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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Individuals may now scientifically

upregulate and downregulate specific
genetic expressions and control the
production of ATP to devastate
rapidly proliferating cancer cells
by taking a refreshing nutrient drink…

Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Ingredient Profile
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Nutritional Therapy

GenEpic Home GenEpic Safety Study Supplemental Facts

RNA Sequencing Prostrate Cancer Trials Cancer Statistics

ATP and Cancer Cells Breast Cancer Trials GenEpic Ingredients

Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Genetic Testing...
RNA Sequencing
Study of GenEpicTM in Upregulating
and Downregulating Certain
Genetic Expressions

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GenEpic Treatment in LNCaP Cells - Upregulated Genes
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Ctr RL+ 40 ug/ml_24h

RL+ 100 ug/ml_12h RL+ 100 ug/ml_24h
Relative mRNA levels/RPLP0








Explanation of Regulated Genes

“RL” = GenEpic™ Content Copyright 2011-2022. All Rights Reserved
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™
GenEpic Treatment in LNCaP Cells - Downregulated Genes
Ctr RL+ 40 ug/ml_24h
RL+ 100 ug/ml_12h RL+ 100 ug/ml_24h

Relative mRNA levels/RPLP0







Explanation of Regulated Genes
“RL” = GenEpic™ Content Copyright 2011-2022. All Rights Reserved
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™
GenEpic on PDX Organoids
DMSO Control GenEpic 50 mg/ml GenEpic 100 mg/ml
Patient-derived xenografts and organoids

Number of dead cells

model therapy response in prostate cancer

Therapy resistance and metastatic processes in prostate cancer
(PCa) remain undefined, due to lack of experimental models that
mimic different disease stages. We describe an androgen-

dependent PCa patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model from


treatment-naïve, soft tissue metastasis (PNPCa). RNA and whole-




exome sequencing of the PDX tissue and organoids confirmed


LuCaP 23.1 organoids


transcriptomic and genomic similarity to primary tumor. PNPCa



harbors BRCA2 and CHD1 somatic mutations, shows an
B SPOP/FOXA1-like transcriptomic signature and microsatellite
DMSO Control GenEpic50 mg/ml GenEpic 100 mg/ml
instability, which occurs in 3% of advanced PCa and has never

Number of dead cells

been modeled in vivo. Comparison of the treatment-naïve PNPCa

with additional metastatic PDXs (BM18, LAPC9), in a medium-

throughput organoid screen of FDA-approved compounds,
revealed differential drug sensitivities. Multikinase inhibitors
(ponatinib, sunitinib, sorafenib) were broadly effective on all
PDX- and patient-derived organoids from advanced cases with

acquired resistance to standard-of-care compounds. This proof-of-


principle study may provide a preclinical tool to screen drug



responses to standard-of-care and newly identified, repurposed

LuCaP 136 organoids



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Increased Cancer
GenEpic on PDX Organoids Cell Die-off
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

With GenEpic™
A DMSO Control GenEpic 50 mg/ml GenEpic 100 mg/ml

Number of dead cells




n tr





LuCaP 23.1 organoids
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GenEpic on PDX Organoids
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

B DMSO Control GenEpic 50 mg/ml GenEpic 100 mg/ml


Number of dead cells




n tr






LuCaP 136 organoids

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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™



ATP Consumption
(Adenosine TriPhosphate)

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ATP and Cancer Cells
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• Controlling ATP availability to cancer cells is similar to regulating

fuel consumption in automobiles.
– Normal cells are like fuel
efficient compact cars
– Cancer cells can be compared
to gas guzzling SUV’s as they destroy healthy cells
– Using the same amount of fuel, the SUV will soon run out of gas and become
immobile, while the compact car keeps on running
• Cells operate similarly
– Normal cells operate and replicate on limited ATP
– Cancer cells require lots of ATP to replicate
rapidly – they cannot survive a reduction of ATP
– Ingredients in GenEpic™ govern ATP production, which kills cancer cells
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Lysosome interior High Proton Concentration
H+ (proton-motive force)
H+ H+ +
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

H+ H
H+ H+ H+ H+ H+

ADP + Pi
Energy ATP
Lysosome interior High Proton Concentration
H+ (proton-motive force)
H+ H+
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

H+ H+ H+ H+


Energy from photosynthesis or food molecules is used to
power a channel that transports protons across the membrane.
As the process proceeds, a high concentration of
protons builds up on one side of the membranes.
Protons then diffuse
H +
back across the membranes
through special channels that use the force of the proton H +

through to power the
ATPmanufacture of ADP
+ P i
Cytoplasm energetics/cellular-respiration-ap/a/oxidative-phosphorylation-etc
Lysosome interior High Proton Concentration
H+ (proton-motive force)
H+ H+
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

H+ H+ H+ H+


The electron transport chain is a series of proteins and organic molecules found
in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Electrons are passed from one member
of the transport chain to another in a series of redox reactions.
Energy released in these reactions is captured as a proton
ATPgradient, which is then
used to make ATP in a process called chemiosmosis.Synthase
Together, the electron
H +

transport chain and chemiosmosis make up oxidative phosphorylation. H +

ADP + Pi
Energy ATP
Cytoplasm energetics/cellular-respiration-ap/a/oxidative-phosphorylation-etc
Lysosome interior High Proton Concentration
H+ (proton-motive force)
H+ H+
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

H+ H+ H+ H+


GenEpic™ employs mechanisms inherent
in certain components that act as “governors” to
regulate the production of ATP in such a manner that
normal cells have sufficient energy to thrive
ATP and replicate,
while rapidly replicating
H cancer cells are deprived of the

energy they require to do their deadly damage.

