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Dr. Mohamed R. Ghetas
Lecture 3
Paragraphs and Characters Formatting:

 Paragraph formatting is the process of changing the

appearance of a paragraph, e.g. using bullets to a
paragraph or centring a paragraph.
 Character formatting is the process of changing the
way characters appear on the screen and in print,
e.g. font, text colour, italic, underline etc.
Characters Formatting: Font, Font sizes and Themes

 The font, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of the

letters, numbers, and special characters. Arial, Times New Roman,
Courier, Tahoma, and Calibri are some of the more common fonts, but
there are hundreds of others, each with a specific design and feel.
 Font size specifies the size of the characters and is determined by a
measurement system called points. A single point is about 1/72 of
one inch in height. For example, a character with a font size of 12 is
about 12/72 (1/6) of one inch in height.
 A document theme is a set of unified formats for fonts, colours, and
graphics. Word includes a variety of document themes to assist you
with coordinating these visual elements in a document. Themes
command can be found under Design Tab in Word 2013 and under
Page Layout in Word 2010.
 One may select a theme and modify it.
Characters Formatting: Case of Selected Text and Text Effects

 One may change the case of a selected text, e.g. UPPERCASE,

lowercase, Capitalized Each Word, etc., by using change case
command under Home tab.
 A lot of text effects can be applied by using Text effects command
under Home tab.
Paragraphs Formatting: Line and Paragraph Spacing

 Increasing the amount of space between lines adds more

white space to a document and can make it easier to read.
Adding space before and after paragraphs can also open up
a document and improve its appearance.
 One may use the Line and Paragraph Spacing list arrow in
the Paragraph group on the Home tab to quickly change line
 To change paragraph spacing, one could use the Spacing
options in the Paragraph group on the Page Layout tab.
 Both line and paragraph spacing are measured in points.
Paragraphs Formatting: Align Paragraphs
 Changing paragraph alignment is another way to enhance a
document’s appearance.
 Paragraphs are aligned relative to the left and right margins in a
document. By default, text is left-aligned, which means it is flush with
the left margin and has a ragged right edge.
 Using the alignment buttons in the Paragraph group under Home tab,
one can right-align a paragraph—make it flush with the right margin—
or center a paragraph so that it is positioned evenly between the left
and right margins. You can also justify a paragraph so that both the
left and right edges of the paragraph are flush with the left and right
Paragraphs Formatting: Intents

 In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of
blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins.
 You can indent the entire left or right edge of a paragraph, just the first line, or all
lines except the first line.
 The indent markers on the horizontal ruler indicate the indent settings for the
paragraph in which the insertion point is located. (Also can be changed by
Paragraph group on the Page Layout tab or using the indent buttons in the
Paragraph group on the Home tab).
Paragraphs Formatting: Bullet/Numbering a List of Paragraphs

 A bulleted list is a series of paragraphs, each beginning with a bullet

 Formatting a list with bullets or numbering can help to organize the
ideas in a document.
 A bullet is a character, often a small circle, that appears before the
items in a list to add emphasis.
 Formatting a list as a numbered list helps illustrate sequences and
 One can quickly format a list with bullets or numbering by using the
Bullets and Numbering buttons/commands in the Paragraph group
under the Home tab.
Page and Paragraphs Formatting: Borders and Shading
 Borders are lines you add above, below, to the side, or around words
or paragraphs. You can format borders using different line styles,
colours, and widths.
 Shading is a colour or pattern you apply behind words or paragraphs
to make them stand out on a page.
 One can apply borders and shading (for a paragraph or words) using
the Borders button and the Shading button in the Paragraph group on
the Home tab.
 One can apply page borders using Page Borders command in the Page
Background group under Page Layout tap.
 One can change the Page background (shading) by using Page Color
command in the Page Background group under Page Layout tap.
• How to select a part of the document to format it
• We can select any part of the document as the following table

‫االختيار‬ ‫األجراء‬
word Double Click
sentence Ctrl + Click at any part
paragraph at any part in the paragraph --- Triple – Click
line --- Click after having arrow shape
Group of , After getting arrow -- click Double press and draw

Many parts Shift + Click ‫ثم‬ Scroll ‫فى البداية‬ Click

Tables Creation and Formatting

 Adding a table to a document is a useful way to illustrate information

that is intended for quick reference and analysis.
 A table is a grid of columns and rows that you can fill with text and
 A cell is the box formed by the intersection of a column and a row.
The lines that divide the columns and rows of a table and help you
see the grid-like structure of the table are called borders.
 A simple way to insert a table into a document is to use the Insert
Table command on the Insert tab.
 After creating a table, one may select the desired table style among
many other appearance parameters under Design tab.
the Table :-
Is a means to put data in
an arranged manner as
columns and rows . The
Rows table consists of columns
and rows the cell is the
smallest part in the rable

