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Community land trusts

Betaalbaar en participatief woningbezit in de Nederlands woningmarkt

Student: Dennis Tran |4353951

First mentor: Darinka Czischke |Collaborative housing
Second mentor: Peter Boelhouwer |Housing systems

27/01/2021 P5 presentation Dennis


Land grabbing (Grain, 2008)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
“Dutch regional house prices since the previous peak (Percentage change from 2008 levels)”.
(Nijskens & Lohuis, 2019))

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Pamphlet of right to the city Montreal (n.d.) Right to the City Alliance organized march (2015) Letter to parliament from the ministry of
internal affairs (Ollongren, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Community land trust

Woning- authoriteiten

Gemeenschap ∞ $

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Community land trust

Rental housing segment (Czischke & Van Bortel, 2018)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Community land trust

CLT location in the housing market (adapted from Czischke & Van Bortel, 2018)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Community land trust

Individual frame’s impact on CLT’s and OFS’s (Pialucha, D.; 2018)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
• Community gain
• Outflux of value or people

CLT economic output (based on Nelson, 2013)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Wat zijn de community land trusts’ kansen in de Nederlandse woningmarkt en hoe kunnen deze
gemobiliseerd worden?

• Sub vraag 1: Hoe krijgen huidige community land trusts steun?

• Sub vraag 2: Hoe krijgen verschillende woonconcepten steun in Nederland?
• Sub vraag 3: Hoe kunnen community land trusts gebruik maken van bestaande steun?
• Sub vraag 4: Wat zijn huidige barriers voor de community land trusts en hoe kunnen deze overkomen worden?
• Sub vraag 5: Waar positioneert de community land trust zich in de Nederlandse woningmarkt?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Housing Netherlands
CLT Europe
Sub vraag 1: Hoe krijgen huidige community land
trusts steun?

Sub vraag 2: Hoe krijgen verschillende

woonconcepten steun in Nederland?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Research structure

Housing Netherlands
CLT Europe
Sub vraag 3: Hoe kunnen community land
trusts gebruik maken van bestaande steun?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Research structure

Housing Netherlands
CLT Europe
Sub vraag 4: Wat zijn huidige barriers voor de
community land trusts en hoe kunnen deze
overkomen worden?

Sub vraag 5: Waar positioneert de community

land trust zich in de Nederlandse woningmarkt?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 1: Hoe krijgen huidige community land trusts

CLT Europe

t t

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

The five stages of community led development (Power to change 2016, pp. 5-6)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
CLT Europe: United Kingdom

British support mechanisms for the CLT (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
CLT Europe: France

French support for the OFS (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
CLT Europe: Belgium

Belgian support mechanisms for the CLT (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Hoe krijgen huidige community land
trusts steun?
Mechanism Type of support stage By whom Land Condition

Loan for group capacity building Loan GROUP/SITE/PLAN CLT-network’s startup fund UK
Discount on land Discount on land/dwellings SITE Social landlord UK Partnering with a social landlord
Exclusive right on land Discount on land/dwellings SITE Regional government UK 100% social and very rare
Capacity Technical expertise BUILD CLT-network’s startup fund UK Partnering with a social landlord

capacity Technical expertise ALL Housing association and regional France The trust only consists of the HA
Social loans for housing associations Loan ALL Regional government France Loan goes through the HA

Discount on land Discount on land/dwellings SITE Regional government France

Tax incentive for private developers incentive BUILD Regional government France Has to be built for OFS

Pre-sale of house prior to construction sale PLAN homebuyers France

Grants for every stage Grant ALL Regional government Belgium Heavily deprived areas
Land acquisition grant Grant SITE Regional government Belgium Up to 350euros/sqm
Construction grant Grant BUILD Regional government Belgium Average of 450euros/ sqm
Pre-construction loan Loan BUILD Regional government Belgium Pay back after the dwelling is sold

Loan guarantee for mortgage takers Loan guarantee LIVE CLTB trust Belgium
Social mortgage loan LIVE Social lender Belgium Low income-earners

Public and HA support in Europe(own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 1: Hoe krijgen huidige community land trusts

Top down steun

UK: CLT in de woningwet
France: Woningcorporaties
Belgium: Brussels gewest

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 2: Hoe krijgen verschillende woonconcepten steun in Nederland?