Energy ATP i

ATP and Metabolic Actions
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

ATP is important for metabolism because it provides energy coupling between endergonic and
exergonic biochemical reactions

Metabolic Reactions Involving ATP

Adenosine triphosphate is used to transport chemical energy in many important processes,
 aerobic respiration (glycolysis and the citric acid cycle)
 fermentation
 cellular division
 photophosphorylation
 motility (e.g., shortening of myosin and actin filament cross-bridges and cytoskeleton)
 exocytosis and endocytosis
 photosynthesis
 protein synthesis
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ATP: Our Energy Currency
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the energy currency of the cell

• ATP transfers energy from chemical bonds to endergonic (energy absorbing)
reactions within the cell
• Structurally, ATP consists of the adenine nucleotide
– Ribose Sugar
– Adenine Base
– Phosphate Group
– Calcium Phosphate (po4)2
– Plus, two other phosphate groups
• In non-technical terms, ATP is the
energy source for cellular division
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Understanding Cancer
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Click to View Website

Click to View Video

Goals of
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Nutrition Therapy
As Outlined by NIH
National Cancer Institute GenEpic™
Ingredient Profi
Goals of Nutrition Therapy
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Patients are undergoing active therapy, recovering, or in remission and striving to

avoid cancer recurrence, the benefit of optimal caloric and nutrient intake is well
The goals of nutrition therapy are to accomplish the following:
• Prevent or reverse nutrient deficiencies
• Preserve lean body mass
• Help patients better tolerate treatments
• Minimize nutrition-related side effects and complications
• Maintain strength and energy
• Protect immune function, decreasing the risk of infection
• Aid in recovery and healing
• Maximize quality of life

Source: NIH National Cancer Institute / Cancer.Gov:

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Goals of Nutrition Therapy (cont.)
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Patients with advanced cancer can receive nutritional support even when nutrition therapy
can do little for weight gain. Such support may help accomplish the following:
• Lessen side effects
• Reduce risk of infection
• Reduce asthenia (Abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy)
• Improve well-being
• In individuals with advanced cancer, the goal of nutrition therapy should not be weight
gain or reversal of malnutrition, but rather comfort and symptom relief
• Nutrition continues to play an integral role for individuals whose cancer has been cured
or in remission. A healthy diet helps prevent or control comorbidities such as heart
disease, diabetes, and hypertension, or prevent another malignancy from developing

Source: NIH National Cancer Institute / Cancer.Gov:

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Photo Source: Wikipedia

Chief Ingredient: Graviola

Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

An informative article on Graviola

(also known as Soursop or Guanabana) is available at:

Anticancer Properties of Graviola (Annona muricata):

A Comprehensive Mechanistic Review

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Acetogenins in Graviola
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™
Polyketide Natural Products, Acetogenins from Background: Plants became the basis of traditional
Graviola (Annona muricata L), its Biochemical, medicine system throughout the world for thousands of
Cytotoxic Activity and Various Analyses years and continue to provide mankind with new
Through Computational and Bio-Programming remedies. Annona muricata, the plant of Annonaceae
family, is also known as sour sop or Graviola. In recent
Results: The presence of acetogenins was confirmed years, many compounds have been reported and have
using PMA 5% spray. The anti-cancer activity studies
gained organic chemist's and biochemist's attention
were done for Breast Cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and the
cell inhibition activity was 98%. We were curious to because of their novel structure and wide range of
study the computational part of the acetogenins; hence, bioactivity. Local populations have used the bark, leaves,
apart from the experimental studies, various roots, fruit, seeds and flowers for thousands of years to
computational studies were progressed using
treat everything from arthritis to liver problems.
Schrödinger and other computational tools to validate the
key target protein and the potent molecule "Coronin" and
Annonaine. Annonaceous acetogenins found only in the
Annonaceae family kill malignant cells of 12 different
Conclusion: To predict and decipher the activity of
various acetogenins in Annona muricata and its types of cancer including Breast, Ovarian, Colon,
potent activity towards the inhibition of cancer cell Prostate, Liver, Lung, Pancreatic and Lymphoma.
lines, it is interesting to look out for the potent lead
compound against the disease.
Acetogenins Graviola fruit (Annona muricata) and their anti-proliferation
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™
on human prostate cancer cell PC-3
Graviola Contains Many Powerful  cohibinA  sabadelin  cisannonacin
Strains of Anti-Cancer Acetogenins  cohibinB  corepoxylone  cisannonacinone
 cohibinC  coronin  cisgoniothalamicin
Attempts have been made to isolate and synthesize  cohibinD  diepomuricaninA  javoricin
combinations of these acetogenins to produce  montecristin  15oleylsolamin  muricinG
marketable cancer drugs.  muricatenol  15palmitoylsolamin  annohexocin
 murihexol  cispanatellin  annomuricinA
While the combinations of acetogenins in Graviola  chatenaytrienin1  cisreticulatacin  annomuricinB
have proven successful at destroying cancer cells  chatenaytrienin2  cissolamin  annomuricinC
in their naturally balanced inter-relationships,  chatenaytrienin3  cisuvariamicinI  annomuricinE
attempts to produce an effective synthetic drug  chatenaytrienin4  cisuvariamicinIV  muricapentocin
have proven unsuccessful.  muricadienin  solamin  muricatalicin
So… what does work?  muridienin1  cisreticulatacin  muricatatinC
 muridienin2  corossolin  muricatinC
The fruit,  muridienin3  corossolone  muricatocinA
the whole fruit,  muridienin4  murisolin  muricatocinB
and nothing but the fruit.  epomuriceninA  annomutacin  muricatocinC
 epomuriceninB  annonacin  annopentocinA
It is our duty to understand, respect,  epoxymurinA  arianacin  annopentocinB
and utilize the balance found in nature.  epoxymurinB  cisannomontacin  annopentocinC
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Safety Studies