The Cell
12 12
2.7.1 Inserting table in the document :-
 We have 4 different methods to
insert a table in a document :-
 A- From the standard tool bar click on insert
table icon you will get a group of cell
shadow the rows and columns as the table
 B- From the tables and borders tool bar click
on insert table icon you will get a window
ton enter the no of row and columns
 C- From the tables and borders tool bar click
on the icon of table drawing table the
mouse will change to the pen shape , you can
use it to draw columns and rows
 D- From the “table” menu you choose “insert”
then choose “table” , you will get a window
ton enter the no of row and columns
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2 Operations for the table
a- Adjusting raw height and column width
Put the mouse between the line between rows or columns , it will take the
shape of two arrows , drag in the required direction ( increase or decrease )
b- Inserting and deleting columns and rows
to insert one or more row : -
from “table” menu , choose “ insert “ , then select “rows above” or “ rows below”

to insert one or more column : -

from “table” menu , choose “ insert “ , then select “columns to right ” or “ columns
to left ”
c- Joining cells :
- select the cells to be merged then from “table” menu choose “ merge cells ,
the cells will be merged .
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d- Split Cells :-
- select the cell to be split then from “table” menu
choose “ split cells , will get an input box to enter no of
rows and no of columns , then ok .
e- Split Table -:
- From the “ table “ menu choose “ split table “ .
f- Heading rows repeat :-
define the heading row with the mouse then from the
table menu select " Heading rows repeat " the heading
row will be repeated with each new page
g- change table to text and vice versa
Enables you to change table to text and the text to
table in the case that the text is separated using tabbing
h- sorting data and math operations
the data of certain column in the table can sorted ,
ascending or , descending .
i- change text direction inside the table
Enables you to change text direction either from right
to left or left to right vertical direction
The following figure shows operation of the table :-

December 18, 2023 17

Example :-
Define steps for inserting the following table in a document

‫بيان الدرجات‬
‫كود الطالب‬ ‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫التقدير‬
‫المنتصف‬ ‫العملى‬ ‫اعمال‬ ‫النهائى‬
20090125 ‫ابرهيم‬ 15 7 9 50
20090215 ‫سامى‬ 10 8 8 60
20090360 ‫ياسر‬ 12 9 6 40

Steps for the solution :-

1- form the insert menu choose “ table “ then choose “ table
2- you will get a box to enter number of rows and number of
December 18, 2023 18
3- enter the no of rows = 3 , no of columns = 7
You will get the following table

4- join the cells in the first column row 1 and 2

join the cells in the second column row 1 and 2
You will get the following table

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6- join the cells in column 3 , 4 , 5 ,6
You will get the following table

7- join the cells in column 7 , row 1 and 2

You will get the following table

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8- insert the data in the table as follows :-
‫بيان الدرجات‬
‫كود الطالب‬ ‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫التقدير‬
‫المنتصف‬ ‫العملى‬ ‫اعمال‬ ‫النهائى‬
20090125 ‫ابرهيم‬ 15 7 9 50
20090215 ‫سامى‬ 10 8 8 60
20090360 ‫ياسر‬ 12 9 6 40

Exercise :-
Give steps to Insert the following table in a document
job total Salary Employee name Emp. Code
overtime bonus basic

December 18, 2023 21

2. Inserting graph files into document :-
to insert picture or sound file or video clip form the " menu
" bar , select " insert " , then " picture " , you will get a
menu as shown in figure where you can select the
picture source from the menu as follows :-
- Clipart .
- From file .
- Form scanner or camera .
The following table shows different tools of picture tool bar
and their effect for picture formatting .
Tool Usage


Corp the image

Gray scale

Picture insert

Borders for the picture

Graphics Insertion and Formatting (2)

Microsoft Office installs a variety of fonts onto your

computer, each of which contains various symbols that can
be inserted into a document. Selecting "normal text", also
selecting symbols can be done . However, as was done
in Figure
Graphics Insertion and Formatting (3)

. You can use WordArt in addi­

tion to clip art within a
document, or in place of clip art
if the right image is not
available. You can rotate text in
any direction, add three-
dimensional effects, display the
text vertically down the page,
slant it, arch it, or even print it
upside down
Table of Contents

 2.9 Document print :-

 The document prepared by Word which is saved in the
disk is a softcopy . to get a hard copy by the
printer we have to do some operations like page set up ,
print review , then print command . The following part will
illustrate these operations :
 2.9.1 Page set up :-
 The page set up command from "file " menu lets you
change margins , paper size , orientation , paper source ,
and / or layout . All parameters are accessed from the
dialog box in figure 2.17 in which we has three tabs :
margins , paper , layout .
Citations, Sources and Bibliography (1)

In the margins tab you can set :-

- Top margin : the space at the
top of the page .
- Bottom margin : the space at
the bottom of the page .
- Left margin : the space at the
left of the page .
- Right margin : the space at
the left of the page .
- Gutter : the space left for paper documentation .
- Gutter Position : position of the gutter .
- Orientation : to select page orientation , there are
tow orientations , namely : Portrait and Landscape .
In paper tab you define the paper size , you may
choose standard size as A1, A2, A3, A4 , A5
And B1, B2 , B3 , B4 , B5 , or define the a custom size (
width and height ).
2.9.2 Document Printing :-
a- Print preview :-

from the “ file “ menu choose “ Print

Preview “ or From the standard tool bar , click

on the print preview icon , , you will

get the document view when printed . This

operation gives you chance to adjust
components of the page before printing .

b- File printing :-

from the “file “ menu select “Print” or

CTRL+ P , you will get the next figure .

 A hyperlink is text or a graphic that, when clicked, “jumps” the viewer

to a different location or program.
 When a document is viewed on screen, hyperlinks allow readers to link
(or jump) to a Web page, an e-mail address, a file, or a specific
location in a document.
 When one creates a hyperlink in a document, s/he selects the text or
graphic s/he wants to use as a hyperlink and then specifies the
destination location to jump to when the hyperlink is clicked.
 One can create a hyperlink using the Hyperlink button in the Links
group on the Insert tab.
 CTRL + Click over the hyperlink can be used to jump to the
destination location.

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