Housing Netherlands

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
• ABN Amro, Rabobank & ING own more than 50%
• Nationalae hypotheekgarantie
• Belastingaftrek

Housing associations
• Gemeentelijke bank, SVn, BNG & NWB,
• Woningwet 2015

The structure of the Dutch housing market(Capital Value 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Cooperative modellen
Association where their resident members manage and maintain the
properties and its surroundings
-housing act art. 18a

1. De koop cooperatieven
2. De cooperatieven als collectieve eigenaar van woningcomplex
3. De beheercooperatie
4. De cooperatie als zelfstandige corporatie

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Cooperatieve modellen
Association where their resident members manage and maintain the
properties and its surroundings
-housing act art. 18a

Mechanism Type of support For what type of By whom Currently available? Condition
Land exclusivity Land exclusivity Cooperatives or Municipality of yes Has to be self-built
CPC Amsterdam
Finance the equity part in the loan-to-value from the bank Bridging finance cooperative Municipality of yes Cooperative have to finance 5%
Standard dwelling size from HA to cooperative Recommendation for standard cooperative Housing no
sales price association
Possibility for HA to finance cooperatives Recommendation for cooperative Housing no
alternative financing association
Subsidies for group and capacity building activities financing cooperative Housing yes Income limit
50% discount on dwellings discount on dwellings incl. cooperative Housing yes has to stay in cooperatives hand or the discount
(Beleidsregel experiment verkoopregels wooncoöperaties) land association has to be paid back

discount on municipal land Discount on land cooperative Regional yes must include resale conditions to warrant
government affordability

Support for cooperatives (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Model between owning and renting, or another model providing easy access into
homeownership for those who do not (yet) have the full means to buy a home (V.d. Bos 2019)

1. Buying with guarantee 1. Koopgarant

2. Buystart 2. Koopstart
3. Buying smarter 3. Slimmer kopen
4. Buy affordable 4. Koop goedkoop
5. Affordable homeownership Zaanstad 5. Betaalbare koopwoning Zaanstad

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Intermediate housing market
Model between owning and renting, or another model providing easy access into
homeownership for those who do not (yet) have the full means to buy a home
Mechanism Type of support For what type of housing By whom Currently Condition
discount on dwellings Discount on dwellings incl. intermediate model: buying Housing association & yes HA has the obligation to buy the
land with guarantee, buystart & private developers house back & discount has to be paid
buying smarter back at moment of resale according
to the FVM

discount of 5% to 50% as a Discount on dwellings incl. intermediate model: buy as Housing association & yes pay the difference back at the
delayed payment land wished private developers moment of resale

land presented as lease separating land and property intermediate model: Pension fund Yes

land presented as lease & separating land and property & intermediate model: koop Housing association Yes
discount on lease discount on land goedkoop

land presented as lease & separating land and property + intermediate model: Regional government Yes income limit
discount on property discount on property affordable homeownership

Support through intermediate models (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Other support
1. Collectief privaat opdrachtgeverschap
2. Crowdfunds
3. Startersleningen

Mechanism Type of support For what type of housing By whom Currently Condition
Subsidies for group and Group subsidy Collective private Regional government yes
capacity building activities commissioning
Charity donations donations Cultured land individuals yes Charity gets control over the
Crowdfund Donations/ loans Any sociable Yes

land presented as lease separating land and property intermediate model: DUO Pension fund Yes
buy (duokoop)
Starters’ loan Second loan starters SVn/municipalities yes Having a NHG

Other support mechanisms (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub question 2:How do different housing models get
support in the Netherlands?

Support offering parties in the Netherlands (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 3: Hoe kunnen community land
trusts gebruik maken van bestaande steun?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Europe Netherlands
Top down steun
UK: CLT in de woningwet
France: Woningcorporaties
Belgium: Brussels gewest

Support offering parties in the Netherlands (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
The five stages of community led development (Power to change 2016, pp. 5-6)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Dutch Public Dutch Housing Dutch Private

support association sector support

mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to existing CLT
support support support

GROUP provide 5000 cooperative making use of

to set up expertise or HA
cooperative (France & UK)

HA support for cooperatives (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
The five stages of community led development (Power to change 2016, pp. 5-6)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Dutch Public support Dutch Housing Dutch Private
association sector support
mechanism for: similar to mechanism for: similar to mechanism for: similar to
existing CLT existing CLT existing CLT
support support support
SITE Discount on municipal land cooperatives discount on intermediate models starters in DUObuy homeowners
if the land stays in municipal the
ownership or the resale land (UK & ownershi
conditions include France) pmarket
affordibility clauses

to acquire a mortgage for cooperatives 50% discount on cooperati Land Bridging fund Local charitable
land+dwellings, banks offer dwellings ves discount by for foundations foundations
a 70%LTV. The Amsterdam (Beleidsregel municipality cooperatives (Belgium
municipality offers a loan for experiment &UK)
the remaining amount verkoopregels
Land exclusivity cooperatives,CPC
(Amsterdam) , and other self

Various support for cooperatives (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
The five stages of community led development (Power to change 2016, pp. 5-6)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Dutch Public Dutch Housing Dutch Private

support association sector support

mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to existing CLT
support support support

Plan Provincial grant for CPC grant for expert costs

hiring an expert for CHF (UK)
designing and
pre-development loans
& grants for planning
(Belgium & France)

Public support for CPC’s (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
The five stages of community led development (Power to change 2016, pp. 5-6)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Dutch Public Dutch Housing Dutch Private

support association sector support

mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to
support support existing CLT

Build construction loans HA construction loans for regular homeowners

for social housing social housing mortgage
providers providers (France &

Public support for HAs (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
The five stages of community led development (Power to change 2016, pp. 5-6)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Dutch Public Dutch Housing Dutch Private

support association sector support

mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to existing CLT mechanism for: similar to
support support existing CLT