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Reduction of Side Effects with GenEpic™
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

These side effects

MO 2
MO 3
SEVERE PTS were compiled from
Fatigue 12 26 38 8 9 10 11 38 33 5 38
38 patients that were
Weight Loss 4 19 15 38 15 23 38 36 2 38 actively receiving
Hair Loss
11 18 9 38 7 11 14 6 38 29 9 38
Chemo or Radiation
4 3 4 27 38 4 9 10 15 38 31 5 2 38
Moodiness 19 13 6 38 0 27 11 38 26 12 38 Therapies and
Fuzzy Thinking 25 10 3 38 25 10 3 38 19 19 38 GenEpic™l reduced
Irritability 3 12 19 4 38 17 9 8 4 38 37 1 38
Insomnia 8 15 7 8 38 17 12 9 38 31 7 38
the debilitating side
Headaches 10 1 12 15 38 10 17 6 5 38 30 8 38 effects of the
Emotional Swings 13 19 6 38 19 13 5 1 38 35 3 38
traditional therapies.
Depression 10 15 13 38 13 11 9 5 38 26 10 2 38
Weight Gain 38 38 38 38 38 38
Short Term Memory Loss 11 17 7 3 38 16 15 5 2 38 29 9 38 13 Breast
Inability to Concentrate 8 19 6 5 38 12 23 2 1 38 13 23 2 38
Diarrhea 21 1 13 3 38 27 3 5 3 38 38 38
11 Prostate
Shortness of Breath 38 38 38 38 38 38 4 Skin
Heart Palpitations 38 38 38 38 38 38
3 Liver
Sleep Disorders 1 35 2 38 20 5 11 2 38 32 6 38
Nausea 4 33 1 38 10 8 19 1 38 32 3 2 1 38 2 Cervical
Dry Hair/Skin 38 38 38 38 38 38 1 Gastric
Skin Rash 14 11 9 4 38 23 15 38 38 38
Stiff Joints 8 23 2 5 38 20 15 3 38 36 2 38
1 Glioblastoma
Swelling in Extremes 10 13 8 7 38 12 20 5 1 38 29 9 38 1 Ovarian
Bloating 19 11 7 1 38 19 11 7 1 38 35 3 38
2 Other
Stomach Cramps 13 8 17 38 20 15 3 38 37 1 38
Increased Thirst 15 9 14 38 15 9 14 38 26 12 38 38 Total
Increased Urination 13 8 10 7 38 32 6 38 37 1 38
•We continued to follow their complaints throughout the study with the use of GenEpic™l, taking 1 packet twice daily.

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Safety Study
The chart to the
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

left represents
findings of a
Safety Study
conducted prior to
the GenEpic
Prostate Clinical
Virtually No Major Negative Side-Effects
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Complaints of Prostate Clinical Trial Subjects

Before Taking GenEpic While Taking GenEpic
INCLUDED: (Many of the 60 patients reported multiple symptoms before
Weight Loss or Gain taking GenEpic, but following month 3, no complaints or
Hair Loss negative side-effects were reported)
Short Term Memory Loss
Heart Palpitations

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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Prostate Cancer
Clinical Trials

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IRB – Phase 2 Prostate Cancer Study
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

NCT01987999 Eradication of Prostate Cancer

• 60 Prostate Cancer Patients, each • Average PSA Scores dropped from

confirmed with biopsy 10.07 to 1.48
• Each Patient took GenEpic™ daily for • Average Gleason Scores dropped
12 months from 6.45 to 0.33
– No surgery, chemo or radiation Example:
• Includes Patient Reports on A patient with an initial PSA of 54.6 and a
Gleason Score of 10 now has a zero score in
– PSA Scores both categories.
– Gleason Scores
• The 60 patients reported virtually no
– Negative Side Effects
major negative side-effects
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PSA Scores of 60 Prostate Cancer Patients Taking GenEpic
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

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Prostate Cancer PSA Scores
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

GenEpic™ Study End of 12 Months

Prostate-specific antigen, or
10.00 10.07
9.37 PSA, is a protein produced
Average PSA Scores

by normal, as well as
8.00 malignant, cells of the
7.30 prostate gland.
5.29 The PSA test measures the
level of PSA in the blood.
3.31 The results are usually
2.39 reported as nanograms of
1.48 PSA per milliliter (ng/mL)
of blood.
Start Mo 2 Mo 4 Mo 6 Mo 8 Mo 10 Mo 12

