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Sacrament of Reconciliation

• What is sacrament of reconciliation?

-Catechism for Filipino Catholics:
-stresses the importance of acknowledging our
sins while asking for God’s forgiving grace.
-brings out the inner relationship between being
reconciled with God and being reconciled with
our neighbor.
What is sin?
• Is not simply “doing something wrong or
making mistakes.
• A. refusing to follow our own conscience’s call
towards the good.
• B. Rejecting God, our creator and Lord, and
our own true selves, and others, by turning
away from God, our true end.
Who is God?
• Slow to anger, rich in mercy and compassion
Lk 15:11-32 Prodigol son
Man’s sinfulness and God’ mercy
(Adam and Eve)
Adam and Eve: Gen 3:1-19 • Adam and Eve: Gen: 3:21
“And the Lord made
garments of skins for the
man and for his wife, and
clothed them.

• Gen Chapter 4 (Cain • Gen Chapter 7. The ark.

Murders Abel and Gen 6:11
“Now the earth was corrupt
in God’s sight and the earth
was filled with violence.”

• Gen: Chapter 19 Sodom • Gen Chapter 18 “For the

and Gomorrah destroyed sake of ten I will not destroy
• “Brother marry their own it.”
sister.” • Gen 19:12 “bring your sons-
in-law, sons, or anyone in
the city-bring them out of
the place.

• Gen chapter 34 Rape of • Ex. Chapter 3:7-10 and 14

Dinah, Joseph was sold by “crossing of the Red Sea
his brothers, Worship other • Chapter 16 Bread from the
gods, etc. Heaven
• Chapter 17 water from the

• 2 samuel Chapter 11: David • God promises to establish

Commits Adultery with the mediator David’s
Batsheba and David has “house” or kingdom forever,
Uriah killed through David’s heir, who
will also build a temple to
God’s name.
• King Solomon considered as
the wisest and wealthiest
king in the OT (1kings 3:4-

• Mt 2:13 “Herod is about to

search forr the child and • Mt 16:17-29 Jesus Christ as
destroy him. the Mediator, who by his cross
• Mt chapters 26 and 27” The and resurrection assumes the
plot to kill Jesus until his role of royal high priest and
fulfills all the promises God
death on the cross
made in the previous
covenants. Mt 26:28 “for this
is my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins.”
Why we need to confess?
• Obedience responds to obedience. When
someone obeys God, God obeys his request.
(Abba Mius)
Going to confession
means to ask for the
mercy of God.
St. JPII goes to confession once a
week—when he was still very
active and busy. When he became
very old and frail, he went to
confession twice a day—morning
and afternoon.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta went to
confession twice a week.
St. Teresa of Avila saw a vast souls
falling down to hell
She asked Jesus—who are they?
Are they none-Catholics? No. The
abortionists? No. Corrupt
Politicians? No. Catholics?
Answer = they are
the ones who do
bad confessions.
Before committing
sins, the shame of the
people is removed by
After committing sin, the shame is
restored by Satan to man, so that
man will not confess his shameful
sins, only sins that are not
All sins must
be confessed.
SJPII = all works can be
postponed or even
abandoned for lack of time
than to go to confession.
The greatest act of charity
that we can make—is to
snatch souls from the devil’s
hand (is to bring others to
Why we need to confess?
• Abuse of Freedom, free will. (explore the
world, baby)
• Cleansing, reunited again with God, self and
Steps in going to confession
• 1. Remember…
• 2. Say sorry…
• 3. Next time…
• 4. formula… “Father, bless me for I have
sinned. My last confession was…. Ago. I am
sorry for my sins….(you say your sins). For this
and for all my sins I ask for forgiveness father.”
Write down your sins
• 1. Look at your relationship with your God… (do
you pray, do you go to mass, curse using God’s
• 2. with others.. (Do you respect, obey your
parents? Have you lied and told false stories? Have
you cheated in exams? Have you stolen money or
others things? Have you engaged in sexually
related activities?
• 3. with your self…do you take care of your health
or abuse it with drugs? Alcohol? Are you lazy?
Act of contrition
• O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having
offended you. I detest all my sins because of
your just punishment, but most of all because
they offend you, my God, who are all-good
and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve,
with the help of Your grace, to sin no more
and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen

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