Live betaalbare Mid- income based Mortgage homeowners CLTB

koopwoning income mortgages guarantee guarantee
zaanstad earners (Belgium) (NHG)

Public support for Has and private support homeowners (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 3: Hoe kunnen community land trusts gebruik
maken van bestaande steun?
Similar to CLT mobilizing existing support relies on the collaboration between public
parties and the HA.
Example: government and HAs

Housing association backed CLT (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 3: Hoe kunnen community land trusts gebruik
maken van bestaande steun?
Similar to CLT mobilizing existing support relies on the collaboration between public
parties and the HA.
Example: government and HAs

Housing association backed CLT (own image, 2020)

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 4: Wat zijn huidige barriers voor de community land trusts en hoe kunnen deze
overkomen worden?

t t t

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Stakeholder groepen

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Concepten and categorieën

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
• Zakelijke lening

Equity “Waarom zou de bank investeren als ze het land niet kunnen
hebben als onderpand?” – interviewee J
• Gemeentelijke steun

• “Wie heeft welke rechten en hoe verhoud zo’n CLT zich tot de bank als ze niet kunnen
betalen?”- interviewee O

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Cognitieve aspecten
• Tegengesteld gemeentelijk beleid
• betrokkenheid
• Andere kijk op eigenaarschap en speculatie?
• Rechtsvorm

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Land “Alles begint bij land”
– interviewee I

Land verkoop
• “grondbedrijf van gemeentes krijgen nog steeds de opdracht zo veel mogelijk
winst te behalen “ – interviewee L
• Voorwaarden in de erfpachtcontract
“Wie betaalt de erfpacht? Krijgt de bank daar inzicht in?”
–interviewee O, Q & S
Land beschikbaarheid
• Er is niet genoeg land in steden
• Dredge new land? Take farmland?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
• De CLT heft transparante interne en externe afspraken nodig
“Wie in de groep is verantwoordelijk bij de bank?” -interviewee O

• Erfpacht beinvloed het te lenen bedrag, maar ook de betaalbaarheid

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Vraag 4: Wat zijn huidige barriers voor de community land trusts en hoe kunnen deze
overkomen worden?

1. De CLT is te nieuw voor bestaande instituten

2. Landbeleid
• Te winstgericht
• Te onbetrokken

3. Tekort aan waarborging voor banken

• Gemeentes kunnen waarborgen

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 5: Waar positioneert de community
land trust zich in de Nederlandse woningmarkt?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub vraag 5: Waar positioneert de community
land trust zich in de Nederlandse woningmarkt?

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Wat zijn de community land trusts’ kansen in de Nederlandse

en hoe kunnen deze gemobilizeerd worden?

1. CLT als vorm in de wet

2. Gemeentelijk landbeleid pro-actiever

3. CLT heeft de authoriteit als aanspreekpunt

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 1 Volledig publieke steun
1. Naast monetaire waarde kan de gemeente denken aan de toegevoegde waarde voor de gemeenschap
en besparingen op sociale investeringen.

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 1 Volledige publieke steun
2. Publieke leningen voor de grondacquisitie

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 1 Volledige publieke steun
3. The public sector needs to grant the CLT a de-risking mechanisms for banks.

The land can not be used as collateral, so another way of security has to be introduced.
A security on the loan also reduces risk and interest levels.

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 2 Public support & private loans
1. Banks develop a financial product to provide mortgages to CLTs.
Similarly to current housing models, which get bank support, the CLTs need a financing
product to give the banks clear financing conditions.

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 2 Public support & private loans
2. The public sector needs to grant the CLT a de-risking mechanism for banks.
The land can not be used as collateral, so another way of security has to be introduced.
A security on the loan also reduces risk and interest levels.

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 2 Public support & private loans
3. The public sector should match the private banks' loans for the CLT to acquire land.
With the social as well as the perpetual perspective, banks like the WSB and BNG become
more open to CLTs and provide long term loans to bridge the equity gap. In Amsterdam,
cooperatives can apply for such a loan at the municipality

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 3: Housing associations
1. The housing association should get more freedom in the housing act to facilitate CLTs.
Housing associations get support from public and municipal banks as well as loan guarantees

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Scenario 3: Housing associations
1. The housing association should get more freedom in the housing act to facilitate CLTs.
Housing associations get support from public and municipal banks as well as loan guarantees


Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Thank you

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Example municipal subsidy

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Municipal loan

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub question 3: How can CLTs make use of existing support in
the Dutch housing market?
Mobilizing existing support relies on the collaboration of three main
actors: national government, municipalities and HA
Municipalities and national government:

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations
Sub question 3: How can CLTs make use of existing support in
the Dutch housing market?
Mobilizing existing support relies on the collaboration of three main
actors: national government, municipalities and HA
HA and national government:

Introduction CLT Research framework CLT Europe Housing Netherlands Synthesis Interviews Conclusions Recommendations

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