60 Participants
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

At 30 Months
Gleason Grades Gleason Scores
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• The Gleason Grading system is used to help evaluate the

prognosis of men with prostate cancer
• A Gleason grade is given to prostate cancer based upon
its microscopic appearance. Cancers with a higher
Gleason grade are more aggressive and have a worse
• A urologist or radiologist will remove a biopsy of prostate
tissue for diagnosis by a pathologist
• First called the primary grade, represents the majority of
tumor (has to be greater than 50% of the total pattern
• Second - a secondary grade - relates to the minority of the
tumor (must be less than 50%, but at least 5%, of the
pattern of the total cancer observed)
• These grades are then added to obtain the final Gleason
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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™ GenEpic™ Clinical Trial Gleason Scores
Gleason Scores of Prostate Cancer Patients Taking GenEpic
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Breast Cancer Trials

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IRB - Double Blind Placebo Controlled
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Breast Cancer Clinical Trial

NCT02286778 Eradication of Malignant Carcinoma in the Breast Tissue

• 60 were enrolled with initial diagnoses of Stage I to Stage IV Malignant Carcinoma in

the Breast Tissue
• Each was confirmed by a Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) or Breast
Biopsy (BB), and MRI
• Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups
• Group – 1: Control Group - Took nothing
• Group – 2: Placebo Group - Took placebo
• Group – 3: GenEpic Group – Given packet of GenEpic twice daily,
and followed a plant-based diet
Patients received no surgery, chemo, or radiation before or during the Clinical Trial
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Breast Clinical Trial (Continued)
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Group 1: Control Group

No Treatment
No positive signs
All participants removed from Study by the end of month 4

Group 2: Placebo Group

1 patient experienced tumor shrinkage during the 12-month period
5 showed signs of no change
15 experienced tumor enlargement
At 6 months the 15 unresponsive patients were removed from the clinical trial
Group 3: GenEpic™ Group
19 of the 20 patients experienced positive results
Decreased tumor size months 3 to 9
No discernible tumor at the end of 12 months
Patients using GenEpic™ reported a positive experience from drinking two glasses daily, compared to
suffering the negative side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.
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CA15-3 Levels in Breast Cancer Patients
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Control Placebo GenEpic

70 70 70

60 60 60

50 50 50
CA15-3 Level (Unit)

A CA 15-3 test is a blood test that checks for CA15-3 levels in the blood.
40 40 40
CA 15-3 is a protein that breast cells produce normally.

Doctors may refer to the CA 15-330 protein as a tumor marker. This term refers
to any
substance that cancer cells — or other cells that are responding to cancer — contain or
produce. Certain benign conditions can also lead to the production of tumor markers.
20 20 20

When there are cancerous cells, or tumors, in the breast, the levels of CA 15-3 can increase.
Cancerous breast tumors shed extra
levels of CA 15-3, which then enter the10 bloodstream.
Doctors may also refer to the test as a Cancer Antigen Breast Test, or a CA Breast Test.
0 0
Start Mo 2 Mo4 Mo6 Mo8 Mo10 Mo12 Start Mo 2 Mo4 Mo6 Mo8 Mo10 Mo12 Start Mo 2 Mo4 Mo6 Mo8 Mo10 Mo12

Treatment time Treatment time Treatment time

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CEA Levels in Breast Cancer Patients
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Control Placebo GenEpic

250 250 250

200 200 200

CEA Level (Unit)

150 150 150

100 100 100

A CEA test measures the level of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in your blood
or other body fluid. As a type of tumor marker, CEA is an indicator of whether
50 50 50

cancer is growing and spreading or diminishing with treatment.

0 It is also known as a CEA Assay,

0 CEA Blood Test, or Carcino-embryonic
0 Antigen Test.
Start Mo 2 Mo4 Mo6 Mo8 Mo10 Mo12 Start Mo 2 Mo4 Mo6 Mo8 Mo10 Mo12 Start Mo 2 Mo4 Mo6 Mo8 Mo10 Mo12

Treatment time Treatment time Treatment time

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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and CA A Cancer J Clinicians, Volume: 68, Issue: 6, Pages:
394-424, First published: 12 September 2018, DOI:
mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™
2018 Cancer Statistics (Worldwide)
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• 18.1 million New cancer cases

9.6 million Cancer deaths
• In both sexes combined, lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer (11.6% of the
total cases) and the leading cause of cancer death (18.4% of the total cancer deaths), closely
followed by:
• Female breast cancer (11.6%)
• Prostate cancer (7.1%)
• Colorectal cancer (6.1%) for incidence and colorectal cancer (9.2%)
• Stomach cancer (8.2%)
• Liver cancer (8.2%) for mortality
• The most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death vary across
countries and within each country depending on the degree of economic development and
associated social and lifestyle factors.
Prostate Cancer Statistics
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Global Prostate Cancer in 2020:

• 1,414,259 new cases of prostate cancer
• 375,304 related deaths %201.4%20million,was%2030.7%20per

The American Cancer Society’s estimates for prostate cancer in the

United States for 2022
• About 268,490 new cases of prostate cancer
• About 34,500 deaths from prostate cancer
• Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common
cancer in American men.
Breast Cancer Statistics
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women and the most common cancer overall.
There were more than 2.26 million new cases of breast cancer in women in 2020.

