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Dr. Mohamed R. Ghetas
Lecture 7
Charts: Planning

 Before creating a chart, one needs to plan the desired information to show and how
one wants it to look. Planning ahead helps to decide what type of chart to create
and how to organize the data.
 Understanding the parts of a chart makes it easier to format and to change specific
elements so that the chart best illustrates the data.
Charts: Planning guidelines

 Use the following 4 guidelines to plan the chart:

1) Determine the purpose of the chart, and identify the data relationships you want
to communicate graphically.
2) Determine the results you want to see, and decide which chart type is most
appropriate, i.e. see the table on the next slide.
3) Identify the worksheet data you want the chart to illustrate.
4) Understand the elements of a chart.
Common Chart Types
Chart Basic Elements (1)

 The horizontal axis can be called x-axis or category axis. The vertical axis can be
called y-axis or value axis. (3-D charts also contain a z-axis, for comparing data
across both categories and values)
 The area inside the horizontal and vertical axes is the plot area.
 The tick marks, on the vertical axis, and gridlines (extending across the plot area)
create a scale of measure for each value.
 Each value in a cell you select for your chart is a data point. In any chart, a data
marker visually represents each data point.
 A collection of related data points is a data series.
 legend can be included to make it easy to identify data markers.
 See the Figure on the next slide.
Chart Basic Elements (2)
Chart Creation, Moving and Resize

 To create a chart in Excel, one first selects the range in a worksheet containing the
desired data to chart. Then, one can use buttons on the INSERT tab on the Ribbon
to create a chart based on the data in the range.
 A chart is an object, or an independent element on a worksheet, and is not located
in a specific cell or range. One can select an object by clicking it; sizing handles
around the object indicate it is selected (When a chart is selected in Excel, the
Name box, which normally tells you the address of the active cell, tells you the chart
number). One can resize a chart to improve its appearance by dragging its sizing
 One can move a selected chart anywhere on a worksheet without affecting formulas
or data in the worksheet. One can even move a chart to a different sheet in the
workbook and it will still reflect the original data.
 Any data changed in the worksheet is automatically updated in the chart.
Chart Design and Chart Format

 One can change the chart type, modify the data range and column/row
configuration, apply a different chart style, and change the layout of objects (chart
elements) in the chart, by using Chart Layouts group on the CHART TOOLS DESIGN
 One may add a text to the chart by using the Add Chart Element button on the
CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab. Such text can be formatted by using the HOME tab or
the Mini toolbar, just as the text in a worksheet.
What-If Analysis (1)

 Using Excel to scrutinize the impact of changing values in cells that are referenced
by a formula in another cell is called what-if analysis or sensitivity analysis.
 When new data is entered, Excel not only recalculates all formulas in a worksheet,
but also redraws any associated charts.
 By using What-If Analysis tools in Excel, one can use several different sets of values
in one or more formulas to explore all the various results.
 Three kinds of What-If Analysis tools come with Excel could be found in Data tab
under what-if analysis command: Scenario Manager, Goal Seek, and Data table.
What-If Analysis (2)

 Scenarios and Data tables take sets of input values and determine possible results.
On one hand, a Data Table works with only one or two variables, but it can accept
many different values for those variables. On the other hand, a Scenario can have
multiple variables, but it can only accommodate up to 32 values.
 Goal Seek works differently from Scenarios and Data Tables in that it takes a result
and determines possible input values that produce that result.
 Add-in is a software program that extends the capabilities of larger programs. For
example, there are many Excel add-ins designed to complement the basic
functionality offered by Excel.
 In addition to these three tools, one can install add-ins that help performing What-If
Analysis, such as the Solver add-in. The Solver add-in is similar to Goal Seek, but it
can accommodate more variables.
 For more advanced models, one can use the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

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