
Zero-knowledge protocols
► Alice uses this grid, plus her original
random numbers and her secret
numbers, to compute:
► 19 * 90 * 101 (mod 77) = 36
► 24 * 91 * 100 (mod 77) = 62
► 51 * 91 * 101 (mod 77) = 47

► She sends {36,62,47} to Bob.

Zero-knowledge protocols
► Bob
verifies Alice’s identity by
 {58,67} are Alice’s public numbers
► 36^2 *58^0 *67^1 (mod 77)= 53
► 62^2 *58^1 * 67^0 (mod 77) = 37
► 47^2 * 58^1 * 67^1 (mod 77) = 60

► Alice’s original numbers reappear!

 (Actually, an attacker would have a 1 in
64 chance of guessing correctly …)
Zero-knowledge protocols
► Ina real system, N would be very
 160 digits.
► Many more numbers would be
► This works because Alice’s secret
numbers are multiplicative inverses of
her public numbers mod N.
► Also, Bob learns nothing that he
didn’t know before.

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