Rank Country Number ASR/100,000

World 2,261,419 47.8
1 Belgium 11,734 113.2
2 The Netherlands 15,725 100.9
3 Luxembourg 497 99.8
4 France 58,083 99.1
France, New
5 185 99.0
6 Denmark 5,083 98.4
7 Australia 19,617 96.0
8 New Zealand 3,660 93.0
9 Finland 5,228 92.4
10 US 253,465 90.3
Breast Cancer Statistics
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Breast Cancer in USA, 2022 Projections:

• About 287,850 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be
diagnosed in women
• About 51,400 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) will
be diagnosed
• About 43,250 women will die from breast cancer.
U.S. Lung Cancer Statistics
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• About 236,740 new cases of lung cancer (117,910 in men and 118,830 in women)
• About 130,180 deaths from lung cancer (68,820 in men and 61,360 in women)

Lung cancer mainly occurs in older people. Most people diagnosed with lung cancer
are 65 or older; a very small number of people diagnosed are younger than 45.
The average age of people when diagnosed is about 70. Lung cancer is by far the
leading cause of cancer death, making up almost 25% of all cancer deaths.
Each year, more people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Supplemental Facts
Serving Size: One (1) 9.4-gram Packet
Servings Per Box: 30
As a dietary supplement, mix 1 packet with water or
juice with breakfast. If instructed by your health
professional, take two packets daily, then take one
packet with breakfast and one packet with lunch DO NOT TAKE IF
Content Copyright 2011-2022. All Rights Reserved
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

OR PLAN TO BECOME PREGNANT This information is for educational purposes.

Individuals suffering from any malady, or its

effects should seek the care of a medical

The statements contained in this presentation

have not been reviewed by the FDA.

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Proprietary Phyto-Nutrient Blend
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• Graviola • Zeaxanthin
• Chuchuhuasi • Inositol
• Suma • Coenzyme Q10
• Bitter Melon • Alpha Lipoic Acid
• Mutamba • Bacognize
• Lutein (Bacognize® is a proprietary, clean label extract standardized to
bacopa glycosides for adaptogenic support targeting cognitive
wellness, memory, learning, focus, attention, mood, stress
management, emotional balance, and circadian rhythm support for
improved quality of life and quality of sleep.)
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Proprietary Immune Support Blend
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• Reishi Mushroom • L-Taurine

• Maitake Mushroom • L-tyrosine
• Shiitake Mushroom • L-Glutamine
• Royal Jelly • Omega 3
• Astragalus
• Cat’s Claw

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Proprietary Detoxification Blend
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• Milk Thistle • Althea

• Safflower • Dandelion
• Psyllium • Garlic
• Arabic gum • Red Clover
• Aloe Vera Extract • Burdock
• Cranberry • Kelp
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Vitamins (In 2 Packets Per Day)
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

% DV
• Vitamin A (Alpha/Beta Carotene) 200%
• Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) 666%
• Vitamin E (Mixed tocopherols) 332%
• Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) 832%
• Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 350%
• Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 352%
• Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 400%
• Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 124%
• Vitamin B5 (d-calcium pantothenate) 250%
• Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 250%
• Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone) 28%
• Folic Acid 200%
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Minerals (In 2 Packets Per Day)
Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

% DV
• Chromium 126%
• Magnesium 30%
• Iron 28%
• Zinc 100%
• Calcium 20%
• Selenium 286%
• Vanadium *
• Manganese 250%
• Molybdenum 134%
• Organic Trace Mineral Powder *

• Other Ingredients: Xylitol, Natural Fruit Flavors

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Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Active Ingredients

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Photo Source: Wikipedia

Optimal Health Research Presents GenEpic™

• Thus far, specific acetogenins in Gaviola have been reported to be selectively toxic to
these types of tumor cells: lung carcinoma cell lines; human breast solid tumor lines;
prostate adenocarcinoma; pancreatic carcinoma cell lines; colon adenocarcinoma cell
lines; liver cancer cell lines; human lymphoma cell lines; and multi-drug resistant human
breast adenocarcinoma
• Mode of action studies in three separate laboratories have recently determined that these
acetogenins are superb inhibitors of enzyme processes that are only found in the
membranes of cancerous tumor cells
• Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana, has conducted a great deal of the research
on the acetogenins, much of which has been funded by The National Cancer Institute and
the National Institute of Health (NIH)
– Thus far Purdue University and its staff have filed at least nine U.S. and international patents on their
work around the ant tumorous and insecticidal properties and uses of these acetogenins
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Graviola (continued)
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• An in vivo study was published in March of 2002 by researchers in Japan, who were
studying various acetogenins found in several species of plants
• They inoculated mice with Lewis lung carcinoma cancer cells
– One third received nothing, one third received the chemotherapy drug Adriamycin, and one third
received the main Gaviola acetogenin, annonacin (at a dosage of 10 mg/kg)
– At the end of two weeks, five of the six in the untreated control group were still alive and lung
tumor sizes were then measured
– The Adriamycin group showed a 54.6% reduction of tumor mass over the control group–but 50%
of the animals had died from toxicity (three of six)
– The mice receiving annonacin were all still alive, and the tumors were inhibited by 57.9% –
slightly better than Adriamycin–and without toxicity
Anon. Unpublished data, National Cancer Institute. Nat Cancer Inst Central Files (1976). From NAPRALERT Files, University of Illinois,
1995.Wu, F. E., et al. “Two new cytotoxic mo.notetrahydrofuran Annonaceous acetogenins, annomuricins A and B, from the leaves of Annona
muricata.” J. Nat. Prod. 1995; 58(6): 830-36Jaramillo, M. C., et al. “Cytotoxicity and antileishmanial activity of Annona muricata pericarp.”
Fitoterapia 2000; 71(2): 183-6.Betancur-Galvis, L., et al. “Antitumor and antiviral activity of Colombian medicinal plant extracts.” Mem. Inst.
Oswaldo Cruz 1999; 94(4): 531-35.

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Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus Krukovii, Maytansine)
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• Chuchuhuasi exhibits revitalizing and antioxidant activities as well as

enhancing the immune system. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic
properties are effective in treating rheumatic conditions. It is an anti-
inflammatory and anti-arthritic
• Research revealed that species in the Maytenus family contain antibiotic
compounds which showed potent anti-tumor and anti-leukemic activities at
very low dosages
• Two of these compounds, maytansine and mayteine, were tested in cancer
patients in the United States and South America in the 1970s
• Additional research with the compound Mayteine, revealed little to no
toxicity and validated its uses in traditional and folk medicine for various
types of skin cancers and cancer research is still ongoing in South America
with this compound
Cat’s Claw
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Uncaria tomentosa is a woody vine found in the tropical jungles of South and Central America.
It is known as cat's claw or uña de gato in Spanish because of its claw-shaped thorns.
• A 2001 invitro study that cat’s claw directly inhibited the growth of a human breast cancer cell line by
90%, while another research group reported that it inhibited the binding of estrogens in human breast
cancer cells invitro
• Swedish researchers documented it inhibited the growth of lymphoma and leukemia cells invitro in 1998.
• Early reports on Keplinger’s observatory trials with cancer patients taking cat’s claw in conjunction with
such traditional cancer therapies as chemotherapy and radiation reported fewer side effects to the traditional
therapies (such as hair loss, weight loss, nausea, secondary infections, and skin problems).
• Subsequent researchers have shown how these effects might be possible
– They reported that cat’s claw aids DNA cellular repair and prevents cells from mutating;
– Cat’s Claw may also help prevent the loss of white blood cells and immune damage caused by many
chemotherapy drugs (a common side effect called leukopenia).
Sheng Y, Induction of apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in human tumor cells treated with extracts of Uncaria tomentosa. Anticancer Res. 1998 Sep-
Oct;18(5A):3363-8.Sheng Y, Treatment of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia in a rat mo.del with aqueous extract from Uncaria tomentosa. Phytomedicine.
2000 Apr;7(2):137-43.
Maitake (Beta-glucan)
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• Beta-glucan responds to tumor cells by stimulating the production of small protein substances within the phagocytic cells called
– Cytokines stimulate the macrophages to inhibit tumor cell replication (cytostatic action) and kill the tumor (cytolytic action)
• Because of beta-glucan’s demonstrated ability to activate macrophages and T-cells, researchers have used it as an anti-cancer
treatment by itself, or as a non-toxic adjuvant to chemotherapy
• In studies of animals injected with tumor cells, researchers found that animals that were also treated with beta-glucan had decreased
liver metastases compared with control animals
– The beta-glucan-treated mice had a 28 percent increase in survival compared to those without beta-glucan
• Although most research on beta-glucan has been done with animals, there have been a number of human studies
– In 1975, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported on the anti-cancer effects of beta-glucan on nine cancer patients, who suffered
from skin, breast, or lung cancer
– Beta-glucan was injected directly into the tumors. In all cases, beta-glucan reduced the size of the tumor within five days, resulting from infiltration of
immune cells into the cancerous area with subsequent destruction of the cancer cells
• Clinical studies have been conducted in Japan with lentinan (a beta-1,3-1,6-glucan derived from the shiitake mushroom)
– Treatment of advanced-cancer patients with lentinan, by intravenous injection, results in increased number and activity of immune
killer cells and prolonged survival
– According to researchers at the National Cancer Center in Japan, complete tumor elimination was experienced in about 80% of
cancer-induced animals fed extracts from maitake, shiitake, and reishi mushrooms
• Compounds of each of these mushrooms increased the tumor-fighting activity of NK cells [natural killer cells of the immune system]
and improve antibody responses, but maitake seems to have the strongest and most consistent effect. … Unlike other mushroom
extracts, the maitake extract shows strong anticancer activity even when administered orally.” (Diamond)
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Mutamba (Guasima)
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• Mutamba is called Guasima in Mexico, where it has a very long history of indigenous use
• A phytochemical analysis of mutamba bark shows that it is a rich source of this natural chemical
compound, and it has been documented with other biological activities as well
• Of particular note (in 1990), a Brazilian research group demonstrated that a crude extract of
mutamba was cytotoxic to cancer cells in vitro, exhibiting a 97.3% inhibition rate
• It later was shown in independent research that procyanidin B-2 also demonstrated antitumorous
and anticancerous effects (even against melanoma) as well as hypotensive and kidney protective
• In a 1995 in vitro study, mutamba also demonstrated antiviral activity against Herpes simplex type
• These studies could certainly explain why mutamba has been used so effectively in herbal
medicine systems for many types of gastrointestinal problems, such venereal diseases as
gonorrhea and syphilis, and upper respiratory conditions (e.g. pneumonia and bronchitis)
• Subsequent research focusing on chemicals found in mutamba documented their ability to
interfere with prostaglandin synthetase, a process by which bacteria and pathogens replicate.
Scientists showed that these phytochemicals interacted with a cholera toxin–preventing chloride
secretion and the resultant diarrhea
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Suma (Pfaffic Acids)
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Hebanthe erianthos (also known as Iresine erianthos and Pfaffia paniculate, or Brazilian ginseng)

• Suma root contains novel phytochemicals including

– Saponins
– Pfaffic Acids
– Glycosides
– Nortriterpenes
• The specific saponins found in the roots of suma include a group of phytochemicals that scientists have
named pfaffosides
– These saponins have clinically demonstrated the ability to inhibit cultured tumor cell melanomas (in vitro) and
help to regulate blood sugar levels (in vivo)
• The pfaffosides and pfaffic acid derivatives in suma were patented as antitumor compounds in several
Japanese patents in the mid-1980s
• In a study described in one of the patents, researchers reported that an oral dosage of 100 mg/kg (of suma
saponins) given to rats was active against abdominal cancer
• The other patents and Japanese research report that the pfaffic acids found in suma root had a strong in
vitro activity against melanoma, liver carcinoma, and lung carcinoma cells at only 4–6 mcg of pfaffic
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Epigenetics & Nutrition Re-Imagined

Supportive Ingredients

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Supportive Ingredients
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• Burdock Root
The root of this plant is considered a diuretic and can also be used for stomach ailments. It neutralizes and
eliminates poisons. It is a detoxifier for the blood, kidneys, and liver. Considered one of the best uric acid
eliminators, it relieves congestion in the lymphatic system.
• Kelp
Kelp is a rich source of vitamins, especially B vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Beneficial to the
brain tissue, membranes surrounding the brain, thyroid, sensory nerves, spinal cord, nails, and blood
vessels. Helps regulate metabolism. Contains approximately 30 major minerals and trace minerals. Is also
high in iodine for the skin.
• Garlic
Stimulates activity of the digestive organs and relieves problems associated with poor digestion. Can be
used as an expectorant to reduce chronic stomach and intestinal catarrh. It regulates the action of the liver
and gall bladder. It is helpful for all intestinal infections. It helps to lower blood pressure and reduces
arteriosclerosis. Prevents blood platelets from sticking to each other.
• Dandelion Root
This plant has two particularly important uses: To promote the formation of bile and to remove excess
water from the body in edemous conditions. It acts to remove poisons from the body and can also act as a
tonic stimulant. Dandelion is claimed to be effective for liver problems.
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Supportive Ingredients (2)
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• Marshmallow
The root of this plant is used primarily for the intestines, kidneys, and the bladder. This combats intestinal disorders,
digestive upsets, and fluid retention. Soothes and heals skin and other tissues. Helps to heal inflammatory conditions
in bronchitis, coughs and other respiratory conditions.
• Acacia Gum
The main effect is to form a protective, soothing, coating over inflammations in the respiratory, alimentary,
and urinary tracts. It is helpful for coughs, sore throats, and catarrh.
• Milk Thistle
Contains some of the most potent liver protecting substances known. Prevents free radical damage in the
liver and kidneys. It stimulates new liver cells and is an excellent immune system builder.
• Red Clover
Acts as an antibiotic, appetite suppressant, blood purifier and relaxant. Fights kidney and liver disease.
• Safflower Petals
These petals are diuretic and diaphoretic. They are good for the skin, stomach, kidneys, pancreas and nerves.
It is a useful aid for the digestion process. Helps to digest oils and helps to eliminate cholesterol and uric acid.
• Psyllium Seed Husk
Assists peristalsis in the intestines and is good for wall and valve cleansing in the colon. Eliminates toxins. Creates
bulk and fiber.
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Supportive Ingredients (3)
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• Astragalus
This root is an immune system protector. Aids adrenal gland function and digestion. Increases metabolism and
provides energy to combat fatigue. Is good for immune deficiencies.
• Shitake Mushroom
This mushroom strengthens the T-cell function. It contains 18 amino acids and is rich in all the B Vitamins. It also
contains an effective polysaccharide although different than the Maitake mushroom.
• Reishi Mushroom
Mushroom used to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease, promote vitality, control cholesterol and treat
fatigue. As with other mushrooms it builds resistance to disease.
• Aloe Vera 200X
This Aloe Vera can be ingested to aid in the immune system. It is a pure blend of muccopolysaccharides that not only
assist in joint health, skin health, and collagen production but also boosts immunity.
• Royal Jelly
This substance created by nurse bees is the sole food of the queen bee that lays approximately 2,000 eggs per day and
lives 40 times longer than other bees. It is the only natural source of acetylcholine and contains all of the B complex
vitamins. It contains 18 amino acids, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and many vitamins. It is used to strengthen the
immune system and treat several types of disorders .

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Vitamins & Minerals

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Vitamins & Minerals
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• Vitamin A (Alpha and Beta-Carotene)

Best known for its anti-infection and night vision properties. Necessary in bone and teeth development.
Helps form connective tissue for a framework of skeletal tissue. It is a precursor to vitamin A and
considered to be a powerful free radical scavenger. It is the body’s first line of defense against invading
microorganisms and toxins. Beta-Carotene promotes the immune response and the bioflavonoids found in
beta-carotene are highly effective in maintaining cell nutrition.
• Vitamin B1 (GPM) 25%
The Morale Vitamin. Essential for the health of the entire nervous system. Assists the body in utilizing
energy from metabolism of carbohydrates. Needed during pregnancy, lactation, and strenuous exercise.
Nourishes brain, eyes, ears, hair, heart, liver, and kidneys.
• Vitamin B2 (GPM) 10%The Youth Vitamin. Essential for proper enzyme formation, normal growth, and
metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Balances production of red blood cells and hormones and
absorption of iron. Provides stamina.
• Vitamin B3 (GPM)25%
Essential in energy, metabolism, and for production of male and female hormones. Promotes good
physical and mental health. It is involved in production of hydrochloric acid for the digestive system. It
lowers cholesterol and improves circulation.

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Vitamins & Minerals (2)
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• Vitamin B5 (GMP) 25%

The Anti Stress Vitamin. Essential for health of adrenal glands and hormones. The formation of antibodies aids in
vitamin utilization, and converts fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. It is involved in the production of
neurotransmitters and shown to be an effective healing agent.
• Vitamin B6 (GMP) 20%The Vitality Vitamin. It is essential for conversion of protein foods into amino acids and
production of antibodies. Provides a balance of minerals, potassium and sodium for the entire nervous system. It
participates in more than 60 enzymatic reactions involved in the metabolism of amino and fatty acids. This vitamin is
necessary for healthy blood and blood vessels.
• Vitamin B9 (GPM) 1% (Folic Acid)This water-soluble vitamin is very important during pregnancy, helps prevent
birth defects and corrects anemia. It provides nutrients to strengthen hair, skin, and nails. It acts as a coenzyme of
DNA and RNA synthesis. It is essential for the absorption of iron and calcium.
• Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)Effective blood builder needed to prevent anemia. It aids folic acid in regulating the
formation of red blood cells and utilization of iron. Essential in food metabolism, especially carbohydrates and fats.
Promotes healthy skin, blood cells, mucus membranes, and the nervous system. Among other important features,
Vitamin B12 is required for proper digestion, absorption of foods, the synthesis of protein, and the metabolism of
carbohydrates and fats.

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Vitamins & Minerals (3)
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• Vitamin C (GPM) 25%-

This water-soluble vitamin is well known for its ability to advance wound healing. Vitamin C supplementation is said
to moderate the severity of the common cold and reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma, the inflammation of
periodontal disease and intolerance to heat. Vitamin C helps concentrate vasodilating prostaglandins to help relieve
chest tightness in asthmatics. It can help reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels, which are risk factors in
heart disease and atherosclerosis. Vitamin C is essential in replacing and strengthening connecting tissues of the body.
As an antioxidant, it can reduce the effects of pollution, antibiotics, steroids, and oral contraceptives.
• Vitamin D-3 (GPM)
A fat-soluble vitamin supports healthy bones and calcium and phosphorus absorption. It is involved in the regulation
of the heartbeat and necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting. Can be received naturally by sunlight,
15 minutes per day, three (3) times per week. In high-polluted areas, more vitamin D is needed.
• Vitamin E (Mixed Tocopherols)Fat soluble and specially suited to protect the oily portion of the body’s cells. The
body needs a combination of oil and water-soluble antioxidants. Essential for health in the adrenal and pituitary
glands. It improves circulation and is necessary for tissue healing and repair. Inhibits oxidation of lipids (fats) and the
formation of free radicals. It protects other fat-soluble vitamins and retards aging. Mixed Tocopherols are considered
the most potent form of all of the Vitamin E molecules.

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Vitamins & Minerals (4)
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• Coral Calcium (35%)

Main constituent of teeth and bones. Helps regulate blood pressure, excitability of nerves and contractibility of muscles
and heart. Helps control blood clotting and required for absorption of B-12. Aids in manufacture of acetylcholine,
which helps transmit nerve impulses. Provides energy and structures protein of RNA and DNA.
• Iron Ferrous Gluconate 5%
This “anti-anemia” mineral aids in transporting oxygen to the cells and blood. It is responsible for the production of
hemoglobin and myoglobin. Important in protein synthesis.
• Biotin (Vitamin H) 0.5%Essential for the normal growth of all body tissues and cells, utilization of B complex
vitamins, maintenance of skin, hair, all secreting glands, nerves, bone marrow, and male sex hormones. It assists in the
formation of enzymes.
• Zinc Gluconate10%
Zinc is a constituent of the antioxidant enzyme super oxide dismutase (SOD).
• Magnesium Citrate
This “anti-stress” mineral has a vast regulating effect on muscle contracting/relaxing and bone strengthening. It is used
in nerve function and low magnesium levels are believed to be associated with psychiatric problems. Deficiency plays
a key role in all diseases, regulated by constriction of the heart and circulatory system; including heart attacks, strokes,
migraine headaches, and kidney stone formation.

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